WebKit Nightly

What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
Now that Firefox/Nightly is becoming spyware, I thought I might take a look at those.

Other urls found in this thread:


Safari is the biggest botnet of all

Just use a firefox fork instead, I'm trying out waterfox and it's not that bad

Webkit nightly is open source

Do you have anything to back up that claim?
>use Chrome/Firefox: have your data collected by Google/Mozilla, then sold to other companies
>use Safari: at worst (nothing to back that up), have your data collected by Apple, then sold to nobody
It's slower than FF Nightly, lacking in features and uses more memory. There isn't a fork that's as performant as Nightly.
FF Nightly is open source as well, but you can't disable all telemetry.

If you have a mac they're good

I think you mean chrome

>If you have a mac
I do, but why wouldn't they be good on other OSes?

Because they don't run on them :(

How does the performance and use of memory compare to FF Nightly?

Nice george soros navigator.

I want to change, retard, that's the whole point of the thread.

Just download pic related. Its the best browser


Does webkit gtk+ actually work on Linux? I don't have a Mac but I would try it.

GNU Icecat masterrace.

>Now that Firefox/Nightly is becoming spyware
Where are proofs



When I shut down webkit it deletes all extensions. I also can't post here with it or Technology Preview. Otherwise I'd use those.



>GNU Icecat
Rebranded Firefox?

Bump for this, have there been performance comparisons of FF Nightly and WebKit Nightly?

>no webm

How come Safari is so fucking fast on macOS?
I'd use it if it could actually be customized. Firefox and Chrome feel completely sluggish compared to it.

Its almost like Safari was built just for macOS/iOS... Weird...

I guess.
It's too bad the browser is hardly customizable and doesn't respect your privacy. You can't even choose the search engine you want, you have to choose between Google, Bing, Yahoo and DDG.

>doesn't respect your privacy
Need source I think this is total BS.

>but you can't disable all telemetry.
Actually you can. Not from settings, but if you flip some toggles and blank out some URLs in about:config you can break telemetry completely.

Could you be more specific?
Wouldn't it turn itself back on when getting updates?

user meant Safari doesn't. Not FF.

If you're on mac why use anything else than safari anyway? Genuine question

>not customizable at all (can't even make it so that videos in new tabs only start playing when clicking on the tab, or choose anything else than the four default search engines, or even change the color of the taskbar, basic shit like that)
>can't play .webm
>extensions are terrible
>probably phones home
>isn't that fast on mac anyway

Safari is literally the browser holding back technological progress. Every other browser, even IE and Edge, update regularly and integrate new standards and features regularly.

Then there's Safari. That little SHITPILE just sits with it's thumb up it's ass for YEARS while everybody else is using new standards and features, and reputable companies can't use new technology because they have to support FUCKING SAFARI and wait for the irregular gigantic updates that the browser gets to bring it in line with every fucking other browser.

Safari is the new IE.

>new standards and features
Like what, outside of webm?
I can't figure out why they haven't made webm support available yet anyway, it seems trivial

WebRTC, VP8, opus

There are actually a lot of changes and updates to the Javascript language. Look at the Safari column. Fucking god damn Safari.


safari literally uses webkit, the standard for browsers. chromiums engine is just a fork of it.
who uses webm besides Sup Forums?

>>isn't that fast on mac anyway
It's the fastest browser user

I'm no expert on it, but from my own experience, a co-worker had to modify some Javascript to use the var keyword because Safari (don't know what version) didn't support the let keyword.

Unless they support webm what's the point of Safari tech preview builds?

Apple has horrible betas. Their stable stuff isn't stable half the time anymore. No way would I use a nightly browser.

>You can't even choose the search engine you want, you have to choose between Google, Bing, Yahoo and DDG.
Does that matter if you're only going to use Google, Bing, Yahoo, or DDG?

What if I want to use startpage

Then it's a problem.

DDG isn't trustworthy, so that makes Safari unusable by default if you care about privacy

This is the solution I use. I turn off the search functionality in the addressbar and just use IRC style hotkeys.

That's clever actually.
How do you deal with the other limitations of safari, like webm support and not many options for customization? What extensions do you use?

Webm is supported through the VLC web plugin. Theoretically you could get inline, looping webms using this and a modification of Sup Forums X, but I don't have the skills to do such a thing.
By default it will at least play the video in your tab one cycle. It's a bit buggy, but it's better than downloading and playing the videos in a player.

I'm not sure what you mean by "customization". Most of my browser customization has always been from userscripts, which Tamplemonkey handles (including Sup Forums X and Oneechan).

You'll have to get used to not having favicons though. Honestly I don't even notice anymore.

I didn't know about that, thanks.
Where did you get it? Most extensions I'm used to on Firefox are unavailable on Apple's extensions platform.
Do you use vanilla Safari, or the nightly/technology preview version?
Do you think Safari really is faster than other browsers on mac

>Where did you get it? Most extensions I'm used to on Firefox are unavailable on Apple's extensions platform.


I use vanilla because Apple sucks at releasing stable software.

Safari is graphically faster and has a much better UX. Things like pinching out to see a preview of all your tabs and a consistent UI with the rest of the OS just make it worth using. Not to mention Chrome and Firefox are garbage on MacOS.

I still keep Chrome installed because there are a few sites that don't play nicely with Safari. Khan Academy is one example. It's annoying, but very rare.

I'll try it out, thanks friend. Have a Kumiko.

>turn off search functionality in the addressbar
How did you do that? Is it also possible to disable all suggestions when typing in the address bar (including history)? I can only disable favorites and search engine suggestions.

Turn off search suggestions. It doesn't seem like you can fully disable it however, so you can still potentially search on something by accident.

Yeah seems like it

>Chrome and Firefox are garbage on MacOS.
I use FF58 on Sierra, it's fine, what do you mean

She is a nigger.

Is this krautchan? I don't think so.

No, she's cute.

Webkit Nightly is a shit!

>open a site

>save preferences
>quit, reload
>it's all back to default settings
And there's no improvement in performance over vanilla safari

Fucking this! Just use Safari and GG.

>Just use Safari
I will when they release a way to make the toolbar black or add a dark theme and don't force me to choose between four privacy-violating search engines

Does anyone use Iridium? Is it any good?

The only problem I have with Safari is that it does not support multiple audio and video codecs.

What extensions do you use to replace stuff like noscript or umatrix?

I don't bother with noscript. You will be tracked, and you're just making yourself stand out by disabling some of the botnet and not all of it. It's not worth the effort in my opinion. Being tracked is a fact of life, it makes more sense to blend in with the noise than trying to silence your signal.

I don't know what umatrix is.

My biggest issues with Safari are the lack of favicons and tab scrolling. There is no legitimate reason to totally remove favicons other than Apple's muh grey autism

>I don't know what umatrix is.
Redundant if you have noscript, it's a combination of noscript and ublock I guess.

Aren't there any useful extensions for safari outside of the privacy thing?

lmao no
and noscript is trash literally why in the everliving fuck would you use noscript when umatrix exists

These are what I have installed. Tab Options plus is a must because the "intelligent" tab managment of Safari is shit.
