What are some tech related fields that will never get infested by SJWs?

What are some tech related fields that will never get infested by SJWs?

Mechanical engineering?

you got it. internal combustion in particular. fire and flames. women hate dragonforce.

I want to say none because they just preach about getting women inti the field, but also, anything but programming.

Because programming is the easiest thing someone can get into.

Anything that pajeets can't do, women can't do
eg: plumbing

Any job where if you fuck up people die

Anything that requires tons of creativity, thinking beyond current paradigms and in general being innovative as fuck.

any job that involves the slightest physical discomfort, or vocations that are almost completely merit-based.

Electrical engineering.

Women are overrepresented in health care, a profession where that is all too true. So you're wrong, faggot.


As nurses and shit. I never saw a female surgeon or anesthesiologist desu

ITT: SJW = Women

Taking blood pressure and laying out scalpels wrong won't kill anyone

Fun fact: Sophie Wilson, the designer of the ARM processor's instruction set, is trans.

So, no, not that one. Or anything involving cell phones.

anything related to big machinery/equipement/industrial stuff

Electrical engineering. There are abstractions and lots of them. But none of them can be applied blindly. What exactly goes on inside the black box can come to matter at almost any point. My electrical engineering courses were 95% male because of this. The females and minorities that do make it through sophomore year will be high quality. I won't say you'll never run in to a SJW but you won't run in to enough to ruin your work place. Can you imagine working on the Ryzen design team and someone saying hold on we haven't created a code of conduct yet? Yeah me neither.

No field is completely safe. Every technical field has the potential to garner sjw interest though most sjws will never reach the top of said field if they can even get a job in it at all. The issue is that they have very little interest in the subject matter and are only interested in identity politics. That doesn't make for good employment prospects.

>pajeets can't do

nand gates are shaped like penises and therefor enforce the patriarchy

If a nurse doesn't clean the scalpel correctly and infects you with penicillin resistant bubonic plague, or sticks you with wrong needle - you will die.

Civil engineering, power electronics and concrete.


>This tranny designed a CPU architecture alllllll by himself

Infantry, Sanitation, Mining, Merchant Marine, Commercial Fishing

As a mechanical engineer, I saw a few SJWs in some courses and "stronk womyn." Just about any field you go into you'll find these wastes of skin.


Just because it's trans doesn't mean it's a SJW. That's like assuming someone has chronic depression just because they have an anxiety disorder. There's probably an abnormally high correlation, but you still can't just generalise like that, you fucking a white male.

>women hate dragonforce
My sister would like to disagree. Granted, she isn't an SJW either.

aerospace engineering

Anything in the aerospace/defense side of tech. SJWs and the military-industrial complex don't mix.

he/she was head of engineering at acorn computers. ARM = Acorn Risc Machine.

That wasn't a refutation.

If anything, being the head means you likely did more managerial work than technical.

Bet they get triggered af

>There's no such thing as men's and women's clothing bc inanimate objects can't have a gender
>"Hey Hagatha, hand me that male d-type connector"

Nope, definitely did the chip layout.

When I got my frenulum removed both the surgeon and anaesthesiologist were women.

>When I got part of my dick chopped off women did it

Big fucking shocker retard.

It needed doing; the frenulum was too short so that erections were painful. I didn't know it was even unusual until I bled more than my gf after our first time.

When I got my frenulum (tongue) chopped the anesthesiologist was a woman.

fucking lmao

I really think we should stop using that binary bullshit. Voltage is a spectrum not a particular state!

well done

Your sister watches game of thrones


Anything that require objective proofs.
>Muh user interface
>Web dev with inclusive colors and tranny drawings
>anything where a decision making involve "feels"
they try to sneak in everything by C-f the documentation for "he" "him" "master" "slave" and other meme words tho.