"Americans are uneducated and stupid and fat xdDD"

>"Americans are uneducated and stupid and fat xdDD"

Uhhmmmm excuse me sweetie?

Other urls found in this thread:


what proxy are you using?

1. College =/= education or intelligence

2. Universities full of strangers

3. Does not represent the average American

>1. College =/= education or intelligence

Top Universities don't equal intelligence or education... Lol okay sweetie, try again.

Let me guess, having money also doesn't make you rich?

Regarding world History and international affairs that don't involve the United States, yes, they're very far behind and that's where the stereotype of being "dumb and uneducated" comes from.

Also, having a college degree doesn't prove high intellectual output. And when considering IHDI the USA is literally 3rd world tier, because some areas are exceptionally rich, while others are exceptionally poor, therefore it doesn't quite represent the average American citizen.

> "hurr durr COMMUN SENSE" right winger detected

And forgot:

4. Biased ranking where non-English publications are disregarded, not because they're inferior, but because they're not part of the English circlejerk

lol whoops for ushering in the golden age of humanity haha lol not dying and stuff hehehe

next time we'll just let the germans, japs, russians have the planet :)))))

Most PhDs I know are of average intelligence, and not extremely well-raised either. With a few exceptions, they are mediocre.

And top universities are full of SJW rubbish, ooga booga studies, etc.

>having money also doesn't make you rich?
Having money makes you rich, but it doesn't make you upper class.

Speak white, thanks.

>Biased ranking where non-English publications are disregarded, not because they're inferior, but because they're not part of the English circlejerk

L O L. That cope.

>Y-y-yeah we didn't make any rankings because w-we're just as smart as but they're RACIST AGAINST US, they only like anglos!

Lmfao, can you possibly make any more excuses? Next talking point is going to be "America isn't rich because there's some poor black people who smoke crack and refuse to work in Detroit", am i right?

>next time we'll just let the germans, japs, russians have the planet :)))))
how is that bad exactly?


Pretty bad. Imagine letting the top 0.00000001% control everything.

>Pretty bad. Imagine letting the top 0.00000001% control everything.
i don't need to imagine
just look outside
oh wait
i'm wrong
that totaly doesn't happen
you have freedom and democracy and shit
the choice to elect one of 2 people who serve the same agenda and are paid by the same people

I killed 8 of your people in 18 months.

>the choice to elect one of 2 people who serve the same agenda and are paid by the same people

Yeah but the difference is that the USA has a lot of checks and balances in place, such that a president can only minimally affect a country and its economy/society.

Better than Muhammed Al-bini and his royal family deciding everything for the next millennium

my people are shia
you prob killed sunnis
and they killed your kind
so win win for humanity in general
also nice on bragging about murder, shows what an american is made of

>going to a babby university
If your university isn't AT LEAST 500 years old, how do you even stand looking at your pathetic babby ass in the mirror?


It's easy when cherrypicked students from 3rd world countries are the majority on it.

I've seen some favelados getting into Harvard and MIT.

Thank you for your service

so the fact that usa president has limited power means usa is better controlling the world than pre ww2 powers?
nice argument skills

Thanks senpai. Here's a fun little video for the road. Stay safe friend!


>so the fact that usa president has limited power

Limited power to affect the country.

he still has to pass shit through congress. He isn't a dictator

You don't understand how universities work. It's based on circlejerking.

So French publications blissfully ignore most foreign stuff, and will cite French-language papers written by friends before anything else. The English, the German, the Japanese do the same with their own language.

Anyway, professors have no time and no resources to translate stuff from 10 foreign languages... if they even know it exists.

Now, as the English-language professors are more numerous, they can circlejerk really hard, which inflates the importance of their work. But they're worth the same as some obscure Italian professor that writes in Italian in a review no one reads. It's all the same rubbish (because the vast majority of scientific publications, in any language, is useless rubbish).

t. knower

>You don't understand how universities work. It's based on circlejerking.

Research is one big scam anyway

I'm mostly memeing you

how is this related to what w were talking about?
that the world would be worst off under pre ww2 powers?
you know what
not in the mood for retards

>oxbridge in top 5

what kind of shit ranking is this

It's a zoo for twenty clever people you have. Yes, they are quite clever, but everyone else is fat and dumb. It's a known fact. You don't need to have a brain when you live in the US of A.

>It's a zoo for twenty clever people you have. Yes, they are quite clever, but everyone else is fat and dumb

but why do such fat and dumb people have the best Universities in the world then?

Why doesn't Russia have top-tier Universities where people from all over the world pay high money to go study at?

don't blow yourself up in angery prematurely ahmed

Yeah. At least, in the Anglo world, it's a well-paid scam...

Here, you have a PhD and you write bullshit research all day, but you earn less than a plumber. Such a career will only attract people who can't seriously monetise their skills elsewhere.

Well, you don't. It's the clever people who have them.

>Why doesn't Russia have top-tier Universities where people from all over the world pay high money to go study at?
Why doesn't every other non-English speaking country have such Universities? Because English is, sorry for the pun, lingua franca today. It's irrelevant; It doesn't make US general population smarter.

How does this represent the educational level of the average population?

There's a lot of dumb and fat americans but same thing in every country.

Every country has the average person who is a retarded subhuman, the difference is you hold the USA to a higher standard because they're the financial and political center of the world and they have the best economy

>pay high money
>to go to a Russian university

The "expensive university" is mostly an Anglo meme. In France, I spent around 5 euros per year for my tuition.

I got what I paid for though.

Do you know what percentage of the population gets into those schools?

I appreciate defending us leaf, but you're retarded


>Do you know what percentage of the population gets into those schools?

And so are you making the implication that the general population of other countries is somehow smarter?

I'd say the amount of geniuses and great athletes a country produces per capita is a good benchmark of its successes.

>There's a lot of dumb and fat americans but same thing in every country.
Excuse me, but a lot of dumb and fat americans is an american specific problem. Everyone else in the worst case scenario have only a few dumb and fat americans.

>Every country has the average person who is a retarded subhuman, the difference is you hold the USA to a higher standard because they're the financial and political center of the world and they have the best economy
Surely I'm not. I'm applying the same standard by which merican general population is retarded. Also, even if every other country have an average person as dumb as the USA does, at least they are not as fat.

>Country of over 315 million people

You can literally cherrypick like this from any country.

I think we both know if we wanted to, we could cherrypick far far more from Russia that makes it look dumb than from the US. Let's be real here.

this never fails to make me kek

There are French universities conducing all their classes in English (mostly the top business schools). With French professors talking to French students in English.

Feels like we're a third world country and they're too good to speak French, the language of despicable peasants.

>Excuse me, but a lot of dumb and fat americans is an american specific problem

I meant that there are dumb people everywhere.

Russia has plenty of alcoholics and krokodil addicts and retards of all sorts too.

I didn't say it doesn't though

>great athletes per capita

Jamaica confirmed for super power m8

>there is 320 million people in USA
>those top universities in USA take only few thousand people in annually
muh educated 1%.

All Indians expats.

>All Indians expats.

What makes smart people come to America then? :^)

Why don't these geniuses go to other countries? :^) Sounds like they know where their talents will be recognized.

>What makes smart people come to America then? :^)

Indian professors who teach there :^)

There are very few. I never had an Indian prof.

>x detected/spotted

fuck off back to 9gag or something