Is Python the most /comfort/ language?

Is Python the most /comfort/ language?

you misspelt common lisp

No. Lua is.

Comfy langs:

Haskell, Python, C

Russian is

It doesn't get much comfort than python.

Python, Ruby and Elixir are all enjoyable to work with.

>need something simple done
>open up editor and type it up quick and easy
>no hassles
>it just werks
the comfiest

You misspelt Scheme


Common Lisp is a far superior language, I'll give you that, but it's nowhere near as comfy as Python.
I agree with OP.


no, it's PowerShell


learning python as my first language and it's fairly easy to understand. Comfy as

You misspelt C++

C++ is the antithesis of comfort.
Try tokenizing a string.

>C++ommon Lisp
Use a real functional language, faggot.

The absolute state of haskellfags


I unironically love ruby. It's a shame it's somewhat dying. Most people learned ruby for rails, and that group has generally moved on to javascript frameworks like node and react.

Great answer.
No need to put someone else down.

I also found Clojure nice to work with.

Nah, it's not dying, it's simply that there are new languages emerging. But competition is a good thing for everyone.
I think the whole Rails hype was great for the world of web design generally, because it inspired people who to actually set up a clean and powerful web project with grace. And it made Ruby popular. But it's also a shame that a incredibly versatile and powerful scripting language is only ever used for Rails. Also the cult of personality and dogmas at the Rails community are kinda annoying.

I don't regret learning Rails because I've earned some money with it and I would still recommend it for newbies today. But if you grow as developer, there are some things that are start to annoying for bigger frameworks like Rails or Django. Today I rather use simple sanitized SQL instead of stupid ORMs. And I started to feel that all those ActiceSupport syntax is overly playful and unnecessary.

I sure love my Ruby, it's a great thing to know, but it's not the end of the journey for me. Currently I'm trying to get more into the functional meme languages, and that's really inspiring. The better you are, the more lightweight you can get.


Python is like laying on a bed that looks nice only to find out it's a spring mattress with zero padding.

Explain why typing it is (((comfy)))

Quick, tell me how to learn python