128 vCPU

>128 vCPU
>3.9TB of RAM
>On a single machine.

What do you do with the godlike hardware Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


deal with one memory leak that they won't fucking fix


well could it? without gpu like a virtual cpu one

Forgot the link: aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/x1/

Looks like it's only 15$/hr. Need to get that htop output tho

Think Crysis could run across 8 NVidia K80s? Because that would be one hell of a gongshow. You can rig that up with Google Compute Engine :D

Graph analisys.

I'd write an algorythm that creates lewd art and I'd start a patreon

Finding new primes

honestly not enough ram for my GIS applications

Some good books about GIS.

I'd probably use google chrome.

>128 vCPU
Not much. I'd rather have moar cores and less RAM to render 8k 120fps 3D porn.

Run multiple Electron programs at the same time.


But I'd assume you could shard the workload among multiple nodes though for most GIS applications no?

How else are you going to run large simulations like this one starting at 1:46?



Any commentary from the dudes who made that? It's insane that anyone can be that good at their job.

>Think Crysis could run across 8 NVidia K80s?
Are you like 10yo or something.

The physical destruction isn't that impressive but damn that's a lot of smoke.

SSH into the server and download all the RAM to my own computer

>3.9TB of RAM

And here I barely even use 4gb

>What do you do with the godlike hardware Sup Forums?

Shitpost all day and watch porn

play facebook games and watch anime

>childish typing
How new can you be?
I’d use it for folding@home, and get in the leaderboard.


Shitpost on /g at mach 2 and edit movies.

>server gear
>normal user

Nothing because >electricity bill

This shit is so fucking lit, it's up there with Avatar (2009)

Play minecraft in it

Run financial calculations?

>What do you do with the godlike hardware Sup Forums?

Dial 911 and wait for them to come put out my house fire.

Create virtual desktop in Loonix.
Run Crysis with software rendering (software D3D) in it.

Sell it, I have no niche applications to do with it, it's crap for normal use

Better just XForward the Wine Crysis window, still using software rendering