Windows just works

>installing programs
>Double click exe
>have to build it and complie it
>have to install packages that are missing

Why does Sup Forums waste their time are they unemployed?

Other urls found in this thread:

Linux mint
>Open terminal
>sudo apt-get install [program]

Has to use wine to use everything

How do you know those precompiled binaries do not contain malicious code?

>installing programs
>have to track down the program from a non-shady website
>have to make sure to click the right link and not a fake one
>run exe
>Click Yes on the UAC window that blanks out my entire screen
>Click accept several times while having to make sure its not installing anything extra like the Bing bar
>sudo apt-get install (name of program)
>Type password for security
>press y

>Double click exe
that means recompiled with /s /qn switch
>no thank you

>what is comparing the checksum of precompiled binaries to that of binaries you compiled yourself

If someone made a malicious binary and the community figured it out, they would be ruined.

Also, do you check every line of code of the programs you compil?

>go to legit webiste and use common sense
>many uac warning to make sure you want it and understand it

More security than just sudo apt get with that you are just hoping you get a legit program, at least going to the website and getting the exe you can check if its legit.

wow its so hard to do

>sudo apt-get install program

sooo hard.

Assuming thats the package manger you use.

>installing programs
>Double click exe

>sudo apt-get install (name of program)
>Type password for security
>Package not found
>Search botnet for solutions
>Package not added to repos

From here on
First route
>there is an extra Repo, add it
>sudo apt-date update etc.
>sudo apt-get upgrade
>enjoy repo not reachable etc in your future update notices

Second route
>is only a git repo, git clone
>needs tons of dependencies to install, not listed
>browse issues until you find one fitting to your OS
>install 300 MB of extra packages
>finally can run make

>sudo apt install [package]

Linux package management is unironically one of the best things about linux. Winfags WISH they had this

sure, but most normal people use apt.

Except apt-get checks the checksum of the binary and you can even go to your mirrorlist which will show you where you are getting the program, and will link you to the source code of the program so you can crosscheck it with the binary
Meanwhile your random EXEs from "trusted" websites never have source code and you just have to "trust" the website that its not malicious

>every single application will be exactly the same as compiled on other machines
That's where you slipped up.

>Also, do you check every line of code of the programs you compil?
There's less risk.

You have to set it to check yourself though

really makes you think

Ah yes, so clearly the random EXE on windows checks automatically, right?
Fuck off pajeet

>More security than just sudo apt get with that you are just hoping you get a legit program, at least going to the website and getting the exe you can check if its legit.
Apt automatically checks to see if the program is legit. You just have to hope that you can distinguish a legitimate website from a fake by how it looks and that the site hasn't been compromised.

Not much to think about , not a reputable site.
Nothing wrong with making sure the user is sure about what they want to do

What is windows smart screen?

Except it doesn't. most Windows installers don't tell you shit about the program besides its draconian EULA
Also lets not forget
>having to run a program to install drivers

hello i am calling from microsoft windows
we detected your computer is having a virus and I’m calling to help. you go to our website and download our diagnostic tool. installing this teamviwer and i will be removing the virus. ok?

An unreliable half-measure.

hey fucking noob thats not correct
>go to the website of the program
>select beetwen 32 or 64 bits
>download the software
>if its a large file, wait of the dumbass antivirus to scan it
>double click exec
>wait of the dumb ass security layers to give permissions
>wait for the installer do its shit and if comes from M$ maybe wont even tell you wth is the fucking installer doing (try install VS)

>package_manager parameters name_of_the_package
>everything automatic without tears.

Use an anti virus?

When it comes to security, whitelist > blacklist. Using executives from unverified actors is inherently less secure than a package manager with proper security measures in place. You're trying to patch a hole that simply shouldn't be there in the first place. Yeah, sure, if you use a package manager you might occasionally need something that isn't available through it, but if you're downloading something that isn't somewhat esoteric, you shouldn't need to worry about whether the file is compromised or not.

>linux blown the flying fuck outa the dirty water.
fuck you tux

static linking does not have this problem. download executable and run.

>Heh I can install all of these 3rd party bloated piece of shit programs that will throw false positives constantly to make sure I don't get infected...probably.. meanwhile loonix fags have to settle for their noviruses, checksums and access to source code...heh loonix fags BTFO

Tell me you're pretending to be retarded please. If you want to shitsmear linux in favour of windows pick any arena other than security, because you're asking for a free BTFO'ing here.

>Easy to install stuff!
>Including every virus

>Somewhat easy to install stuff!
>lol who even makes virus's for linux

Yea where the fuck do you get the exe? I guess all the exes just come with windows in a secret folder on the desktop.

>t. brainlet who falls for viruses and shouldnt be allowed to use a computer

>Not using Bing bar

So now we just flip it around and say that Linux is for brainlets right?