What happens here?

What happens here?

Is it the oasis of South America? Do they have problems with drugs and bandits like their neighbors? Are they really white? Why is it shaped like a really long poo? Why won't the Brits give back their islands?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=WLOaV_PXIsWewAThgZG4Ag&q=argentina lootings&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.
google.co.uk/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=r7SaV_y-EoSjwgSW5p_QAQ&q=argentinians americ&oq=argentinians americ&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3..30i10.2447.9464.0.9679. lootings
google.cl/search?q=american looting&biw=1440&bih=789&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBwsmWyJfOAhVTlpAKHXrECbsQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=american lootings&nfpr=1

Insecure anons ranting on about how they are white and first world.
It's just like the rest of southern america.
Poor, ugly, crime and degenerate.
Don't fall for the memes.


Salta and Jujuy are rightful ARYAN INCA clay

If Brazil was the United states, Canada would be Argentina

Its basically Brazil lite but they pretend to be superior while having a much smaller economy

So cute, the baby learned how to cherrypick images!

They all look like the average spics we see in Dallas

google.co.uk/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=WLOaV_PXIsWewAThgZG4Ag&q=argentina lootings&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.

Why the fuck are you using British Google

>Is it the oasis of South America?
Of South America, yes. We are better than others.
However its still not much by 1st world standards.
>Do they have problems with drugs and bandits like their neighbors?
No, not really.
>Are they really white?
Yes. 95% of our population is European*, 4% natives, 1% Asians.
*mostly Italians, Germans and Spanish
>Why is it shaped like a really long poo?
Colonial divisions during Spanish rule. They were kept intact after independence.
It's like the same principle with the Middle East or Africa.
>Why won't the Brits give back their islands?
It's a dickwaving thing.

t. Joao bananinha da silva

>drug problems
if you consider mediterraneans white then yes
Only a few are white germanics
They won the war so
better than Chile desu

we're pretty much like this (please ignore Beckham...)

if we're white or not, I leave it to your judgment

But Argentina is superior..

That place is 100% european soil full of aryan people.

Everyone is so jelly welly ITT
Thanks god I'm not a shitskin latino or a north apemerican nigger

>comparing Argentina to Canada

Damn, that's offensive to the Argies

kek this guy never left puerto madero

fuck you and cebame un mate culiao, the winter is cold as fuck right here (I'm from the south)

More spics

google.co.uk/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=r7SaV_y-EoSjwgSW5p_QAQ&q=argentinians americ&oq=argentinians americ&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3..30i10.2447.9464.0.9679. lootings

You're right, I shouldn't have said that
Argentina isn't nearly as bad as Canada

Shit is dire

BUT, BUT... he dindu nuffin!!!!

google.cl/search?q=american looting&biw=1440&bih=789&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBwsmWyJfOAhVTlpAKHXrECbsQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=american lootings&nfpr=1

I'd rather go to Brazil than Argentina. Brazil has its own culture. Argentina is just a crappy version of other places.


lel, Buenos Aires in a nutshell

wtf argentina you lied to me



posdata: ese es Venezuela

Half of these pics are from Venezuela, another spic country.

t. idiot who knows nothing about LatAm

that's not us
ours is not that high

It's a developing country. Yeah, they're poor as fuck and shit's crowded, but you have to look a little past that and more at things like crime, hunger, sickness, and individual freedoms. A picture like that can only tell so much of a story.

Look how many satellite dishes are in that photo. How many houses have been painted recently. Is that dire?

They have great writers

You are so stupid lol

Im a yank who lived there for a while, its pretty nice desu. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are all about the same by standards of living,with outliers in each country. Southern cone is the best part of all of Latin America.The drug war isnt too awful there, but there is plenty of crime. Most native Argies are as white as Mediterraneans but there are tons of peruvians and bolivians who have moved over and they are straight native.Shaped like that because of the andes mostly. The brits have no reason to do so and wont.


Its shaped like an icecream cone, cos it holds smooth and tasty vanilla.

wanted to visit argentina for a while now

do you lads shoot white people

jkakjakjjkajkakjakj el buliado seniores

>New orleans

> Do they have problems with drugs and bandits like their neighbors?

yes pic related, robberies per every 100.000 people in different Sudaca countries. Also, Rosario having a higher homicide rate than Medellin, the city of Pablo Escobar.

and also, this


>Do they have problems with drugs and bandits like their neighbors?
Yes, though not as much as say Mexico or Colombia
>Are they really white?
Argentina sort of, Uruguay mostly, Chile hardly

he is right though

obviously it isn't a one to one direct comparison, it's just a rough analogy

after having lived in the states and argentina, and visited canada and brasil i can say Its a bad analogy

niggerland don't come here

gay chinese

no, we breed with them

how do you know about salta and jujuy?

All spic countries look the same. I see gardeners, nannies, Rosas and Pacos everywhere...

>We are better than others
That's why everyone hates you. You're no better than anyone

If you want whiteness go to Peru
Truly the whitest nation on earth


t. Peru 2.0.

This, proof is Steve Michael Hariston


don't be mean with ecuabro

i assume that's a high-class neighborhood in Bergen, Norway, correct?


No it's not.


Accurate, travel to "El Perú"



Venezuela: 3.000.000 What's your point?

Peru and colombia should both split ecuador like a cake to eat tbqh

he called you peru 2.0

In 15 years, Buenos Aires will be the Bolivian Republic of the Rio de la Plata. Just as it was the Italian Republic of the Rio de la Plata at its peak in 1960. Cultures, to be dominant and this is irrelevant liberal legal regime and repressive force of dissent, must constantly generate expansion of its own people, keeping alive the waves of immigrants, physically surround the civic centers of the capital near government offices, considered spatial reference geographical and psychological downtown of the city, not country clubs or suburban rest of the weekend, copar the police, the army, hospitals, public school. The Italian and European setback in general in Buenos Aires is impressive, when I was born the restaurants had Italian food by default, there was not to name it as such, the few that exist today this stream as if we were in Asia for the exotic , they should be offered as "Italian cuisine" and are very bad. In a short time, Bolivian and Peruvian dishes stews will become the food of default of the Argentina capital.

los mapitas vienen....


t. Ecuador's father

Fuck no, Ecuador is rightful colombian clay

Mi verdulera boliviana, este mediodía mientras le compro naranjas, uvas, bananas, peras y paltas para consumo hogareño de Mariquita Delvecchio. La chica trabaja sábados, domingos, feriados por default, además de los días de semana, con su awayo cargando a su bebé. No se hace planteos ideológicos sobre derechos al descanso ni baja discurso alguno apologista de la vagancia, como es común escuchar en los europeos (y europeas) que han impuesto en los puestos de producción argentinos horarios limitados, comida del mediodía, café de la mañana, té de la tarde, salidas cada hora para fumar, días de fiesta y puentes, una jornada por semana trabajando desde la casa bajo la categoría ridícula del "home-office", que el jueves se trabaje menos porque el día siguiente es viernes, que el viernes no se haga nada porque viene el sábado, que el lunes sea a media máquina porque se alcoholizaron y se drogaron el fin de semana mientras bailaban en un festival con otros alcohólicos y drogadictos, o sea todo lo que sea necesario para defaultear las obligaciones laborales. Mi verdulera barrial es de la helada Potosí, Departamento de Potosí, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Sus hijos serán clase dominante en Argentina. Los hijos de los actuales europeos serán resaca de la historia y se disolverán en la irrelevancia social. A lo largo de los tiempos, los bárbaros siempre vencieron a los civiles. Porque el dominio de la sociedad pasa por trabajar más que los demás, trabajar da poder, ser un vago es perder el poder. Ocupar territorio, las principales ciudades, es garantía de triunfo futuro. Retirarse al country y al barrio cerrado para no toparse con amerindios es señal de derrota y garantía de extinción como grupo nacional.

My Bolivian fishwife, this afternoon while I buy oranges, grapes, bananas, pears and avocados for home consumption Mariquita Delvecchio. She works Saturdays, Sundays, holidays by default, plus weekdays, with awayo holding her baby. No ideological planteos on rights to rest or low speech any apologist for vagrancy is done, as is common to hear in European (and European) have imposed in positions of Argentine production limited hours, noon meal, morning coffee, afternoon tea, every hour for smoking, holidays and bridges, a day a week working from home under the ridiculous category of "home-office", which on Thursday is to work less because the next day is Friday, which Friday nothing is done because it comes on Saturday, Monday is at half speed because they alcoholizaron and weekend drugged while dancing at a festival with other alcoholics and drug addicts, or whatever is necessary to defaultear obligations labor. My neighborhood greengrocer is frost Potosi, Potosi Department, Plurinational State of Bolivia. Your children will be dominant class in Argentina. The children of today Europeans will surf history and will dissolve in the social irrelevance. Over time, the barbarians always beat civilians. Because the domain of society is to work more than others, work gives power, being a bum is losing power. Occupied territory, major cities, is a guarantee of future success. Withdrawing the country and the neighborhood closed to not run into Amerindians is a sign of defeat and guarantee of extinction as a national group.

uh se vienen las taringeritos de /lat/. Yo me voy a mi country genteeee

Ah whatever.
No señor
Are there many ecuadorians in the same conditiosn as peruvians and bolivians?. Everyone i heard that moved there was to study tbqh


>Is it the oasis of South America?
No, Argentina is too big to say that, but its south is great. Or at least Bariloche, I have been in there.

>Do they have problems with drugs and bandits like their neighbors?
Not really, or not as bad as Brazil or any other drug country like Colombia and Mexico.

> Are they really white?
The white Agies look mediterranean, there is some germanic blood in Argentina but they are rare compared to Italian/Spanish.

>Why is it shaped like a really long poo?
cuz they r stoopid

>Why won't the Brits give back their islands?
The argies lost the war and the people living in there wants to be part of the UK.

Personally I think Argentina is just Chile 2, not really a huge difference.


What did he mean by this

look crazy you pale in the numbers compared to the colombian and venezuelans, what i can say i once was injected a drug in the anus by a ecuatorian doctor

lol "Germanic". Argentina's """"Germans"""" are Russian mongols. They lived in the Russian Empire. South Brazil is the only region in Latin America with a substantial number of actual German descendants.

""""please spit on me"""""""" ""i am inferior"""" """abrigado""""""

sus valores europeos recesivos seran reemplazados por danzas nativas.-

Slavshit is mad. Curitiba was the only reason where those mongols settled while they're the overwhelming majority of the """""Germans""""" in Argentina.

masla nunca falla en hacerme cagar de risa

sabe pa.-


what the fuck did I type

Why don't you give your land back to the Mexicans or native Americans you fat prick?

Two can play that game. I randomly dropped pins in Buenos Aires and Sampa and this is what I got.

I passed there when in Buenos Aires
How did you guys let so many shitty bolivians, paraguayans and peruans build this favela in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY??

Why is Chile somewhat successful despite being 50% white?

we will replace the european's recessive values with native dances.-


the amerindian occupies the city, the european retreats to the country-club and the suburb.-

Yeah ive heard too that many ecuadorian doctors go to work to Chile and Argentina.
Give Malvinas back


They are already taking it back. Just look a t California's and Texas's demographics

amerindian + arab + african + asian= kill the european

>there are Mexican sleeper cells posting as Americans RIGHT NOW

Pic related
You'll have to do something impossible before doing that and that impossible thing is....beating us in a war
They can have the Falklands "back" when the people of the Falklands want to join Argentina

those are Colombians in your photo

Post a Chilean crowd that looks as white as this. shitskin.

as the cowardly european retreats to the slums and villages, we the amerindians stomp their cities and smash their civilizations.-

> 50%
You're feeling fucking generous today, don't you?