Why Electrical engineering dont have the mainstream appeal of coding?

Why Electrical engineering dont have the mainstream appeal of coding?

I'm kindof glad it doesn't, as an electronics guy. But I have bad news from this industry... most of the electronics jobs have or are in the process of shipping to Asia because manufacturing is cheaper there.

cause it's actually difficult.

Most of the design stuff is still US though.

>Its hard.
>People actually die if you are wrong.

shit programming can also kill, some machines have fucked people because of bad programming or errors in the code

it's expensive, especially compared to coding.

For coding you'll need at best a computer to get started.

For electrical engineering, you could do without computer in theory but let's say you'll need one because it's fucking madness without. In addition you'll need various measurement tools and actual tools. Once you have that, basically a few months salary worth of equipment, you didn't even get started yet. At this point you can simulate various circuits in Software but at some point you'll need to buy parts to build something, that obiously costs money too. In addition you break things (you know it happens) and have to buy even more.

This was just getting started in learning this. If you want to produce and sell something too it's going to get so expensive that 98% of EEs won't ever go down that route. Not only because of Equipment. Legal things like Patents,special obligations regarding chemicals, waste, safety and work envrioment are prohibiting expensive and difficult (and annoying) for most people.

While it's certainly a more rewarding and fullfilling work compared to coding (you acutally have something real when finished) it's pretty obvious in my opinion why it'll never be "mainstream".

Also, if you don't know what you'll doing you could very well break millions worth of customer property, endanger the life of yours and others and be fired faster that asking "Ohm, what?"

Its similar to why asm doesnt get mainstream coding appeal
Its difficult, also doing simple stuff is pretty much reinventing the wheel

you forgot about Toyota's faulty ECU and the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine.

Because it's actually hard

You actually need to know how shit works... ""Coding"" nowadays is something like:

#include //I dont even understand what the fuck is this but only i know that i must to be there

using namespace std; //more shit that i dont understand why is there

int main //more shit.. probably important

I really want to get into EE and eventually programming on a microntroller, but I know so little about the field I don't know where to start.
I'm a professional C#/.NET dev but I know C++ and want to learn ASM.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?Where's a good place to start with this for someone who has extensive comp sci knowledge, but jack shit with hardware?

Stagnant job growth.

that and outsourcing to chinese.

Just get into PI from OSIsoft

Sadly it is being replaced by "just slap an arduino".

use code tag pls

can't be performed on iphones

Oh well, there's stuff like arduino, which allows artists and other no-techies to do some hardware related stuff...

Back in the early days, computer guys were naturally skilled in hardware. Everything was just closer to bare metal and people actually used things like interrupts and com ports and so on.

Today we have this millenial culture of "everything just werks". People expect low entry barriers. For example if you want to learn python, just google a tutorial, visit an online repl and here you go.

But hardware related stuff has higher entry barriers. You need to get the hardware, then you need some real life skills like doing the wiring and soldering. And then you still need some fuckery with your ports to make it run. Then you need to study all those fancy theory, just calculating total resistance in circuits is a pain in the ass sometimes.

All in all it's just a lot of work until you can get cracking. The results are more rewarding in the long run, but it's a long journey and the "return on investment" of time is better with software programming.

That means some other occupation is growing even faster than engineer. Which one? Pet grooming?


The same applies for safety-critical systems relying on software.
As an engineer who has worked with safety-critical avionics software I look at "regular" software engineers/programmers as babies who have no idea of what they're doing.

It's obsolete for the most part. Plugging shit together in hardware is expensive, you rely on the parts being there, you need a factory to assemble the shit, you need your customer to buy the fucking thing...

And for what? There's nothing a super cheap embedded device with some shitty sensors can't handle. Writing the software is easy, you can create copies in milliseconds, and yet it does everything the custom built device does.

Now, to elaborate a little bit.
What I mean is that to design, implement, test and verify safety-critical software, you need to understand the software, used libraries, operating system, compiler, CPU, memory, etc. on a whole other level than when you just cobble something together using already available API:s.

Each line of code must be fully analyzed down to the instruction level in the CPU.

The embedded devices, sensors and supporting circuitry don't just magically condense out of swamp gases to be collected by software engineers, someone has to engineer that shit.

>it's expensive
I could work with recycled trash as a cid.

for you.
Bingo and kinda sad, but for it's for diy only.

*for me

That's a blessing you faggot, you don't have to deal with pajeets, SJWs and other such toxic nonsense. Just keep flying under the radar so your wages won't plummet in the future.

Look up the book "Practical Electronics for Inventors". It's quite cheap and fairly newbie friendly. The first two chapters are quite dense, but they will teach you a lot about the theory. The newest edition has a section on microcontrollers, but I can't vouch for it since I don't have it. To get into microcontrollers you should look into getting an arduino. It's a meme answer, but the arduino uno has a atmega 328p mcu on it. The arduino itself is basically a wrapper that helps do away with some of the bullshit of programming and such. Once you get some good arduino projects under your belt, get a bare AVR mcu and learn how to program it and work with it. Protip: the arduino can actually be set up to program avr mcus. Getting that to work is, in itself, a fun project.

>Doesn't have to deal with pajeets
I too, like to speak out of my ass on shit I know nothing about.

If i had an EE degree right now and went to an employer, what would I be assigned to? I realize EE has many fields, but generally what do they do?

Wow, good for you. This board is becoming /sci/ in its levels of elitism, which is why I stopped going.

Here you could be my sex slave.


C++ is such shit. How anyone could think this:


Electronics, computer, communications, power systems, biomed.
Despite what people say power systems is the best.
Source: power systems EE

Becoming a low paid solder monkey most likely.

What gender in your pic do you identify as, op?

It's not high level. If you can't put something shiny on the screen you can't attract attention of lesser beings like women and niggers.

pajeets and chinks dominate EE

which fields are going to be $mokin hawt in the next years? regarding EE R&D.