When did you grow out of tiling window managers?

When did you grow out of tiling window managers?

I grew out of Xorg when I found Sway.(i3wm .config compatible compositor)

I never got into them. I can tile quarters and edges with shortcuts on any window manager and I have tmux if I ever need more. I can't see the benefits of using a tiling window manager.

Convince me to give them 432nd shot.

When I evolved past the need for GUIs

Grow out of? They're something you grow into you you dumb fucking retard.

Well, I still use dwm on my small notebook.

For large screens I prefer floating after going full autist with XMonad.


I currently use Xmonad. What should I use instead OP?

Is it worth it to install sway?
wanted to switch to sway for quite some time now, but since it wouldn' run just after installing it and i'm too lazy to look it up, i'm still running i3.

Cinnamon/mutter tiles and snaps windows just fine when it's handy to do so.
i3wm was a fun toy for a while. I kept the config in case I want to try it again later. (And the compton config).

in about same time when i grow out atheism and metal music, when i was finishing high school

Using the keyboard exclusively is autistic. Ricing is autistic. This isn't 1980, use a mouse and a DE.

>relies on a rodent clicker to do basic tasks
lmao @ ur lyfe

How come a dynamic window manager with decent mouse support doesn't exist yet?

What a loser

oh no, it's retarded

A month ago, instaled plank , xfwm and compton . not looking back even though i had some sick configs and keybindings

Well for coding and cli, I think it's ideal. I like it because it let's me quickly switch to whatever window I want. DEs come with a bunch of shit I don't want or need.

I really want to switch to awesome, but I can't find the time to configure it properly so I'm stuck with openbox for now.

I never got into them and I don't think I'll ever will.

I'm happy with tmux and vim for terminal or programming-related stuff and floating wm for everything else. I have all I need in KDE.

I'm not and I won't

Modal windows are blurry, and buttons on them can't be pressed using mouse. Default keybindings are retarded, but it's easily remappable, so not an issue.
When I start it from sddm, meta key doesn't work, so I can't do anything at all. Switching to another tty and launching sway:
$ sway

Somehow works well.
So dunno man. In my view, it isn't polished enough for daily use atm.

Back in the day when I got my first computer with a functional desktop.