How do people from other countries see these guys?

How do people from other countries see these guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

US spec ops

Glorified marines with beards.

Quiet professionals, fast, efficient, lethal, always ready for anything.

Inferior to our own special forces

Some of the best, but not the best IMO.

Specially after the clusterfuck to kill Osama that costed a helicopter.

r8 ours btw

Did your cunt kill Osama?
I didn't think so

US > All

Can you guys survive BUD/S?

Did your country create Osama?

In fantaji land esp us gay vidya

No, his mother and father did

>Canadian education


>A fucking decade after he orchestrated the largest terror attack of all time in your most populous city

Yeah really competent. And that's putting aside the fact you armed and financed him in the first place.

Bit rude this

You started it

>His nation can't prop up governments in other countries and just as quickly assassinate them
git gud

I apologize

Hug and kiss now.

>10 years

Also, that whole interfering in the Middle East strategy is doing you guys wonders for your international reputation, internal security and overblown military budget.

America is still in it's developing stages as a superpower, it hasn't reached maturity yet and thus it's foreign policy somewhat resembles an overgrown child holding a AR15 throwing a tantrum. You guys need to know when to resort to soft power and diplomacy instead of full scale land invasions and interventions. That's the measure of a true Superpower I think.

That said, you guys are better world police than the Russians or Chinese would ever be.
Apology accepted.

I feel an intense urge to club their children to death on some ice floe out by Inuvik.

>Can you survive CIGS?

This suck i can't find a decent one showing their training.


What're you laughing at sheep shagger?

Back off

Only we get to bully the Kiwis


Are we going to have an issue? Hmmmmm??

Everything i know is from the gorilla warfare pasta uezs

No idea what is this.


Shut you runt or your gonna get after I'm done with yer mum

Not really any better or worse than other special forces, but the British SAS are the best.


The dude in the robe is lucky he didn't get shot, that was sloppy as fuck


You kidding? That was calculated as fuck.

The Op coming down the stairs shot with no regard for other members on his team, his spray pattern, which he shouldn't have had a spray pattern, was lazy and not tight, he almost shot the dude in the robe, step your shit up pardo

>the British SAS meme machine again

Sexy muscual smelly cum gods.

He was throwing around bullets like they were bananas at a Brazilian wedding

Sloppy as fuck

>That was calculated as fuck.




>that's the joke.jpg

Fucking americans and negros.


Idk, probably not even real.

Many memes are based on reality.