Why are kids these days so fucking retarded and know nothing about computers and are proud of that?

Why are kids these days so fucking retarded and know nothing about computers and are proud of that?

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>it's cool to pretend not to know anything about computers

wow computer nerds used to be so revered when i was in high school

Without even watching it, and basing my assumption solely on the thumbnail, I'd say it's just reality TV inspired garbage.
I wouldn't take it seriously, as it's more than likely staged to begin with.

blame simplified tech


Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if it's scripted. If I remember, the Fine Brothers were trying to create their own copyright bullshit, but it backfired. With jews you lose.

They are fucking morons, and the worst thing is, they are only 5 years younger than me.

>"it's a dell... not the singer"
there's a singer named dell?


>Why are kids these days so fucking retarded and know nothing about computers and are proud of that?
99% of neo-Sup Forums is like that.

These are millenials. Not kids

well actually technically since they act like fucking autistic children you can call them kids but they certainly aren't. they're not even teens, they look like they're in college

Generally computer faggots are called geeks not nerds.
These days it's "cool" and "in". 20 years ago you get made fun of for knowing more than the average person about computers, in US at least, wasn't that bad in EU.


>These are millenials. Not kids
They are teens, are you retarded?
They are Gen-Z and not Millenials.

I bet you don't even know what that means.

shes right

>inb4 wifi cable
wifi cable sucks

this. this so much. why even open a thread and give them more views

she's probably referring to mobile data
judging from other comments, they don't seem to know the difference between "the internet" and "wi-fi"
like the comment "what's the point in having internet explorer without wifi? that makes no sense"

Wi-Fi's just a marketing term anyway, why be so anal about it?

why are hipsters these days so fucking retarded and proud that they remember a shitty consumer operating system from 20 years ago and equate it with actual tech literacy?

Staged shit that makes you lost faith on humanity
Remember goy to not "react" to the video or you are violating their copyright

In 's defense, when I first heard of the "millenial" generation, I also thought it referred to kids born after the year 2000. It made sense to me, just like "baby boomers" are people born during the baby boom after WW2.
I still think it's fucking stupid that "millenials" are just everyone that was old enough to experience the "new millenium".

it's not a marketing term for the internet, it's a marketing term for 802.11, a wireless networking standard
internet traffic can be put over 'wifi', but it's otherwise unrelated


>1 fidget spinner deposited in your mailbox

it's bcs of

>look how stupid these kids paid to act stupid are!
you have to go back

>how do you get on the internet if there's no wifi

She needs to be gangraped and have her taint cut open with scissors, see if that'll change her priorities

I was just about to write the same thing

yeah I guess most people have no idea how a crt work or could build one....so sort of dumbed down for us as well. Having said that evenutaly you realise that a non gui is faster when you get the hang of it.

It wasn't much different 25 years ago from what I've heard and most of Sup Forums today is just like those little cunts anyways. It really depends on the person anyways. I'm 19 and I'm into retro computing and I won't even touch Winshit because it's trash and it always has been. The closest I get to it is IBM OS/2. I restore all kinds of old machines from Sun SPARC workstations running Solaris to SGI MIPS workstations running IRIX. I also have a NeXTcube and shitloads of PPC Macs that range from the clear shell all in one iMacs to the PowerBooks from the mid 2000s. These machines aren't that expensive and people will learn about this stuff if they want to learn about it.

Having a GUI is useful for easily switching between programs, which is why almost everyone uses them now. Text based applications are only good when they're small and trying to do one or two things at once. An example is that I like CMus as a music player but Midnight Commander is a shitty file explorer.

not everybody is interested in technology, why should they, they have other priorities...

Stop talking out of your ass.

I agree. I dont look down on anyone for not knowing a lot about technology. The thing I dont like is that people are ignorant of just how shitty they are with technology.

yeah that triggers me too, but people here on Sup Forums act like those kids are stupid/ retarded because they don't know anything about an OS which was released in 1995...talking about gangraping and killing them

tbf it doesn't take much thinking to realise that it's useful to have a term describe a generation which experienced the emergence of and transition to new technologies distinctly from a generation which was born into them

sounds pretty useful for sociological discussion

I think tablets and phones have simplified things so much and hidden everything internal from the user that even if you wanted to, no settings are available for you to explore or tweak. there's hardly any privacy settings for you to control for instance.

forget about the basic concepts like browsing files and directories, separation of programs and data, file types, file associations, etc.

> tfw this is our future as a generation

>op is upset that people don't know of a crappy OS
>thinks that knowing an OS is computer knowledge
Anyway they are ignorant for money. It's not a proud display. You're just retarded.

I agree.

this desu
all the transferable troubleshooting skills most of us have from using pcs don't mean shit when every function is obfuscated to hell - you just have to imagine if you grew up exclusively using those things


>find file xyz.102

ITT kids that are oblivious to the technologies that came before them mocking kids that are oblivious to the technologies that came before them


but if she didn't have wifi and couldn't put her rape on her snap chat story that may be worse then the actual rape

>implying this isn't scripted

>"How do you get online without WiFi?"
Giving normies computers was a mistake

Other than models, the average Asian girl is pretty damn ugly and you'll never convince me otherwise

implying the pytards and ubuntards knows a shit about computers.

We wren't even born then, get the fuck over it.

Let me guess, you also think it is cool to run up to 10 year olds and yell at them for watching Let's Plays, instead of playing games themselves?

Holy fuck, different eras do different things. Sorry we were not all born the exact moment you were and had all the same experiences with tech, bruh.

this and python language is for idiots.


>"How do you get online without WiFi?"
Ever heard of dial-up and Ethernet?

is not a bait is a true.
>def f (self ,)
self each time ... thats the behavior of an idiot person.

ever heard of 2017 grampa?

ever not sucked a dick faggot?

Stop giving them views you fucking retards.

OP, ill yourself. This is way worse than directly linking to fake news articles.

Good bait. If you can program efficiently in mostly any language, your IQ is at least 100.

Therefore not an idiot. Average IQ is 100.

you're getting pretty angry user
it's ok to not be in the modern day with technology

on a serious note, you really should know these are scripted and it's not helping to write 'hurr these idiots dont even know of ethernet :DDD' on a taiwanese pottery forum

Your English is poor.

Reminder that THIS is what asians look like without extensive surgery or mutt blood in them.

this is a good thing
gen z and all the other retards of tomorrow are job security for us

>>I'm 19

There is no need boy. You sound like the typical YouTube comment. "I'm 12 and I like Iron Maiden, not this Justin Bieber bullshit :P"

Fuck off.

>even acknowledging this retarded clearly staged bullshit
I can guarantee you all the actors received fat stacks of cash for this shit. That channel is cancer.

reminder that the more dumbed down tech gets the more the normies will pay us to fix it for them

Weird thing is I'm only a couple years older than them and I remember dial up internet access, it can't be that they've only ever used wifi, right?

user, we have to think relatively.

While we remember it because we grew up with it, it means jack shit to them, and should it really? They're surrounded by infinitely more powerful devices to not care about inferior hardware.

It's probably just muh nostalgia, but face it: that shit's obsolete. Unless you have a genuine interest why care? People your senior probably felt the same way about you as you do them.

Holy shit, that asian girl and the whore are so fucking obnoxious.

but you got what I said otherwise you are an idiot.

Ever heard of respecting your elders?

yes and is bullshit.

get with the time gramps

And become part of this SJW infested society?

holy shit dude im shitposting relax ok?


teens react to installing gentoo aah :DDDD
well memed user

make them install gentoo

Yeah, and elders can honestly suck my dick.

Jesus, this generation. If a very powerful solar storm hit earth, most of today kids and teens will die in less than 3 days without wi-fi.

Why would they give a fuck about that

oh really?, and you wont son of a bitch? you wont fucking asshole, prove it prove it bitch fucking cunt you cant.

not having wi-fi is _literally_ worse than the solar storm
dont under-estimate this user

the fuck is wrong with you dude
what the fuck
why they wouldn't

should still have my programs I wrote at uni in my attic somewhere.
god I'm glad mainframes aren't a thing for software development anymore.

It's almost as if these teenagers weren't born in the 1990's.

no faggot, I did not have internet for 2 months when I moved.

best part of windows 95 imho

>I did not have internet for 2 months when I moved

ha ha, that sucks man

tits or never happened.

kids of every generation are stupid, there is a reason that no one under 35 can be president

Honestly, Ben Shaprio wouldn't be too bad as a neocon candidate


I mean, why not? They already control virtually every other aspect of our government, like our fiscal and international affairs

we should give in because they already have lots of control?

Well, Benji will be 35 by 2020, he's welcome to run against Trump, he never came home, alas poor Benji, I knew him well.

They look fucking 20 you retarded nigger. They are clearly not teenagers.
The latest birth date for millenials is 1997. They are ~19-20 year old right now. Fuck off.

>those who know technology should know anything be every something beyond the current. They need to know part of the past
What did xe mean by this?

born too late to explore the earth and too early to explore the universe
but just in time to see technology improve at an incredibly rapid rate

doesn't sound too far off. lots of good languages like C, Perl etc. are pretty old?