How do you call this in your country? We call it traitor

How do you call this in your country? We call it traitor

Other urls found in this thread:,_1991

A good man.

A very good man

Without him Russia would still be without internet.

An honourable man.

We call it internet explorer

An excellent human bean

USSR was great.
Extremly Great.

t. born in 1990-92

Will he tear down Trump's wall next?

yeah buddy

if it was it would still exist

He was somebody who tried to reform the USSR into a social democratic welfare state and the entire thing failed miserably because nobody but the russians actually liked the USSR for the most part. If you want to throw words like traitor around you should be bitching about that drunkard Yeltsin.

Liberator man who wears the map of the USSR on his head.

He looks a lot like my grandfather 2bh

People generally don't know a lot about him in italy (if they're not communists), but those that know a little bit about him tend to say he's the soviet leader regarded as the hero that prevented ww3 to happen
Funny thing he's the only soviet leader born under the soviet regime (all the leaders before him were born prior to the russian revolution) and he was the one that ended up communism in the east

He did the wrong thing at the right time
The consequences were fucked up to everyone, and I personally blame him on opening the doors for globalism and paving the way for the fucked up degenerate world we live in today

Dumb red-ass bastards destroyed my country twice in 75 years.

>he trusted Americans
>he thought they were honourable men

Lol, he didn't. His reforms were "allow private business in USSR" (resulted in disparity of prices and people were becoming millionaires stealing shit in Russia for free and selling it to the West), creating anarchy and ban vodka (resulted in giant loss in budget).
His refoms convinced most of us he was CIA agent because there is barely any other way to explain his retardness.


Lol, do you imply Gorbi was a communist?
Also tsar-wanking is stupid 2bh

>His refoms convinced most of us he was CIA agent because there is barely any other way to explain his retardness

Then again, if you know a thing or two about the US defense/intelligence communities, the truth is they didn't actually want the Cold War to end because they needed to justify their budgets. The 90s was a decade when the CIA were totally directionless and didn't know what to do.


>do you imply Gorbi was a communist?
No, blyat', he was anarcho-hippie-gay-feminist.

you sound like a stupid far right


We call it Gorbatchev

Why blame the captain when the ship was a pile of shit that would have sunk anyway even without him?

Lol. He was a socdem, he confessed it multiple times. He has nothing to do with communism.

>nobody but the russians,_1991

Referendum not a single fucktards
in a government cared about. Why there was not a single honest army officer who could shoot these faggots in Belovezhskaya Pushcha? Yeltsyn, Kravchuk and Shushkevich decided the opposite to the will of 250 millions.

Gorbachev > Putin

A great reformer :^)

>He thinks that the brainless empire of bureaucratic ineptitude collapsed because of the person that desperately tried to fix it

Do western Russians even give a shit about East Russia? Like do you ever even go there or what?

Pizza Hut customer

No. It's too far away and the only reason why people from West moving to East is money.

>Do western Russians even give a shit about East Russia?

We call it Gorby.
He is a representative of bald head.

Poor son of a bitch who ended up with the fallout from decades of incompetence and an economic model doomed to fail. I feel bad for the guy desu.

It's funny because Western countries and the Butthurt Belt consider Gorby and Yeltsin these champions of democracy and world peace, but Russians think they should have been hung from a lamppost.

>Yeltsin these champions of democracy
Speak for yourself. He was the drunk who setup the system that created this whole Putin/Oligarch clusterfuck.

Чe "йeaх бaдди"? Tы тyпaя мoлoдaя пидopaшкa, пpoмытaя Гoблинoм.

Nice logic
Does that mean the British Empire was not great because it doesn't exist anymore?
History proves that all empires, no matter how great they are (British, French, Mongol, Roman, Ottoman, German, Russian or whatever) will collapse some day. America will face the exact same fate. It's just a matter of time

Tyт eщe ecть пидopaшки пoд aмepикaнcким флaгoм. Их лeгкo oтличить: ecли oпpaвдывaeт coвoк, тo пидopaшкa живyщaя в CШA. Oбычныe пyтинoфилы coвoк вce paвнo нe любят.


Sensible men in English

This. This retard destroyed democracy in Russia.

savior of the white race. literaly.

why so salty ruskie? you prefer stalin to kill half your family?