Software transition is almost fully complete, and I can switch to Linux fulltime

Software transition is almost fully complete, and I can switch to Linux fulltime.

But, I can't find an alternative to ShareX. I just can't. The few real alternatives to it don't even compare, even on the basic end like autoupload to FTP with custom filenames.

The workflow is as such:
>keyboard shortcut
>select area screengrab
>immidately upload to FTP without prompt
>copy to clipboard, ready to paste

I don't ask for the feature-richness of ShareX, I just need the above workflow.
I don't wanna be a windeuce babby Sup Forums ples help

Other urls found in this thread:

Selecting area aside, this is trivially done with a shell script

I mean, greenshot does most of that, right?

shutter is prolly the closest youll get.

Greenshot doesn't have a Linux version, according to their website.

I've been looking at this. Last time I tried it, it didn't work. It's been a while though, I'll look into it again I guess.

There is a trick with xfce4-screenshooter to pass the screenshot file to another program. I use this trick to move the screenshot to my desktop. You could change it to upload the file somewhere.

Create an executable screenshothelper file in your path with the following content.
This plays a sound and moves the file to the desktop. Modify for your needs:
play /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/screen-capture.oga 2>/dev/null
mv -t ~/Desktop "$1"

Now call xfce4-screenshooter like that (you should map it to a keyboard shortcut in Xfce's keyboard setting or whatever you use):
xfce4-screenshooter -o screenshothelper -r

The -o option passed the screenshot to the screenshot helper program, the -r option allows you to select the screenshot area. Consult the man page for more

For fuck's sake.... there.
Now ditch that toddler adware & spyware OS.

shutter is a piece of shit

Neat software, thanks!
Why? It looks useful if you have to take lot of screenshots

it works. it does it all.
stay autistic you extra-gened faggot.

It looks useful, but you have to define a filename at each upload. This doesn't obey my workflow, if user had read the OP.

Read the OP, please

I'm sure you can string together a screenshot program and an ftp program in a simple bash script

>you have to define a filename
Use zenity
$ zenity --entry

>It looks useful, but you have to define a filename at each upload. This doesn't obey my workflow, if user had read the OP.
You are stupid retarded shithead. Get off Sup Forums now. You're just a worthless subhuman not worthy of having a privilege of posting here, Anyway, eat shit.
I'm out of this thread.

Actually I don't understand what you want to do
Whatever you want to do you could easily add it in the screenshothelper file.

For example do an ls on the remote server to find the next free filename, keep the filenames already used in another file and increase, etc. I think it's quite flexible and it will fit your needs better than any other monolithic software.

ShareX is god tier, I will always miss it

I use a shell script.
>keyboard shortcut
Handled by the DE (xfce)
>select area screengrab
Gnome-screenshot in the script.
>immediately upload via FTP
I haven't done anything with automated FTP uploads, but there's a non-zero possibility that this could be done with curl. Otherwise, expect.
>unix time filename
filename="date +%s" at the top of the script and use $filename as a placeholder in the rest of the script.
>copy to clipboard
echo -n $url > xclip -se c

if that's all it does, you can make a trivial bash script which just uses scrot to make a screenshot (has an interactive-select mode), then upload it using cURL, and xclip to place the url into the clipboard

Write a bash script that uses escrotum's selection screenshot feature then uploads with rsync.

Use xbindkeys to set up a keyboard shortcut for it.

I use Shutter every day, it's a bit slow but god damn if it's not flexible

jesus christ, just go back to Windows and get the fuck off my board