

Is the difference between these people really just one vowel? Why don't Finns consider them as their own?
Is it a Scotland-England sort of situation?

Other urls found in this thread:–Uralic_languages

They make us look bad, that's why. Fucking reindeer niggers adopt elements from our language then claim to be our kin while biting off reindeer testicles.

Well Suomi probably does come from Saami but it's just a loan. Finns and Saami are pretty distinct genetically and culturally.

That girl isn't Saami

it's aztec mayan kind of situation
thousands of years of seperation

Don't blame me blame google for telling me she is.
But isn't Sami language and Suomi language closely related?
Language tends to indicate cultural bond, though this is less true if they are very geographically isolated.

But Sami and Suomi people are right next to each other in the same area.

Maybe it can be seen more like the Amish? but most people don't hate Amish because they have good propaganda

Never seen one and i dont give a fuck about them or their shitty language

Saami is like a hybrid language of Proto-Finnic and some much older Uralic language with probably some elements of other stuff too(old Siberian and European languages).

All of Finland was pretty much Saami about 2200 years ago but then Finnish colonists from Estonia and Karelia took over kicking the Saami to Lapland.

Complete bullshit.

So it's similar to English and Celtic?

English speaking people from the continent came over and took the place relegating the Celtic to poor regions.

Even though they are technically related languages it's too far back to matter?

I get it now. Thank you for educating me Finland!


>According to the traditional view, Sami is within the Uralic family most closely related to the Finnic languages (Sammallahti 1998). However, this view has recently been doubted by some scholars, who argue that the traditional view of a common Finno-Sami protolanguage is not as strongly supported as had been earlier assumed,[5] and that the similarities may stem from an areal influence on Sami from Finnic.

Basically they are a very ancient tribe from Iberia and have nothing to do with us Finns, but they adopted our language and they "of course" mixed with others and later with Germandicks too.

Hole up, so what you is basically sayin is dat Finns are whitewashed African Americans (by Swedish culture and slave-rape) and Saami are just downhome country niggas who talk all map bap doo wap diddy coz they weren't trained in no white man ass school?

No because a cultural-technological gap between Saami and Finns always existed since many thousands of years ago

By the way there is a theory that Eskimo and Finnish are distantly related, if this were true, though it probably is not true, this would make the Uralic family the most circumnavigated language family in the world!

i can understand the sage slovenian's advice

saami are like black americans who talk incomprhensible are gapped 1000 years in technology to white american and white-acting black american

eskimo is not uralic

It's an old theory but it could be true, but mostly it's not widely accepted–Uralic_languages

The differences between Finns and Saami are not caused by Swedish or Germanic influence

Saami is a Uralic/Finnic language that has influence by pre-uralic/indoeuropean language/s

By reconstructing some old Saami words one can find words that are not from any known language family, that disappeared when the Saami switched from their language/s to speaking Finnic 3000 years ago

Meh, some of them are alright.

>some of you are alright, don't go to the reindeer pasture tommorrow


Saami is West Uralic. They have features from extinct groups, but those disappeared just 2000 years ago.

"An essay on substrate studies and the origin of the Saami" (Aikio 2004)

>"The language shift from unknown 'Paleo-Laplandic" languages to Saami was probably completed between approximately 0-500 A.D."


>"Proto-Saami disintegrated slightly earlier than Proto-Scandinavian"


>"Proto-Saami appears to have reached central Scandinavia already in the Proto-Scandinavian phase"

imagine what Saamic culture looks like

It's all hidden under the snow, the great Sami civilization

Eating berries and living in teepees

advanced cybernetic teepees powered by cyborg reindeer you never know


Their languages are dying out. Most of them live in Norway nowadays. Here's a song by a norwegian-sami

Well, that colombian shitskin who got adopted by a family of samis was pretty kewl.
He got bullied in school and his only friend died, so he wrote a song and went on "Sweden got talent", winning the whole thing.

Börje is the only cool Saami

I always find it amusing how foreigners perceive sami. They always assume sami are pure white people. In reality they resemble a mix between asians and mexicans with their dark skin mongoloid features and asian eyes. They also really really rarely have blonde hair and almost none have blue eyes. Their lives revolve around reindeers, getting wasted + killing each other and getting free money and claiming how they are persecuted (which they are, but rightfully so). Their average IQ is 82 when nordics are 98-102. Truly the abos of the north.

most in norway don't herd reindeer though, but live in oslo and claim oppression points for muh sami heritage

>Well Suomi probably does come from Saami

>I always find it amusing how foreigners perceive sami. They always assume sami are pure white people.
Why do you think that? I think about eskimo-looking people when someone talks about samis


>Why don't Finns consider them as their own?
What? It's the Saami who don't want to be Finns. What are we to do, force them to become Finns?

Obviously we consider them citizens just like anyone, but they've clearly made it a point that they are not the same people.

No joo voihan se olla niinkin että saamelaiset lainasivat sanan suomalaisilta ennen kuin suksivat Etelä-Suomesta Lappiin mutta epäilen.

many finns look just like sami

tai sitte kumpikaan ei lainannu toisiltaa yhtää mitää

That's because Sami are mixed as fuck
These are not pure Sami

Suomalaisten oikeat lähisukulaiset virolaisista vepsäläisiin ja vepsäläisistä mordveihin eivät kutsu itseään suomeiksi eivätkä saameiksi joten tämä ei ole todennäköisin vaihtoehto.
>ei mainintaakaan saamelaisista
Juuh mees muualle valehteleen.

googleta vaikka
>suomi sanan alkuperä
Missään ei ees mainita jotain helvetin poromiehiä

Miksi suomalaiset on niin vitun säälittävä kansa? Suomikin on lainattu joltain vitun räkäsiltä balteilta.

>implying you wouldn't

Veikkaan että se tulee sanasta suomaa.
Tekee senssiä nimittäin.

"Suomi-sanan alkuperä on epäselvä"

Eli kukaan ei oikeasti tiedä millään varmuudella.
Zemehän voisi muuten hypäpä baltista saameen ja saamesta suomeen jos se nyt ylipäätänsä on se alkuperä.
Suomessahan ei tainnut baltteja olla silloin kun meikäläiset saapui.

That's because we had breeding programs in place until the 1970s to destroy them as a people. The same happened in Sweden and Norway. You can't tell them apart from the three peoples because there's no pure blood Sami left. Hell, most of the Sami people in Finland live in fucking Helsinki.

No vitustako kukaan tietää millon ne poromiehet tonne pohjoseen marssi? Jannuilla ei ollu sen kummempia kirjoitusvekottimia ku meilläkää.
Turha ees spekuloida jostain ancient sameista.

>tfw you'll never fill up a Saami qt with your Fingol semen to dilute her Lapp blood

I just want you to get along with your Sami brothers

You must do it, to bridge the gap between Sami and Finns

>I just want you to get along with your Sami brothers
we get along just fine, they're being asshole separatist crybaby nignogs tbqh.

En kykene selittämään miksi saamenkielentutkijat ovat siihen johtopäätökseen tulleet että saamenkieli siirtyi Etelä-Suomesta Lappiin noin vuonna 0 tai vähän ennen mutta joka tapauksessa he tietävät enemmän asiasta kuin 4kanava prot.

just joo...

Jotain siinä kai oli suomalaisten maanviljelijöiden leviämisestä kyse. Jäkäläjuntit ajettiin pakosalle.