

Other urls found in this thread:

Next show me something that is shit.
This is actually pretty cool and you are retarded.
Why do mods allow bateposting?


But that actually sounds like a neat feature.

So that's why my Firefox came with KFC value menu bookmarked

>just send your tab to desktop
>it's actually a laptop

>I'm a Firefox developer look at us so progressive wow!!!

That's actually useful and you should go back to Sup Forums.

stop breeding goy

That's a good feature, though.

Good god, niggers are repulsive.

>browse something on phone
>botnet syncs it to history on all your devices
>open it up from history
>feature since forever

glad to see Tim Meadows is still working.

>fat nigger woman introduces (((new))) sjwfox (((feature))) that has been in chrome since 2008

I hate niggers.

>you will never have a chubby black gf
It seems like most black women are either athletic or obese.

The problem comes when you have a laptop and a desktop both with dualboot. I don't remember the name for a particular device when it's on windows or linux so I have to send it to all devices

I don't know OP, that's bretty good. Pocket sucks shit.

Nah man, Thicc black chicks are common. They are glorious

Time to send porn tabs to all the collegues PC's

Why aren't these people banned yet.
So they can say "nigger" and be fine around here?

Really activates my almonds

-t.white person

You can do the same with FF sync, but I don't wanna use it because I don't want porn or 4chins tabs popping on my phone through sync.
This feature seems like less of a hassle


Was Mozilla's downfall the firing their co-founder, who created Javascript?

-t.racist cuck

Enjoy staying relevant edgelord :^)

You have to use sync to use the "feature".

Holy shit does this bitch have any nudes???
im feeling sick and need to induce vomiting.

t. low test betas who can't handle a REAL woman

Going full on botnet with this one.

this meme

>doesn't have one standard browser and one porn browser
Jesus fucking christ, get with the times grandpa

>mommy these people are saying nigger why aren't they banned yet

I genuinely cannot tell if you're baiting or if Sup Forums really has gone to complete shit now

Banning anything but bots and cp is only for the most ethically garbage of humans. If you want a safe space to reaffirm all your stupid fantasy land ideals, go elsewhere.

I'm legitimately worried. Fucking thought crimes with these people

first day on Sup Forums eh?

Yeah, it's like people don't know they should compartmentalize.

Why do black people always have really white teeth

>having a always listening tab spam gate of entry is a good thing
wat? do any of you retards actually mail links to yourself?
i bet it takes less time to ctrl+c ctrl+v on a a fecesbook chatwindow. i just bookmark it and sync


That feature is insanely good and works pretty fast. What am I supposed to be mad about?


seems like its the same shit as emailing the url to yourself, especially since you need to use their sync feature. essentially emailing it to yourself on their servers instead of your email server.

I just search google for it on the second device, it takes like 5 seconds to find the exact same url you were just looking at

She literally looks like a monkey lmao.

Opera is my porn browser.

because you must learn that races are colorfluid.
people can have white skin and still be niggers.
take you for instance.


Is there something similar for modern nazis, other than looking like crack addicts

you could get a swastika tattoo on your face


My, how very different.

This nigga really knows her shit.

You can change the name of each FF instance on the Sync options, retard.

I am a fat, black, transsexual, neckbearded, autistic, feminist retard; how do I get hired by a big company as a diversity hire?

nothing wrong in this video, stop being asshole

She probably stole that computer after they finished filming that ad lmfao.


And how fucking new are you???
back to

So progressive!

at least, she, unlike you, has a job

Why are white males still allowed in Moz://a videos?

gas the fuck out of here before

Stop breeding you useless racist. Oh yeah you won't ever leave your mother's basement, there's no way you'll ever breed.

Says the one who probably hasn't had a shower since last Christmas when his mom forced him to

I agree, im actually going to install firefoxx on my phone now because of this thread.

More like, Sup Forums hasn't gone complete shit like most other boards where Sup Forumstards proliferate and we don't turn EVERY discussion on EVERY POSSIBLE SUBJECT into a black/jew hate thread. Go back to or other boards like you managed to destroy but you'll never infect Sup Forums too.

>Muh 1984
It's not "yo freddom of speech", it's simply that this is a technology discussion board, sharing videos just to laugh at a perfectly normal black woman isn't really on topic and this shit thread shouldn't exist.

Also it's not thought crime since I wouldn't call that "thinking".

Desktop could just be referring to the screen your working on nigger. You ever heard of Desktop wallpaper? this is not some thing exclusive to your tower.

There is a black woman so in OP's Sup Forums mindset we should laugh at it.

t. half shitskin cultureless mutt

senior minority and sjw quota filler

bait sage

Living in their mother's basement is often a pretty common thing among them

Forced equality shtick isn't any less laughable.

>and this shit thread shouldn't exist.
freedom hating commie detected, you have to go back

this is bait which i am falling for btw

Stupid fucking niggerfaggot cia nigger

at least they know their mothers (and fathers)

He's a newfag just let him think he's cool

u want 2 die fag0t

I use lowercase for Linux and uppercase for Windows
user-laptop and user-LAPTOP

>They fired Brendan Eich for this shit.

What's wrong with this exactly?

Why is the music so fucking loud?

>forced equality
How? It was a decent video about a cool feature? I'm having trouble seeing what's wrong with it.

Punishing someone for saying a word isn't a thoughtcrime.

>Firefox actually implements literally the only remaining feature I can think of that I want for a web browser
>but the person presenting it is a black woman so we need to mock it

There is only one alternative left, white man.

Why is it always mother's basement?
My father owns the house too.

he was never fired
they actually offered him a job and he rejected and resigned

least get the story straight dumbfuck.
also javascript is fucking trash

the whole mozzila organization is sjw not just one black presenter
it wouldnt be a problem if they just concentrated on tech and kept their personal beliefs to themselves but instead they are publicly pushing and actively promoting sjw cancer
why would I support someone who want me (a fucking white male out of job, bankrupt, in jail and probably dead), fuck the sjws, the nigger shitkins fuck them all

What are you all laughing about, this is a great feature.

The black presenter isn't SJW, she's just a black presenter. There's nothing SJW in that video about that feature. Hell, the guy demonstrating looks like (FUCKING) white male to me.

She's kinda hot and has given me quite the slave owner boner.

Where the FUCK did you come from nigger? I don’t even care, go back. We have no need for newfags that are literally so fucking new they get triggered by nigger

But isn't this /g?

>black woman talking about a tabsharing feature
>pushing and promoting SJW cancer
Are you even listening to yourself?

Why are so many redditors here in this board? What changed?

Reddit/tumblr crossposters literally SEETHING right now I can’t handle this lmao

>low iq poltard falling for bait
>black =/= sjw

Phoneposters ruined everything, they need to be gassed.

epic mers from this board go to r/Linux to make funnies and it ends up with faggot reddit sjw webdev lincucks flooding this place.

>There's nothing SJW in that video

>nu-male homo watching a video on his macbook about some nigger on a skateboard

she doesn't seem like a KANG girl, she sounds like a cali girl. Might be down to earth too.

>anyone who doesn't look like a fucking bodybuilder is a nu-male
Well, you're on a board of nu-males my friend, you better get used to it.

Seems actually pretty cool. I'd use it. Try harder Sup Forumstard.