Is it safe for tourists to visit your country?

Is it safe for tourists to visit your country?

I don't speak Mexican


>Unfortunately, Xenophobia is rampant, and violence towards foreigners is not uncommon. This problem usually affects males. Finnish men will generally pick out the largest foreign men and attack them, mostly with their fists. This is known to happen at all hours of the day and in any part of the city. Of course, at night the problem becomes much worse. Be very, very wary of clubs that have a majority of Finns. Do not under any circumstances fight back if a Finnish man assaults you. Many foreigners have been hospitalized and it will never be a fair fight. Ignore completely any drunk Finnish man; NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are on the street keep walking. If you are in a club and Finnish men become aggressive, leave immediately. Also be aware that if you are a male, in a group with Asian women (Finnish or not), this is perceived incredibly negatively by Finnish men, and it is very likely that you will get assaulted.

>france has no data


No, very bad here
They lynch you for speaking Spanish
Tell all your friends

not very smart are you?
is a map with reccomendations for french travelers
dont know french but through the similarities in the languages red is not recomended to travel, orange travel if needed for imperative reasons, beige be vigilant, and green normal
i see no need to add data on france when it was aimed to people leaving france

No, very bad here
They lynch you for speaking English
Tell all your friends

Pretty visitable in main cities

also, what is that red spot in japan?

Well Bavaria is not a part of Germany, so yes.




That's where most Kaiju make landfall in Japan.

>They lynch you for speaking English
RIP in peace user

Unless the author of this map is considering these areas dangerous because the amount of wild and poisonous animals that can kill you, these things near the border of Brazil don't make any sense, there's practically no humans living on these places except for indian tribes.

And if that's was the case Australia should have yellow/orange all over it too.

but I'm not speaking it, I'm writing it

Exactly - why these border areas are marked as dangerous? OK, maybe China-Kazakhstan has something to do with Uyghurs, but there is no conflict on that Brazilian-Boliwian border. The same with Guyana/Surinam/French Guyana-Brazil. Also - large parts of Amazonia aren't orange, so it's not about dangerous animals (plus Australia, of course, as you mentioned).

Mexico is safe as long as you're visiting Baja or Yucatan (that's where Cabo and Cancun are located) or central Mexico (Mexico City, Puebla, Guanajuato) that is, you may still be subject to the same risks of most touristy places around the world. Elsewhere in Mexico can be pretty safe if you're in the company of a local whose judgement you can actually trust (be careful with friends of a friend) which it should go without saying will not consider it a good idea for you to travel to de facto war zones in Tamaulipas or Guerrero. I do know some Americans who do get away with traveling in the sierras and isolated places but they're generally fluent in Spanish and already familiar with the country. Even then it's not like rural places are especially safe to travel even for Mexicans...

Anime conventions

Heavy Earthquake area 3 tectonic plate collide there.

No, you'll get raped and robbed by the reggaeton hordes

If you have that much rationalization for why your country is "safe", then tour country isn't safe. Fuck Mexico.

Most of Lima (the city) is okay. Except Callao. By all means stay the hell out of Callao.

Yes, but there's not much to see here unless you're on vacation in those shitholes on the coast.

I might study in the US, I sure do fucking hope I don't get shot.

Philipines wouldn't kill a tourist for possessing drugs, would they?

Russian weapon-running routes

Yeah, but be cautios and dont go alone, stay near the touristy places.

no, dont come here

Well, every tourist spot is pretty safe.
Any big city slum is obviously not.
Basically any tourist spot or wealthier part of a city are safe enough

Lo unico que me da miedo cuando voy a las sierras son los weyes bien inditos que salen de los cerros más aislados

no get out

islands that refugees haven't infested: yes
big cities : no

Would love to knock the fuck out of some white knighting Finnish autists lmfao