Has anyone adopted Nim? I'm curious about learning it

Has anyone adopted Nim? I'm curious about learning it

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Why do you keep making these threads?

This is my first

No docs tho

No it isn't. This is at least the third time you've made this thread with that exact image and file name.

he wants to talk about Nim

I don't know what to say . It's my first user

Fuck you

It looks neat, but for real things I prefer to use boring and proven tech like Python and Java.

I use nim all the time, fantastic language. If you're looking to learn, check out nim in action, it's a great book

Bullshit. Shill. Nim is dumb. Why not use anything else

What makes you like it

>Why not use anything else
What can't you say that to?

I've used it for a small project. I liked its meta-programming capabilities and speed but unfortunately the standard lib is (was?) pretty sparse.

Can you just use c libraries


I'm starting to. Love the syntax and performance.

What syntax?

>download nim tar
>follow instructions on the website
>try to compile
>nim compile program.nim
>nim:command not found

Welp. Nice language.

Just install it from your package manager.

Don't have one


>Not knowing how to add to path.
Try something easier, like Go

I used it for a major project. From rust to Nim. My post on hacker news from a few years ago: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9050114

Also considered go as well. Trash.