I just finished reading an piece in the Washington Post by the former U.S...

I just finished reading an piece in the Washington Post by the former U.S. Ambassador to Russia regarding their interference in our 2016 election.

''Russian operatives: (1) stole and published information, (2) deployed their state-controlled media to reach American voters on the airwaves and social-media platforms, (3) bought ads on Facebook, (4) deployed an army of bloggers and bots to push opinions and fake news, (5) offered the Trump campaign alleged incriminating information on its opponent, Hillary Clinton, and even (6) probed our computers and networks used to count the vote. This is what we know so far; the investigations are not complete.''

For you have two questions:

(1) What actions can be taken to address these vulnerabilities

(2) What actions *should* be taken to address these vulnerabilities?

Is this a problem that a free society is equipped to deal with, without resorting to heavy-handed censorship?

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I really don't see the problem with this.Look at all the anti-Russia shit Hollywood has produced. What comes around, goes around.

the us does this too. get fucked fat cucks

I want to hear about Israel's interference in our elections please

You don't see a problem with a foreign government influencing the American electoral process and increasingly probing vulnerabilities in our systems? All the while spreading propaganda that seeks to undermine the whole democratic process?


you realise that america has been doing this openly all around the globe for the past sixty years? I ain't even talking about the middle-east.

You should change out studying russia interference and study israel interference. You'll be shocked and appalled.

The Israel Lobby is the best book to read if you're interested in Israeli influence in the U.S. political system.

>Russia has computers connected to the internet
>Russia probes the internet with their computers
>our voting machines are connected to the internet

I do view those things as scummy things to do, however, any government with the means to do so, does.It's very well documented that the US has interfered in the politics of other countries literally hundreds of times. It's hard to justify complaining, when you are just as guilty.

I'm well aware of Israeli's political cloud in D.C. To assume Israel's goals and Russia's goals are the same, however, would be a mistake. Israel seeks a strong U.S. to influence for the purposes of advancing Israel's interests. Russia's interests are the opposite, a weak U.S. that is unable to oppose Russian actions that aren't in American's best interest.

Yes, but it's absolutely asinine to say ''well, we've done it so everyone should be able to do it to us. Let's just lay down and take it!''

But the question remains, what can realistically be done with the technology we have?


>But the question remains, what can realistically be done with the technology we have?
Patch your shit.

Reading comprehension, do you have it? No, so join:

At the kid's table.

Meanwhile nobody in washington cares that the united states steals information from voters all day every day. Its all about them being triggered by some guy they don't like.

>probed our computers and networks used to count the vote
>russian stuxnet, nyetblaka

There is nothing that can make you safe against people being retarded.
no these are not vulnerabilities everything works as intended besides what you call "stole"
that data should have been public anyways and the american people should be furious that trump hasn't released the equivalent data to date

Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper or just the things that pander to your Russophobia?

>my retardation has been exposed
>DAE le reading comprehension`XD
kill yourself retard

I'm sure china did the same thing and probably a better job than Ivan and his potato.

Good fuck AmeriKKKa, kike

Of course the United States has interfered in the political processes of other countries. That, however, and I'm not complaining. Yes, they're going to do it to us, how do we protect ourselves?

It's a rather naive assumption that intentions across the board are equally, and the intention doesn't matter, just the outcome. You wouldn't say that justifiable homicide is tantamount to murder because, after all, both actions lead to a body. That's nonsense.

America has reformatted dozens of entire countries in the last 2 decades. Congress doesn't give a shit until some old man admits he likes pussy.

>DNC mad that russian stole their election using shills and bots
>DNC sends shills and bots to weeb websites to preach about russia's sins
Who cares. Trump won. Stay mad cucks. LMAO.

'Member when the Chinese were stealing trade secrets and Government blueprints, peoples personal information, and God knows what else? 'Member how Obammy just sort of casually swept all that under the rug 'cuz we owe China so much money? Pepperidge Farms does, and that should have been the opportunity taken to put an end to this bullshit.

They're trying to confuse the public with FUD. Assange has said many times his source was from the US.

Drumpftards will defend this.

>(1) What actions can be taken to address these vulnerabilities
>(2) What actions *should* be taken to address these vulnerabilities?
kill the internet
and kill all electronic forms of voting.

or simply kill social media/news outlet parts of the internet. and creat while vehemently enforcing anti propaganda laws while strongly regulated said internet while keeping it as a nation only level, rather than a world wide.

mimic chinas great firewall

your fucking dumb if you think those voting machines are hackable even obama said they cant hack into them, they are connected to the internet or anything, unless someone fucked with them physically or has futuristic tech it aint happening.

so they didnt actually hack the voting machines? good to know.

1. Organizations need to stop treating IT and InfoSec as an expense. This isn't only profit-making private enterprise where their focus is marketing and consumers, this goes for government and industrial as well.

2. Stop hiring lazy sysadmins and IT staff with GEDs (*cough* baby boomers *cough*) and no motivation to never change anything in the environment because "it werkz". The reason why people got hit so bad with WannaCry is because of the (still) mass amount of people on Windows XP and deprecated platforms that are no longer supported. Security is an ever changing environment and stopping and drawing a line in the sand only works for so long.

Developers also need to start thinking more securely. If your app requires full root permissions, no encryption either traversing the wire or data at rest, and the firewall disabled, you're fucking retarded and should end yourself.

libshitters will swallow headlines without reading the fine print that contains absolutely nothing

Anyone could have told you that the moment Hillary seizured into an SUV

>1 2 3 4 5 6 unsubstantiated claims
wew I love reading the news

It's been highly suspected due to the way the archives are put together from the DNC leaks that insiders at the DNC pulled that information onto a NTFS formatted USB flash drive. There was no "hacking" involved.


>Hillary loses the election.
>"Evil Putin is behind this!"
> Take look at Clintons work history.
>Sold Plutonium to Putin.
If what she claims is true, she was the wrong person for the job, anyways.

Yo, Hollywood is sponsored and produced by the people that goes to movies, not the government.

Thats the deal, Russian government is in the shit.

Yes, and these portrayals are largely influenced by our governments narratives.