Apply for job

>apply for job
>there's a Microsoft Excel proficiency test
>don't know how to use any of the functions because they're different from LibreOffice
Why don't companies use open source software when it's free and they can save thousands of dollars?

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Microsoft pays them or gives them discounts to use their software only


Who is going to give support and answer to the company when any contingency happens?

Stack exchange

Now explain that to the managers and the board. In ENTERPRISE people want someone to point the fingers at that will assume the responsibility.
Big enough companies get preferential treatment and quicker patches by Microsoft too. It's sorta like the whole Red Hat deal in Linux; CentOS is free but companies would rather use RHEL for the support.

>Microsoft pays them or gives them discounts to use their software only
you're a moron. post less. people use MS products because alternatives are pieces of shit that come with no support of any kind.
you're a motherfucking neet who's never worked and doesn't understand the value of reliability and ability to pick up a phone and get shit fixed quickly.
Libre Office has tons of buys and a Bugzilla with bugs that are years old.

Yeah, ok. LibreOffice is fine if all you need to do is write a term paper or make a 'budget' spreadsheet for planning how to spend your parents' money. Writer and Calc are passable for student usage, but that's about where the usefulness ends.
Maybe get back to us when LibreOffice decides to implement something like PowerPivot.

Excel is actually so far ahead the rest of the market that it's like there isn't a rest of the market.

>not knowing how to use Excel

>mfw when IT engineer job
>mfw no engineer title, Excel knowledge
>mfw no Pajeet, actually a European Citizen 100% white

>IT engineer
no such thing

You sound rather butthurt. We get m$ products for next to nothing at work because we are a not for profit organisation. Also, Excel is not a piece of software that should require phone support (???) as it's usually baked into the soe image, help desk support generally stopping there for that.

butthurt as hell

Should not*

I'm a microsoft hater, but excel is a work of art. There is so much wizardry with that shit.

>Go for job interview
>It's just a bunch of fizzbuzz questions with no real application
>Linked lists are really good performance wise because they're log(n)

Wow! Just like school!

Microsoft pays colleges to teach their software, and even gives them free licenses. Same with the NFL and their surfacebook pro shit.

The worse part is that government and academia waste massive amounts of money of MS shit, contributing to high taxes and tuition

Well, actually is a CS degree, but I'm in IT and getting paid as so...
Even my rank at the company says so...

>Even my rank at the company says so...
lol that doesn't make you an engineer. you're delusional if you think otherwise


Tell them about cache locality to pass the interview.

>t. guy that hasn't landed his first job in IT

>not wanting that juicy capitalism benis in your boipussy
Get rekt open source fag. go play with Linux and android.

no, i'm an actual engineer, which is why it annoys me when IT plebs call themselves that

What do companies actually use excel for?

It's currently what's going on in the university I am in. I, a gentoo user I am forced to work with 3 diferent versions of visual studio (2013,2015,2017). I am sick of this bullshit.

I'm sorry but I wasn't larping. I was just pointing. It's funny and financially awesome. That's all.

i'm happy for your success. i have nothing against IT guys. I'm just pointing out that you aren't an engineer

You should have prepared. Why are you blaming the company for your own incompetence? Excel isn't difficult, Calc isn't that much different when it comes to basic functionality so I bet you probably would have failed no matter what they chose because you're a dumbshit that spends more time whining about software than using it.

creating spreadsheets with little relevance to their job

Accounting, generating charts, graphs and other bullshit for reports. Making lists of shit and performing repetitive calculations for tabular data.
Why are code monkeys always so butthurt about office products?

How does this scale with more data and collaboration? Do you just pass fat spreadsheets around?
Seems like python notebook/gui + sql db would blow it away.

>How does this scale with more data and collaboration? Do you just pass fat spreadsheets around?
Pretty much what a lot of people do.
>Seems like python notebook/gui + sql db would blow it away.
Multiple bullshit tools with a higher learning curve versus one bullshit tool in an application where performance hasn't been a significant factor for 20 years, less time and money wasted on training and maintenance.

>less time and money wasted
not in the long term

Do you think companies just stop hiring people after all positions are filled? And who's going to maintain whatever shitty implementation gets set up? Who's going to document it?

I have a feeling most people on here who think fucking Python and a database are a reasonable replacement have never actually interacted with people in the working world outside of their own field, or even used the tools they think need to be replaced for anything significant.

they're not that different. what kind of secret mojo sauce excel functions were you expected to implement?

LibreOffice is awful. Excel is so much nicer to use, it's like trying to drive a trebant vs driving a real car.

Most companies only use excel for things that could've been done with pen and paper tho.

I mean, ppl added charts and graphs to make it look pretty, but most of the time it doesn't really add anything towards understanding the data

Everything a computer does today could've been done with pen and paper. Why the fuck are you here instead of at a user group meeting? Because it's quicker and more convenient, it requires less effort and bullshit busywork and gets you closer to the end product you actually give a fuck about.

What is even the point of your statement beyond demonstrating how little you actually understand the use case? That because you yourself have never used Excel for anything more significant than basic chartmaking/graphs/calculations that therefore nobody else does or will ever need to and should instead be using some fucking arcane toolchain for no reason beyond it being more "proper" in the mind of someone who doesn't even know what the fuck they're doing?

>tells them how it is on the real world
>Y-y-y-you are butthurt
yeah man/g/, must be nice to live in a bubble.
>Non profit organization
Maybe in there you can have the luxury to tell your boss that libreoffice shat itself but that a fix is in the works... eventually. You know, when the planets align and the team decides its time to place YOUR particular bug on top of the stack and fix it.
Also, in the enterprise world you paid for some piece of SW you expect fast solutions. Maybe in your non profit you can wait, I dare you to say in the enterprise world that you posted your problem on Quora and already expecting a solution.

Havt used ms excel in decades
Tell me what msof can do that libof cant
No memes

What does excel do that IPython, matplotlib, pandas, etc can't do?

Normies can use it for one

>Tell me what msof can do that libof cant
regular updates and patches?

It requires understanding of what you're trying to do rather than just "lul press da button 4 purty graf".

just kill yourself

>don't know how to use any of the functions because they're different from LibreOffice

1/10, at least TRY next time.

Libof has regular update and patches too.

>>don't know how to use any of the functions because they're different from LibreOffice
How to spot liars...

>Why don't companies use open source software when it's free and they can save thousands of dollars?

Because Poojeetsoft is shilling hard in schools, indoctrinating little kids with their shitware.

Im impressed at how there are not EASY, and I mean Normie-easy libreoffice-officially-backed video tutorials.
>But RTFM! there is a documenta...
Shut the hell up, oh excuse me, allow me to interject: if you think the average office joe knows how to navigate the documentation you are out of you mind. They need piss easy videos categorized on how they can travel from A to B.
>but office joes can't be that stu...
Allow me to interject again. Yes the average office joe/jene are stupid. One fact that M$ and others had forgotten are that people are lazy and stupid. I really dont know why M$ dropped the tutorials in office, they were a great way to learn visually what you needed.
>But here at libreoffice we treat every user with the respect they deserve
Interjection! Nononono, the only people who thinks like this are developers that do not interact with office joes. I had been deployed on several office environments and lemme tell you, most users are fucking morons that barely know how to write a document.
Its been years if not decades since the common user cared for every new feature in MS office.
You want them to learn, make it EASY and FUN for them to learn, you want them to love your product? Offer guides at every motherfucking step of the way. If they find easier to call the IT guy than to learn they will call the IT guy every fucking time, and they will not care to learn, and yet they will shamelessly and unironically add to their resumes that they know every nook of MS office.
>But MS is shilling at schools
You know what they dont need to! MSOffice is a stuck solution, like the QWERTY keyboard layout. Its horrible, its inefficient, there are better ways but its what everybody knows and its already everywhere.
You can change that, but it will be a titanic task

Worst part about Excel is localization

At work we of course have a Norwegian localized version of Excel. We don't have permission to install anything else, because IT says fuck you.

Biggest issue with the Excel localization is that they also localized formula functions. So if I google on to how to something, the answer on google might be something like =RIGHT(xx)LEN(-12)

But I have to guesslate this into Norwegian. That particular example would be =HOYRE(xx)LENGDE(-12)

It's fucking stupid. Who in the world thought this was a good idea? When you translate user interface, don't fuck with function names.

>Libre Calc
>even close to being in the same league as Excel

Because it isn't free to train your entire staff on a product no one has heard of and no one in the IT department supports.

It's not free, not in the way you think it is.

i made a thing for my work to calc funding tables that people had been doing manually
more or less its a giant glorified switch-case function

also exports tables to copy into autocad and exports poor imitations of csv files to pass to a script that draws things in autocad based on what you had in the excel sheet

but besides this, the company uses excel as a "put suggestions for changes to the website here" aggregation point because for some reason they spent a tonne of dosh outsourcing the site to a rookie company who doesn't seem to know what they're doing

>M$ pays people to use their software

You are expecting tech illiterate management, business studies, arts degree people to deal with it by fucking googling their problems?

>Why don't companies use open source software when it's free and they can save thousands of dollars?

companies love wasting money
my company spent $1300 on an autocad training course for myself and two other employees which also went for two full days (meaning another $400 worth of hours for each of us used up)

and they taught nothing that I hadn't already learned by spending a few hours fiddling around in autocad

the $1300 might not have been per person, but even if it was split between the 5 total that were there thats $250 each + the $400 of missing work

so $650 to learn nothing basically

It's got rows and columns dumbass. Of course it's for tabular data.

>You are expecting tech illiterate management, business studies, arts degree people to deal with it by fucking googling their problems?

I can help co-workers by literally googling the problem on their own computer in front of them, trying whatever results come up, and still get praised for knowing how to fix everything anyway

people don't like helping themselves

but it's "free" to download, Sup Forums told me that's all I have to care about!!!!

Wake-up call and redpills for those in this thread!

legit question
when job posting says that you need to be proficient with excel, what kind of proficiency do they mean?
i can do normal function shit and i can google how to do the other stuff but when they ask me to do it on the spot without google i wont be able to do it

fucking this. i don't know what will this society become, when googling shit is beyond 75% of them


They can't google something without being told to do it. They are literally too stupid to google. They are too stupid to press a button. Why do you think LMGTFY is a thing?

Companies use Excel because those companies used Excel before and other companies also use Excel.

It's not even the right tool most of the time. (Excel is mostly used as a "database")
It's just what people know.

can confirm. I had to block directory assistance numbers because employees who worked in front of an internet-connected PC all day did not manage to google phone numbers.

It's true.

I estimate 5% of people are capable of doing non-repetitive office jobs.
Maybe 15% has an IQ high enough, but 2/3 of them lack computer skills.

Everybody else working in such jobs (ie: the vast majority of people in an office) are incompetent.
Their "job" ultimately revolved around finding someone else to do the work.

pivot tables
conditional formatting
array formulas
some VBA
locking the top row

Because libreoffice and other open source alternatives are pure shit compared to microsoft office