/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


help me jesus

Did you just assume my userland?

Which is the most normie distro? Which is the least normie distro?

most normalfag: ubuntu
least normalfag: LFS

LFS isn't a distro.

Should I bother with hosting web apps on my server? I can't see myself using most of them.

So what's recommended for creating a standalone container file with LUKS? The faq recommends mounting it as a loop device and mapping it, although you could just map it with cryptsetup as you would a device. Honestly, I'm not sure wha the difference is.

Most normie: Debian
Least normie: Slackware

Anyone use or tried Plasma Neon?

I'm on Manjaro and like the AUR and attitude of the community behind Arch, but there's just so many little stupid problems I'd honestly rather not deal with.

I kinda like being a KDEcuck, so debating trying out their (non-)distro. Plus no canonical

still have this problem - where can i change that

even with Thunar or Spacefm the sorting is the same. so i guess it's a system setting

where can i change that then?

I know, LFS is rather a "book", a set of instructions on how to create a gahnoo+linux distro yourself from 0.

But if you really go that far, then you made yourself a distro which is not something any normalkek can tell about himself.

Is this for real? They really put the free software song in a manga? Also is there a youtube video where I can hear this in Japanese?


Is there any reason not to use void other than package availability (I've checked and nothing I really need seems to be missing)?

thx, that did it for me.
after setting LC_COLLATE=C i needed to rename the files to start with ! or any other Character before A in ascii table

Oh also, you can verify if that's really the issue or not by launching your file manager in a terminal like:
LC_COLLATE=C my_file_manager
If the sorting works properly then that's the problem

will check that later

QDDM is ugly as hell, how do I make it look nicer?

When installing from the AUR, why do the -git versions of packages always take WAY longer to install?

>installing from the AUR
enjoy ur malware


You're building from source...

Show me 1 case where a package from aur had malware.

Oh wait fedora/redhat/debian/uboobtu/ had their downloads changed to a malicious ijso.

Read the PKGBUILDs and you'll understand.

Is there an accessible, complete, and comprehensive suite of organizational tools suitable for academic purposes including calendar, agenda and standard and some kind of notepad with an organized homepage or launcher?
Am I stuck with normie operating systems unless I'm willing to search for all of those things?



if I rsync a directory that has links in it, will the files from the links get copied or just the link?
I set them up with ln -s so I think they're symbolic


I love that image.

I want a rolling release distro that will not be difficult to install shit, any recommendation?


Never used any non-deb based distro, how difficult is to find shit or converting deb to rpm?

This should be an anime.

Anyone have experience with using Linux on a Dell Latitude E6430?

I always see people here with awesome and aesthetic desktops but using KDE, how do you guys make this ugly think being so pretty?

openSuse has decent package manager and a lot of repos rivaling debian but more updated, it also has support for user sources (kinda like AUR), converting deb to rpm with "alien" its really easy, i have only used for converting rpm to deb though.

Not on that specific model, but dell has great linux support, they even sell latitudes with ubuntu on their website.


Is it an actual manga? If so someone please say the name, reverse image search isn't giving anything useful.
Or is it just a 1 off joke image not a part of anything? Or a shoop?

Don't use C, use your actual locale, like en_US-UTF8 for example.

Can anyone explain to me, why TOP does not show what programs are using all your memory? For example, if you add up RES, and get say 150MB, but total memory used is 600MB, where is the discrepancy? Is the usage of the OS basically total used minus RES? (leaving out shared memory for simplicity).

It looks like ubunchu but I don't remember that part from the manga. Ubunchu is a fun manga though and it's free as in freedom.

Yep ln -s is symbolic link.

Pretty sure either just the links will get copied, or nothing will copy at all. They wouldn't grab all the files that are being linked to

virt includes libraries (which may be) shared with other programs, and shr is only stuff shared with other programs.

Just the links, but you can add -L to make it follow the links.

What's the best DM?



When is the KDE Plasma update with the built-in blue light filter setting coming out?

I used to use that but it ignores a fuckton of characters.
I have a lot of Japanese music and it's like Japanese characters are completely invisible to it, you could add an A or B to the end of two japanese filenames and they always gets sorted by those english characters.

For a while because of that I actually switched to using ja_JP-UTF8 until someone pointed out that C sorts everything

nvm fixed
it's Plasma 5.11 which releases in 2 days (the 10th)

You forsook Jesus when you decided to use a Communist operating system.

>chromium compiling for 5 hours and counting

Which FAQ are you looking at? I usually do the latter. I had no idea you could do the former, actually. I wish there was better documentation on how LUKS works, for Gentoo. I mean, it's kind of simple, in theory, but I always feel like the documentation is always overlooking some critical part, as though it were just a given when it isn't, and it's so frustrating compiling everything only to find out that Gentoo won't boot because of some stupid, simple thing, and I have to do the whole install all over again because I don't really have a reference I can fall back onto to simply troubleshoot. Very frustrating.

>Using global hotkeys for an X11 program
>Need to register with every permutation of ignored modifier keys
Jesus Christ, I hope Wayland will have a better solution for this

Uxe xev + xbindkeys

I'm programming in C++.

i installed icecat and what the fuck are these "click to reveal hidden elements" buttons floating in the top right corner

When doing any sort of operation on files that possess something to the effect of "-*" in their name (where "*" is any character), often times the operation will get fucked up because it will try to interpret the "-*" as an option. So, for instance, if an operation is being done on a desktop file named "-g- - Technology", it'll interpret the "-g" as an option and fuck everything up.

Is there a way around this apart from renaming my files?

That's from the "reveal hidden elements" addon. You can disable it

In most cases, you can do [command] [options] -- [files]. That is, put "--" between the command and the files.

Anyone know why the wifi connection would drop randomly? It's not a network issue, nothing else drops randomly.
Using arch linux with kde, not sure how I'd check which program is managing connections.


enter the filename in quotes, tends to work for me
$ vim ":file -name %with odd*characters(())"

Is it a 5GHz network?

Mine was doing the same thing in manjaro KDE, I just use my 2.4GHz network now. Kinda sucks but oh well.

it's mixed, which is probably the problem
since there's no need to have 2 separate networks, and because it confuses normies, I just set my AP to run in 2.4/5 mixed
>"which network do I connect to?"
>"what's the password?"
>"does that password work on this nerwork?"

Are there any cute ASCII dancing anime girl programs I can run in a terminal window?

How the FUCK do i make ranger open files with vim?

Like cmatrix? i don/t know anything like that, but there are gif to Ascii converters on github where you can input illya_dance.gif and get an html file with moving text.

Exactly like cmatrix.

Ideally I just want some code to stick in a cron job script so while my files are backed up I'm greeted by a cute anime girl letting me know how it's going

Turns it works fine with rxvt instead of xterm.

And now the fucking ranger process won't close after hitting mod+shift+q resulting 50 process open if i don't manually close them.

As said, -- is pretty much standard on GNU programs, but I wouldn't rely on that. ./-* works too (./ refers to the current directory).

I'm about to give up and just use Fedora again. It just works

Sounds like a fun project, i modified some code i found on github, it was used to randomly get a gif from reddit and make an ascii animation for bash. Pretty useless if you ask me, but it takes any gif you feed it and outputs the characters to console.

if [ "$1" != "" ]; then

# Split the gif / gifv into frames
if [ -f $VID ]; then
ffmpeg -i $VID $FRAMES > /dev/null 2>&1
elif [ -f $GIF ]; then
convert -coalesce $GIF $FRAMES > /dev/null 2>&1

#Display each frame in ASCII, sleep, and clear the screen
for img in gifimgout*.jpg; do
jp2a -f --grayscale $img
sleep 0.05 #adjust this for speed

# Tidy up
rm gifimgout*.jpg gifs in.gif in.gifv 2> /dev/null

echo "No file"

I tested it with pic related

anyone here use lxde (i.e. lubuntu) just because it looks better than the rest?

If your EDITOR environment variable is set to vim, you can just press E on a file.

Very new to linux
Installed Debian, I did the encryption LVM with a separate home partition

First boot, I go to apt-get install something and it tells me that my username
>is not in the sudoers file, incident will be reported

Google tells me that its a "broken" sudo, but im not sure what that means and with a brand new install shouldnt it work?

Does the encryption and separate home partition change things? Do I have to access root power some other way because of it?

Have some additional source:
giphy() {
curl -sS "api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random?api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&tag=${1}" \
| jq -r '.data.image_original_url'

mpv "$(giphy american+psycho)"

If you don't mind, some autism:

Since you use bash, use bash syntax: [[ instead of [.

Not an error, but a bad habit: don't use uppercase variables to make sure not to overwrite some env variable by accident.

Quote variables. No exeptions.

If you want, you can shorten 0.05 to .05.

Look into mktemp, which generates a random file or directory, so you don't need to fuck around in the current directory. Makes things safer.

add your username too /etc/sudoers

use su

There's no reason to use su ever.

What are some cool terminal commands?

Will do, thanks for the tips, i have no proper knowledge of bash scripting "just work" knowledge.

su executes the .bashrc for the root user i think, it might be useful to have some alias or script only root can execute.

I swear im sick of the shitty gnu/linux fuckery man.
>install new 16.04 xubuntu
>update to 17.04
>mouse and keyboard dont work
>grub doesnt boot
Wtf am i supposed to do

Stop using crap distros.

Upgrading is probably one of the biggest reasons to not use *buntus. For whatever reason, it's catastrophic at least once a year.

This is supposed to be one of the distros that Just Werks from what ive heard
I cant image the other more fringe ones. How do you deal with troubleshooting everything everyday youre on the computer?

Give me something that just works

I heard Windows just works.

"st" is the command for a pretty good terminal

The other interpretation is nonsensical. "What are some cool commands for computers?" - yea, its the ones that do the things you want / need done, whether you run them from terminal or not.

You should never recommend Windows, not even as insult.

It's nothing that serious. You just have to add your username to the sudoers file (that is, /etc/sudoers).


So, depending on how you want to get permission to use sudo, you might do:

1) Just getting sudo permission by yourself:
su (then type in root's password)
and then add
yourusername ALL=(ALL) ALL
somewhere in the file (usually under a similar line with root)

or 2) getting permission by adding yourself to a group
Assuming your /etc/sudoers file is the same as the above link's, then all you need to do is:
adduser yourusername sudo

In both cases, you can type exit after you've finished, and you should be done.

Debian is the one that just works, ubuntu is the one thats more friendly.

>Give me something that just works

Unironically thinking of switching back for the 1000th time.

I manually got into the file with nano and it wouldnt let me save it

I just did the visudo and its working perfectly now
Thanks user

hahahahahahahahaha *inhales* hahahahahahahaha

Think of all the games.