SDC alternative for Firefox 57

Firefox 57 is about to release in the main channel too, and while I like how they've done some things one of my favorite add-ons, Self-Destructing Cookies, is not gonna work anymore. It's like the only way to fight evercookies combined with better security, but they're both gonna be toast in a short while since Firefox 57 doesn't support them and developers don't want to convert them in the new format.

How do we kill evercookies now? No shit like meme browsers or "stick to old Firefox", there are several reasons why it's necessary to have an updated browser.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cooke AutoDelete

This or uMatrix

I replaced SDC with uMatrix

>there are several reasons why it's necessary to have an updated browser

Am I in danger?



You disable cookies by default, temporarily enable them went you want to. When you close the tab that site no longer has cookie permissions.

Possibly. At the very least you should exercise even more caution than normal, but I would just upgrade to FF 52 ESR.

Problem is, I would like to use it on mobile too and that would be quite painful. Or not? SDC worked fine there as it triggered automatically whenever I closed tabs. Is there a simple way to achieve the same with uMatrix on mobile too?

This. Never use unsupported versions or you'll always have to pay extra caution, as if threats on the web weren't enough.

GNU Icecat.

I love RMS but I also need stuff for real world tasks.
Also IceCat is not conceived for mobiles at all.

This. GNU Icecat is not for mobile.

How do I tweak settins on mobile for it?

Not on mobile. umatrix doesn't work at all on Android. Cookie Autodelete does but we must find a way to change it's settings since the pop-up menu doesn't show on Android.

Nobody is forcing you to upgrade. There is no reason you can't continue using your current build/version of Firefox for years to come more than likely.

Get out of the fucking idea that you have to upgrade everything every time some new version comes out. If what you have works for you right now, and if it continues to work in the future, then keep using it.

This. Can't activate active mode.

Not so easy with software like firefox where security is important and flaws are huge...

It's very easy. I'm still using an older version of Firefox ESR and I have zero intentions of upgrading past it at this point and it works fine, it has no problems working, and the so-called security issues rarely actually exist.

As if that matters to the common folk.

This shit doesn't work.