What are you smoking, int?

What are you smoking, int?
I smoke tobacco pipe and cigarillos(russian Premier always).

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Why not red?


sweet, sweet poison

Captain Black Royal.


Why? It is not the most good. I prefer to smoke tobacco manufacturing Peterson.

In Argentina, too, the warnings on the packs? And you paste the photo of diseases caused by Smoking? Photos of amputation, stillborn babies, emphysema?

>current year
>still embargoing cuba
>have to go to meheeco/canuckistan and sneak these back over the border


Once you have searched at customs? You have to hide? How?

>in Argentina, too, the warnings on the packs?
Yeah, for several years now

>And you paste the photo of diseases caused by Smoking?
That's present in every single pack

I thought that such only exists in Russia.

I have US Global Entry so I don't get searched very heavily at customs , but officers don't really care about cigars, either

we are getting that soon too

Expensive? Only smoke Cohiba?
I to this day never even thought that this idiocy is somewhere else besides Russia.

i think atleast australia has that too

Is that Che Guevara endorsing Rolex watches? Lmao.

We do. The images are a little more recent, but we've had the health warnings for ages now.

I like the green one and I'll smoke it until it's banned, which it will bee soon here.

And liked drink rum.

hand made cigs from very strong, cheap and stinky tobacco

Used to smoke these, lucky strike, or bali shag. Now I just smoke weed.

Whatever gets smuggled in from Spain
You think £10 notes fall out of my arse hole?

>current year
>analogue cigarettes
>not blowing phat fruity subohm cloudz

the thai ones are especially grim.

I use their tobacco (blue packet) for my joints. That's the only time I smoke tobacco these days.
you know most of the duty free stuff you buy at the pub or under the counter is actually counterfeit and even worse than normal ciggys, right?

>actually counterfeit
Doubt it lad its not even written in English

Try the black packet, it's the best NAS, or bali shag if you can find either.

3€ for 20 cheap bootleg slovakian fags

Terrible smoke, I'm sure it's very bad for me but it's cheap and very strong (again, most likely chemicals) and it gives me my nicotine fix. Used to smoke pipe tobacco but it's too expensive.

After I quit for around 3 months, cigarettes started tasting like shit and only got a bit better afterwards.

I started smoking again, but only around 3 day during uni and a pack whenever I drink, but I wish they tasted like they used to. I use an electronic cigarrete when Im home, but I feel like a retarded faggot when I use it outside.

Used to smoke lucky strike, but now I buy pic related most of the time

yea, I know it's not. that's what makes it believable. seriously a quick google search will tell you this. unless it's off a mate or somebody who's been abroad assume it's counterfeit (especially the ones sold under the counter at pakishops)
halfzware is NOT what you want to use in a joint. Virginia blends are the way forward. Moved onto the American spirit stuff because it's better for you (lol) and I don't smoke apart from in joints now so can afford it.

Pic related

i don't want lung cancer, i don't smoke

My granny usedy smoke them.
She haddy switch cause it was like lighting your own hair and inhaling it

You'll never truly experience the joys of tobacco

>tfw lighting a fag after a hard days manual labour or having a fag while chatting with the lads

The young man, the thread is not created for you. Go your own way, stalker.

you wanna die in perfect health?

Where abouts was your granny from? Yeah the ones I smoke are super bootlegged Eastern European shit so I'm really considering putting off them. Didn't know they had bootlegged excellence in the UK.

Does anyone else smoke unfiltered?

Better than suffering from disease early. Smoking cigarettes affects many important parts of your body and would harm my athletic ability (as a main point, which is important to me). And I don't see any benefit to it

>Doing manual labor

No thanks, there's subhumans who can do that for me.

I'm in Derry lad, they sell them in the wee portable tuck shops in the poor areas
Ahhh poverty

Hahahha he has autism I see

Fuck off edgemaster sperglord supreme, you sound like a sissy bitch afraid to chip your freshly painted nails


Hahahha down by the bogside I assume?

I'm not afraid I just don't like physical labour. There are inferior people who can do that for me.

I'll save my energy for lifting and playing sports. Enjoy your fucked up joints though

>but it's too expensive.
Depends on how much smoke and at what price. Tobacco Russian production of medium quality has a price of 400 rubles(5.5 Euro) per 50 grams.
Good imported tobacco will cost at least twice as expensive. All depends on how much you smoke. I smoke a couple times a week, sometimes more often. 50 grams of tobacco is enough for me for three months. I spend on Tobago is significantly less than those who buy cigarettes(1-2 Euro) and smokes two packs a day.

Smoking on some chronic after a long days work and a nice gym sesh. Feels pretty good man.
Pic related me on the right


I lift and work on a construction site, do you think your some sort of masterrace edge lord supreme? God, what ever happened to the hard working providing blue collar white man, just faggots like you nowadays. Just leave this thread if you don't smoke.

Looking forward to try american spirits next week when I go to chicago

Unfiltered camels were my shit but haven't smoked for 6 months because I could feel my respiratory fucking up

makes you look like Bruce Willis in Die Hard and this is whatmatters

who is that handsome midget you are cradling, is he your identical twin?

Koksal? I'm a huge fan

Well look forward to paying $12 for them, sadly

I am. I'm smoking cigarillos without filters. Romeo&julietta, partagas, montecristo, premier, phillies(i like honey but in russia only 5 flavor)

Brought back a pack of Sobraine Black Russian cigarettes. Fucking shame I didn't buy a carton of them.

Well that was a bolt from the blue wasnt it

>Went outside for a cig yesterday
>had the fag in my mouth
>go to light it and take a draw
>this doesn't taste right.png
>was smoking the filter upside down

Does anyone else accidentally do this?

While we're on the topic, anyone here smoke Heroin?

I've began smoking it a couple times just for jokes and it's actually pretty relaxing. I'm considering trying IVing this upcoming week but I'm not sure if i should make the jump.

You called me what?

>I am superior because I'm straight edge

No, that's a bad game boy. You'll end up in a bad way I've seen lads round where I live on the dope and it never ends well for them, get off it. This is assuming your telling the truth.

every smoker probably, u can't forget the smell

Never buy and smoke russian cigarettes.
If you want taste of russian tobacco production buy only pogar. pccf ru

>He wants to die perfectly healthy

Pussy confirmed, just smoke some u lil beta. It's good stuff

I loved these with were 2-3cm of heavy duty radioactive tobacco sticked into white whistlem
I couldn't figure out this design, but they were still cool

Yeah heroin and tobacco are quite the leap, fuck off out of this thread you autist.

never even heard that expression before. sorry for the low effort bait.

A бeлoмopкaнaл чeм плoх-тo?

pussy beta confirmed

At least heroin gets you high while smoking cigarettes just makes you look like an edge lord and doesn't get you high

Done it more times than i care to admit

Most places in the world would be nice to visit if it wasn't for public smoking.

A этo и нe cигapeты жe. ЦE ПAПИPOCЫ!

yo, atlhlete square, don't bully ppl

not sure why you're being downvoted for this.

smoking cigarettes is essentially a subconscious desire to have something constantly in your mouth in and out, in and out.

As Sigmund Freud pointed out some years ago.

Even Carl Jung pointed out that there is strong evidence that the desire to smoke is linked with strong homosexual urges

Marlboro lights

tell me something i dont know lol

To green and to fat.

Hи фигa ceбe, a я вce вpeмя дyмaл этo cинoнимы пpocтo. Кaжeтcя pyccкиe oдни из coвceм нeмнoгих ктo oтличaeт oднo oт дpyгoгo

The UN peacekeepers sent to protect the Rwandan prime minister at the beginning of the war had their dicks cut off and fed to them


Its been in Canada and most of the liberal world for decades now

I mean come on, its 2016


They then killed the prime minister and took turns raping her corpse. A вce paди вeликoй цeли! OHИ CTPOИЛИ КOMMУHИЗM БЛEЯTЬ

B aнглийcкoм языкe - cинoнимы. Ha caмoм дeлe cигapeты и пaпиpocы этo двe paзныe вeщи. A eщe пpи cccp пaпиpocы чacтo иcпoльзoвaли чтoбы кypить тpaвкy.

this doesnt mention that

Are these expensive in Argentina? The ones I find here (rarely) are super expensive and the only ones I've come across have been unfiltered which I didn't really like.

Pic related is my go to pack.

Seriously quit while you're ahead. I've had a friend who went to prison, came out and then relapsed and went to therapy. It's the most destructive thing out there by far.

read it in a russian source. can't remember where








>чacтo иcпoльзoвaли чтoбы кypить тpaвкy
лoл нy этo caмo coбoй. A чтo интepecнo, пo фaктy тyт мoжнo кyпить и тe, и дpyгиe - пo кpaйнeй мepe cyдя пo тoмy, чтo тaм в cтaтьe нaпиcaнo, a тaк кaк oни нaзывaютcя oдинaкoвo, paзницы кaк бы и нeт. Mы видим тoлькo тo, для чeгo ecть cлoвo

A нacкoлькo пpaвдив cлyх чтo в aмepикe вce cигapeты - этo в ocнoвнoм лeгкиe? Я cлышaл в cшa мaлo любитeлeй full flavor.

I vape

Get out


nicotin gets you high you fag

And then I remembered the thousands of gay jokes about vaping.

>What are you smoking, int?
>I smoke tobacco pipe and cigarillos(russian Premier always).

I vape, mojito currently
