The most hypocrite country in the world

The most hypocrite country in the world.
United States of America, where you can;

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
>Where soldiers are sent to poor countries to do nothing, but jerk off, wave their guns around and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
>Where a former Reality Show Celebrity can run for Presidente
>Where someone who is being investigated by the FBI can run for President
>Where you get your dick mutilated even though you not Jewish or Muslim
>Where cops shoot people for being black
>Where you can smoke weed in public places but not a cigarret
>Where there are more McDonald restaurants than Libraries
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where heath care is a privilege and guns are a right
>Where paying to have sex is a crime, unless you film it
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
>Where walls are made of cardboard and then they complain when a storm brings everything down

Is this FREEDOM?


this is fucking gold, have you posted this on Sup Forums?

its a country of fake people, its all a reality tv show of fake smiles and emotions, that only hide evilness and bloodlust

It's pasta m8


But at least we're not Brazil

first time I see it on Sup Forums 2bh


Still the best country on the face of this planet.

>Drive at 15
You aren't a full legal driver at 15 in pretty much any state
>Where you can only have sex at 18
In many states the age of consent is 16 or 17
>Where you can smoke weed in public places but not a cigarret
This is only true in just a few major cities, weed is illegal everywhere else
>Where there are more McDonald restaurants than Libraries
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
Fireworks are legal in many states
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
yeah this is bullshit
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
Doesn't really happen anywhere tbdesu fampai
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
Many houses are made of bricks and stone, especially older ones
>Where walls are made of cardboard and then they complain when a storm brings everything down
Did you mix up America with a Brazilian favela here?

Honestly I think most of America's problems come from close mindedness, refusing to accept you're wrong ever and general stubborness.

I think it would do them good to realize their own human flaws and try to be more self aware

I may be from a 3rd world country but thanks god I wasn't born in fucking USA

USA is 3rd world as well :^)

top kek btfo

This 2bh

>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
We have tons of rocky soil. If you built with bricks through much of the East Coast you'd have to rebuild half your house every spring, because uneven soil expansion over the winter brings stones to the surface and presses them against foundations. Wood has some give to it and can take it. Bricks just break apart at the mortar.

You're not one to talk, headless beaner.

I know this is a pasta bait, but I'll bite anyway.
>Drive at 15
Not an issue, given the centrality of cars in American culture, and requiring not as much skill as adulthood.
>Sex at 18, Drink at 21
Age of Consent varies by state from 16 to 18. In addition, some states have Romeo and Juliet laws to protect teenagers from having sex with each other. I personally believe that the drinking age is shitty, but I can see where it's useful given our intense auto culture.
>Carry a gun but not a bottle of alcohol
Varies by state
>Military and police
Bait, unless you're talking about BLM
>Pay alimony
Depends on state and case
>Celebrity for President
Anyone over 35 and a native can run, and there shouldn't be that many restrictions otherwise
>FBI Investigation for President
IIRC, no charges have been actually filed, and see above.
Agree, is shitty, other Americans' attempts to defend it notwithstanding.
>Cops shoot people for being black
Also shitty, but just a manifestation of race relations as a whole in the US.
>Smoke weed in public but not cigarettes
Proofs? I think they're both banned. Also, what is second-hand smoke
>More McDonald's than Libraries
>More people on fat benefits
Proofs? And even if true, there are ways to get healthy without necessarily going to a costly gym.
>Fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers not
Varies by state, and at least flamethrowers have purposes.
>Health care privilege
Partially agree in it being shitty, but most people do have insurance.
>Prostitution illegal unless filmed
Again, personally find the law shitty but can see how it could protect women, but if it's filmed it's either as an investigation or acted out for porn.
>Fried butter but no salad
>Boys can go into girl's restroom
Only for transgendered folk, in which case I see no issue.
>Houses are built with wood
Wood is plentiful in our vast expanse.
>Storm houses
Building anything else in a storm area is too expensive to rebuild.

*protect teenagers having sex with each from facing prosecution

God damnit

You're right, not even being sarcastic. Fuck this shit.
40% white in 30 years yaaay

Is this pasta fresh?

>you actually believe that there's an issue with boys in the girls room
only submissive new-males nice-guy bitchmen believe that men are inherently criminal and that they all are predisposed to committing sexual assault. Let me guess, you think that boys need to be taught not to rape, correct?

>Where there are more McDonald restaurants than Libraries
This one isn't particularly odd or wrong tbqh

true. we're a cunt filled with cunts. most of them white middle upper class retarded women

>3rd world
Looks comfy af

>Butthurt 3rd worlders being assmad at American superiority
Nothing to see here


>replying to a pasta


i'm hurt

That's what he get for being slow