I3-gaps is comfy as hell, I don't think I'll ever go back to a DE...

i3-gaps is comfy as hell, I don't think I'll ever go back to a DE. Is there a way to open empty containers to make blank spaces?

Stop using gaps you're dumb

w-why though..

what is that?

Mac address I guess? I only just started with i3, haven't fiddled with the bar yet.

>9 bytes
>two colons
>mac address
the absolute state of Sup Forums
it's a fucking ipv6 autoconfiguration address you stupid pieces of shit

ur fucking stupid its obviously a mac address idiot

im on a pc lol why would i have a mac address?


NO2 ?

Sorry, what?

i dont have mac address wat doo???

>wasting screen space

>window titles
Fucking vomit, user.

nogaps is just gross my man cmon, I'm not trying to be HACKERMAN over here. I'm playing with polybar now.

You mean just using Luke's i3 config

I know I've seen that before

My i3 config is pretty much the default, haven't stolen any dotfiles yet. The only thing I've used is a urxvt conf.

Looks pretty good actually, how do I start with i3?

why would you want gaps in your tiling window manager?


Just install i3-gaps, generate a config, look at it and play with the options, then go on unixporn and steal something you like.

just wait until you find out about xMonad

That's the one where you have to know haskell to use it right? Not sure I'm autist enough for it.

gaps r comfy

what theme is that


the browser titlebar and taskbar

Default firefox-dark with modified bars through tab mix plus. "taskbar" is just default i3 with modified colors.


>Use DE invented to maximize the screen real state.
>Add gaps to it.

i3-gaps is the definition of cancer.

you are the definition of cancer. Now shut the fuck up and stop munching cocks and hotpockets fat cum guzzler loser.


does this trigger you white BOI?

damn that looks good, post dotfiles.

Why BSPWM over i3?

I just set up xmonad in a day without prior knowledge of haskelll or tiling window managers. I'm using the bsp layout and its comfy af.

That looks good as fuck, user. You have previous programming knowledge in general? How hard was it?

I've never set up another tiling wm so I can't compare. I have basic Python knowledge but it didn't really help.

At first the configiration was intimidating and the thousands of layouts and extensions were difficult to figure out but the actual configuration was not difficult. Every layout and extension has clear instructions like "just add this line to your config". Looking at someone elses config helps a ton.

I bet it's still one one of the most difficult ones to configure but it's not *that* difficult. I don't see myself changing a wm ever again though.

Is there a decent tiling choice for Mac?

Yeah, throw it in the trash then install BSPWM on a new linux machine.

I'm already using xmonad on two computers. I need the Mac though. As soon as I get a new job I can toss the Mac. For now, I'm wondering if there's any decent tiling managers for Mac.

install xmonad

What can it do that gaps can't?

Quite a lot actually. As long as you know Haskell it can do anything. The community has already developed quite useful extensions, f.ex. there are hundreds of available layouts – some good, some bad. I am using a BSPWM-like binary space partitioning layout with a mouse support as well as an "accordion" layout I'm quite fond of.

I wasn't the guy posting "install xmonad". I don't see a point of arguing against other window managers. I use xmonad because I like it, I've grown used to it and I enjoy the configuration.

Absolutely disgusting, why even post before you rice?

>look Sup Forums! I just installed Arch and i3. DAE tiling wms? Fuck floating wm plebs XDDD

I give him two days until he's back to KDE.

how dare you call me a KDE user you swine! I demand satisfaction.

You chose the reddit-tier tiling window manager so I assumed you used the reddit-tier desktop environment.

Said the guy with his reddit spacing and reddit phrasing.

I have installed multiple distributions and window managers but you don't see me seeking approval of Sup Forums by posting a completely useless thread with an ugly desktop.