Japs.. you wanna kill these innocent people?

japs.. you wanna kill these innocent people?

Come on now, they are adults. They can stand up for themselves

Why are Koreans so eternally butthurt?

fuck off chink

>chink unironically calling another chink 'chink'


chink is chinese
korean is a gook

get your slurs right

I don't give a shit.

Shut the fuck up inferior roach slave.

>be a retarded jap

Its a giant chink battle

I never knew chinks were giant

More beading needed

We need once a war with leafs to know which is strong

>sea monkey

but you are chinks aswell lol

t. Chinkspic

Him let them rest in peace.

t. spink

quality thread
quality argument

i think it´s sad that edgy privileged 2chan psychos believe they´re so much better than everyone else that they have the right to play god and decide who lives or dies. I bet the serial killer was one of those people who meme kys unironically to feel like they have power

is there a study that would show that people who are in internet long periods of time are more likely to be emotionless psychopaths and serial killers


they're all chinks.


The first Hotline Miami was bretty goat but the second is kind of meh