Computer science prof has been in the industry for 50 years and is highly accomplished

>computer science prof has been in the industry for 50 years and is highly accomplished
>clicks and drags the scrollbar to move down the page

>judging your prof like that
autism desu

what does navigating through a file have to do with writing code?

>in the industry

he's probably used to the command line.

you have 10 seconds to name one way to move the scrollbar with more speed and accuracy than by dragging it.

Dude who the fuck cares?

Don't you fit in anywhere else?

>assuming your professor works within whatever shit desktop environment you seem accustomed to

This is what I do on my thinkpad.
On my desktop I would probably use the scroll wheel or the keyboard since it has a bigger screen it doesnt require as much precision when scrolling.

Well it depends. Scroll bar, arrow keys, page up/down. Want to go to the end or beginning? Home and end.

Chances are that if he doesn't know how to use those shortcuts, he doesn't use them while coding either.

he does know every single one of those shortcuts, but they are all slower, less accurate, and objectively inferior to clicking and dragging.

>but they are all slower, less accurate, and objectively inferior to clicking and dragging.

>using the scroll bar is faster and more accurate to go the end of the document than the end key

In the industry probably means he has been lecturing in the "industry" for years, not actually working there.
Almost no one who works in the industry becomes a professor

The case they do is for the benefits they obtain and that normally mean they already retired. But just through their lecture and communication skills you can tell they worked in industry.

>Page up Page down
>Completely inaccurate and shit will just have to use the arrow keys in succession to get where you need to
>Arrow Keys
>Need to constantly fucking press them for long periods of time to navigate shit
>Scroll bar
>Objectively most patrician and accurate method of navigating a file, while not being a complete pain in the ass to constantly move down
I think you're autistic user, sorry nobody has told you.


>implying professors don't work on their own projects
>implying professors don't get grants to do shit
>implying that doesn't count as being in the industry

even when I went to community college my C programming prof worked on stuff outside of the classroom

CS doesn't even have an industry outside teaching. You can teach in college if you're lucky, or teach in high school and middle school if you don't. That's all there is to CS.

>Being this retarded.

>implying computation theory, algorithms, and mathematics have anything to do with browsing internet pages.

You kids think everyone in the "industry" is some elite haxor going 9000 mpg when it comes to using computers.

Hate to break it to you but most people are not. They are good at what they trained to do for those jobs an do that. They don't care about everything else because in any decent company you have a separate IT division that handles all that for you. You forgot about useless shit some kid is paid $20/hr to do and learn more important things. Hell most "senior" employees are beyond doing the dirty work, they are far more managerial at that point and are there for consulting and when shit really hits the fan to keep it up.

If you think they give a rats ass about how you can type 200 wpm and make your Emacs do all sorts of crazy shit you are wrong.

This, professors are the rejects of the industry