Don't mind me, just gonna steal your car

Don't mind me, just gonna steal your car.....

Other urls found in this thread:

...with no survivors

you are probably waiting for a piracy discussion, but
bottom line is, OP is a faggot and nobody who pirates is going to stop because of various reasons, especially when comparing potential profit loss to actual theft.

the only somewhat effective way to lessen piracy I have found was when the developer constantly releases updates to annoy the pirates into buying the product

You're going to have to jump it first, sorry man.

You're a big shitpost


unrealistic stock photos

I don't pirate software. I do a clean room implementation using the Nim programming language.

That's ok. It's insured. In fact, you stealing it would mean that my loan is paid off, plus the gap coverage would give me another 1000 bucks on top of the loan.

please turnoff your adblocker to steal my car

Jokes on you! I don't have a car.

Never stop nimbro, I beelif in you

Wen touching a car would duplicate an identical copy beside me instantly, with the original owner being able to have their copy, I'll be completely fine with that statement.
By your logic, making custom parts for your car, or using obsolete car parts to build a new car is the same fucking thing because "YOU'RE NOT LETTING THE COMPANY TEAR YOU A NEW ASSHOLE WITH THEIR BRANDED PRODUCTS!??!?!! EVIL!!!"

Don't mind me, I'm just going to put a bullet in your head while you're too busy hotwiring the thing.

I non ironically thought I was on /o/ for a sec and that this was a shitpost
Turns out I'm on Sup Forums and OP is meming

I don't think so.



Pretty sure that shit isn't legal in the states. Maybe if you're in South Africa.

you can take it mother fucker, it has comp so i will be reimbursed for a new one.

Please check out my new website dedicated to the Nim programming language. I hope it is very educational :)

Impressive. Very nice.


If I find that using half a scoop of washing powder for my cloths gets the job done, Am I pirating a copy of washing powder every time I use a box?

If I feel full early and cut my portion size slightly to account for that, am I stealing from my supermarket?

If I use slightly less toothpaste than is recommended, am I an actionable case to Colgate?