Why are the most popular israeli dishes Arab?

Why are the most popular israeli dishes Arab?

Israelis are Arab, idiot.

technically no

no, they aren't


They even copied Hamas

A lot was influenced by Mizrachi and Spehardic Jews which inhabited both the middle east, North Africa and the Mediterranean in general

Potato pancakes aren't Arab

They are Europeans who said WE WUZ IZRAELITES N'SHIT

National identities are not built by accident. In the '40s and '50s, Israeli officials decided to create an Israeli pan-Jewish identity that would subvert expected Ashkenazi dominance through the celebration of Biblical Jewishness -- revival of the ancient Hebrew language, legal ambivalence toward ethnic differences, and the promotion of local Jewish foods believed to be more authentically Jewish than fried apples and borsht.

jews and arabs are semites but jews are not arabs or vice versa

why are the most popular british dishes indian?

Indian food is very good

Oh I'm an idiot I thought he called them middle eastern

It was before the 40s

>hebrew was revived in the 40s

that's the same as calling Slav an ethnic group, 'Semite' is not an ethnic group

>revival of the ancient Hebrew language
started in the end of the 19 century
>legal ambivalence toward ethnic differences
so? a nationally that applies to all like 'American' applies to many groups
>promotion of local Jewish foods believed to be more authentically Jewish than fried apples and borsht.
complete crap, no one pretends Hummus or Falafel is Jewish, or close to it.
each group brought local food from their respective areas and cultures.

Oh yeah, the American and Israeli identities are very similar

You could argue that being an American is kind of like Jewoshness, because it can pass through heredity in a diaspora as long as the citizen parent has ever lived in the US

>A Yemenite Jew is a Jew first, and we must turn him from a Yemenite to a Jew that forgot where he came from, like I forgot I am Polish

That doesn't make them Arab you retard
Geohraphical location or ethnic lineage isn't what makes you an Arab
It's the language
If your ethnicity has Arabic as its native language you're an Arab
Iranians, Assyrians, Jews, Kurds, Turks, etc. are all Middle Eastern but not Arab because they haven't replaced their former languages with Arabic like the rest of MENA did (Levant/Iraq/N.A.)
If they did replace them, they would be regarded as Arabs, but they didn't
Arabs are not a race, but a linguistic group, like slavs

don't bother with these retards
here it's middle east = arab

But most jews are not middle eastern.

I know, technically most Jews are Russian but most Israelis have their origins in the Middle East or North Africa, but that doesn't make them Arab

>most Jews are Russian
that's wrong though

But the people in Israel are not Israeli's they are Europeans

No? Sorry, I read it here on Sup Forums and didn't bother checking the accuracy
No, most Jews in Israel are mizrahi, look it up