Why is the info-sec community on Twitter filled with so many sjw's and women?

Why is the info-sec community on Twitter filled with so many sjw's and women?
> Pic related, malwareunicorn

Is the men in this community just so desperate that they make the few women their gods and will piss on everyone else?

90% of them are trannies using taylor swift avatars

also 90% of twitters's userbase at this point is bots and circlejerking SJWs because everyone else has either left or been banned

Anyone I've ever known who was good at anything especially SE does not use social media. It's a pointless self-indulgent time waster.

because twitter is full of sjw and women.
you can delete this thread now

i'm unfamiliar with this particular individual an too lazy to google it.

looking at the picture, i'm not really sure what you're complaining about. appears to be reasonably attractive. is it because she doesn't have a penis, or that >she does have a penis?

my apologies, i just googled it. i can see your point. hopefully someone will strangle it and dump the body in a ditch somewhere. again, my most sincere apologies.

2/10 would not core dump

Fake info sec usually call "social engineering", found exploit using scripts, make consultors in info sec begins people take some course on hacking and make some useless projects, need social network to gain validation spoke very basic topics.

because social engineering is easier as female


But also that.

>on Twitter
Here's your answer.


Twitter has become one big circle jerk and echo chamber social elitism where everyone is trying to rise above others doing stuff like "LOOK HOW UNEDUCATED THESE PEOPLE ARE, LUCKILY MY WORLD VIEW IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN AND THAT'S WHY I'M NOT UNEDUCATED".

Hey user, why are you on Twitter? Are you a normie?

>the info-sec community on Twitter
You'll never make it, brainlet

No, he might be a trumplet

Don't forget about normalfags, who talk about this site all the time there but it's fine because they only like this site ironically so they can still be viewed as normal

Twitter is the digital gossip platform. Second only to Facebook in terms of the social factor.

If you use either, you're the problem. You love gossip, you are functionally the same as SJW. Retards like you should stick together with the SJW and burn together.


>malwareunicorn lol
isn't this the dumb bitch that has an infosec designer blog?

That's twitter for you.

half of them are dudes.