Tfw brainlet manager won't approve any commits that have recursion

>tfw brainlet manager won't approve any commits that have recursion

Other urls found in this thread:

> he doesn't work at a company that let's him commit mostly whatever he wants
> even got to write a couple recursive tree traversal algorithms in a compiler or two
Feels pretty good

Are you following MISRA C?
I'd certainly appreciate if you didn't break MISRA C if you're in a system critical situation.
Also your manager would be getting these restrictions from above too. She/he can't do anything about it.

>brainlet manager
don't be redundant

>project managers are brainlets
Don't be ridiculous user. They got there working as software developers just like you and me 90% of the time. Even in India that's the process.

>tfw lead programmer renames my variables to pascal case

I added a recursive tree traversal to provide tabular hierarchy in a list view of parent-child elements via post-order traversal. In JavaScript
Shit was cash

The problem with recursion is that new grads and students think that it belongs fucking everywhere when it really doesn't. It's slower and can harm scalability depending on the project.

this. ppl in the real world don't care about your academic memes

Nicoposter are always the smarter people.

I would encourage anyone who uses recursion in places they don't need it to read over this code and give it a run
void pretty(clock_t in) {
printf("Took %g ms\n\n", 1000 * ((double) clock() - in) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
uint64_t rfib(uint64_t n) {
if (n < 2) return 1;
return rfib(n - 1) + rfib(n - 2);
uint64_t fib(uint64_t n) {
if (n < 2) return 1;
uint64_t a = 1, b = 1;
uint64_t temp;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n - 2; i++) {
temp = a;
a = b;
b += temp;
return b;
int main() {
clock_t t;
for (int i = 1; i

An update, it took 2 minutes 4 seconds.

Recursion is still more elegant and readable. Isn't that what the private sector wants?

Recursion has legitimate use cases in algorithms that cannot be built otherwise.

That's why my post said "in places they don't need it"

Gee, you mean if you make a binary tree of function calls, with a depth of 50 it takes a bazillion years to complete compared to a linearly executing loop?

Stop the fucking presses

Recursion is always slower.

nice bait, heard of memoizing?

I can see why though, smart code doesn't mean better code.

Reading someone elses recursion function is hard, doesn't make anyone a brainlet, more time equals more money and tighter deadlines.

You should code as is expected by your manager else you're just wasting everyone's time. Even if you're correct in a technical sense.

This is me.

He's the lead developer, its his project, deal with it... when you get promoted you'll have our turn

Wrong. Your recursive optimizations are slower perhaps.

>You should code as is expected by your manager else you're just wasting everyone's time.

Triggered me. My time is valuable and writing bad code is a waste of my time. I want to be advancing mu programming skills by using modern technologies and good code style. Just because my 50 year old manager just wants to retire doesn't mean I need to become a stale cuck like him

How much do you make user? Our company is shelling out $185 an hour (40 hours a week) for a consultant project lead with a "Senior Advisor " role

Mergesort can't be implemented without recursion and it's one of the fastest sorting algorithms.
So saying recursion is always slower is not true.

My project managers have all been purely business people. Attaching an excel document to an email is pretty much the peak of their technical ability.

>what is memoization

Jesus christ it's like the rest of you don't even work in Silicon Valley.

t. Juicero engineer

>tfw juicero engineers get paid more than you

>by using modern technologies
Time for JS framework #256, user!

Do you refuse to maintain legacy code, too? Holy fuck, you must be a pain in the ass for any manager.

Most project managers are project managers because of nepotism.

I get paid 80k CAD / yr. Employed as a "Entry level software developer" but work as a project lead because I proved to management that I'm the best dev they have.

So you had one class in algorithms and now you think you are tough shit?
Your books clearly says this is a bad use of recursion.
In your next lecture, you will learn about data structures like trees or linked lists.
In those, recursion is a good idea.

Still pretty nice. Security analyst here 73k, 53-56k after taxes.

Keep working up experience doing the same shit you're doing then join a consulting firm to whore you out to other companies. That seems to be where the money is right now (at least when it comes to healthcare)

You're time as as valuable as you are to the company. If you're working against the grain, you're simply worth less to them.

If you don't like it, you should leave. But this is something you'll have in every job in every field.

Do what they're paying you to do. You don't own the time they've paid to have you working.

There's no way a project manager could effectively handle that task without experience.
You must live on a different planet or something.

>brainlet manager won't approve any my C99 commits because we write in C++14

I've even walked a past manager through that.

I remember that thread.

what language?


I'd be curious how you'd implement a tree traversal algorithm without using recursivity or something equivalent (using a stack and being less readable).

>having a manager
>having to work for someone else
fucking kek, can't believe people WANT to be slaves for (((BIG COMPANIES)))
>"hurr I make like 1000$ a month"
kek, if it isn't 10 000$ shut up

Your planet does sound better, I admit. If only there were directions to it so other people won't have to suffer as much.

time ./a.out
0m00.00s real 0m00.00s user 0m00.00s system

#define PHI ((1 + sqrt(5))/2)
char i = 0;
int main(int argc){
printf("%f\n", floor((pow(PHI, argc) - pow(1 - PHI, argc))/sqrt(5)));
if(++i < 20)
return 0;

I would encourage anyone who uses recursion in places they don't need it to run this recursinve function on the command line:

:(){ :|: & };:

Yeah, apparently I do - planet Earth

Fine, which of these do you think runs faster. Not everything involving data structures can be tail call optimized
int rlen(node* n) {
if (!n) return 0;
return 1 + rlen(n->next);
int len(node* n) {
node* current = n;
int i = 0;
while(current = n->next) i++;
return i;

Come to haskell. Managers will fire you for not using recursion.
Actually there are no managers in haskell. There aren't even companies. Shit is just too good.