America is fucked

America is fucked

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Democracy was a mistake



Did they use Hillary on purpose?
She's so disgusting as a person, she's literally a sociopath and I'm sure she drives people away from the democrats.

And I can't imagine her running the US. That's just fucking creepy, emotionally I'd be more inclined to vote for Trump (although I never would),

This is true.

>I'm sure she drives people away from the democrats.
Considering she insulted what would have been a whole generation lead against the republicans.
Yes, yes she does drive people away from being democrats.
Hopefully both parties crumble to dust.

Do you think after this presidency people will start to realize just how fucked the two-party system is?

She's been powering her way into the democratic spot since 2008.

A lot of the really bad things about Hillary have done, like Libya, Syria, Emails, DNC corruption, have happened since 2012

Bernie was the populist alternative but if you don't know already, the DNC elite including Debbie Wasserman deliberately sabotaged his campaign

Only if trump doesn't win. This is about more than just the next 4 or 8 years. Probably less in Clinton's case since she has health issues.

Supreme Court justices are more important and there is still 1 to be appointed and possibly 2 more given ages. I trust Trump with conservative advisors to pick good ones that will stem the leftist plague like Scalia did.

I trust Clinton to pick ones approved by the global elite and complete the downfall of the US.

She really cannot win. It's all fucked if she does.

>just 2 choices meme
vote for vermin supreme you cucks

Nixon, Jackson and Wilson both became presidents even though they were also pretty shit people. Nixon is arguably one of the best presidents the U.S. had in the 20th century.

That said, Hillary doesn't have the kind of smarts he had, only connections.


fat degenerate, and extreme globalist

American cuckservatism is as repulsive as its liberalism

Can't you guys just re-elect Obama?
He seems to be a good President.

>He seems to be a good President.
Let clinton talk him into creating the hotbed that formed ISIS.
Obama care was a complete disaster, this from a liberal.
He was a good speaker, not much else.

He's a nice guy, but politically is a weakling who's experience in politics amounted to less than a decade as a senator for Illinous. He doesn't have the stomach for DC politics, you can see it in his face that he can't wait to get the fuck out of there.

>Obama care was a complete disaster
How? Who who has suffered from this?

Are these the consequences for not celebrating Easter?

They already are. The Libertarian party is getting huge and Gary Johnson has loads of supporters.

Obviously not enough to win, but the party is growing extremely fast. By the next elections it could be huge, especially if the next 4 years are a disaster like we know they will be

>Who who has suffered from this?
People on medicare, like my family were put on a spend down and could not use it for several months.
Which brought my family into an opiate addiction.
hospitals raised medical prices because they could and insurance companies would get the blame.

Whites, Christians, middle class people, poor people

>who has suffered from this?
People on Medicare/Medicaid
People with private insurance that didn't meet Obongocare's arbitrary fucking regulations
People who paid for their medical expenses in cash
The poor who saw their premiums raised by a factor of 3

How is Obama responsible for your families opiate addiction??

22nd amendment limits presidents to 2 turns

Hes dying ;_;

It wasn't UK style NHS system which most westernized Whites wanted, it's a ghastly mix of public and private (corporate) healthcare

Obamacare is run by corporations, even if it provides more coverage than before

Bernie got cucked by the DNC

He was okay. I prefer memeing myself and writing in a Communist candidate.

You're retarded. Stop talking about things of which you have no knowledge.

Bernie lost because he surrounded himself with incompetent shitstains and completely surrendered the South to Clinton and didn't understand the proportionality of pledged delegates.

Fun fact: there have been Congresses with as many as 7 parties holding seats.

Also, even in multiparty parliamentary systems, almost all prime ministers come from 1 of the 2 largest parties. The only real difference between us and multiparty parliamentary systems is that we have "big tent" parties and they have "small tent" parties.

I wish I could shit all over american amendments

That doesn't make a single bit of sense. Whatever you're trying to say probably doesn't translate from Mongolian.


Either parties need to be abolished altogether or the republic needs to be abolished altogether and replaced with direct democracy. Our current system is a steaming shitheap.

Who was the best democrat president,
Obongo or Bill Clinton ?
I tend to say based Bill but my opinion may be biased by nostalgia or misinformation.


Obama has made way more foreign policy mistakes. His economic policy also did pic related

there should be an amendment that allows that

Wait, what?

What kind of candidates are we going to see in 2020 if Clinton wins? It'll be interesting to see if this anti-establishment sentiment is still strong by then


Pretty sure he means on how shitty he looks now compared to before his two terms. Guy's aged a lot compared to most people.


The joys of a 2 party system where independent candidates aren't even considered.

Are constitution and amendments cannot be broken--that is literal "idz habbening" status--if the constitution is ever thrown away you are witnessing America collapse forever

USA is crazy

There will be a movement to elect a 3rd-party canidate and our two party curse will end.

It has been spoken in media that if Trump doesn't win, that next election the new anti-establishment candidate will be literal Hitler--not the trump iz hitler meme, but a national-socialist dictator

not an arguement

>you are talking about things of which you have no knowledge
I'm not that guy but have you been living under a fucking rock? All that info (bar the emails) is right out there right now.

They also actively suppressed his campaign

But that's what amendments do...

>America is fucked

Jealous dickheads have been saying this for years because they can't afford freedom

When are american going to get rid of the outdated "first past the polls" system and move away from a bipartisan system to a multiple party system?

It might help vent out some of the frustration you seem to be so full of.

t. Trudeau

Well America you have a choice between a Noose or cyanide.

Honestly I think you guys would be better off with bring George Bush jr back.
I think Bush got too much shit desu.

would you?

>I wish I could shit all over american amendments
I know. You and many others and that's why the founders wrote the 2nd amendment.

fight me

Do you think either of them will get elected twice?
I know incumbents almost always win but I can't imagine either of these jokes getting 8 years

>implying they both won't fail catastrophically
>implying Jeb's not preparing a third-party run as we speak
>implying the American people won't turn away from the corruption candidate and the chaos candidate for America's last, best hope for peace, prosperity, and unity



Jeb seems like such a nice guy for some reason, probably the glasses

Looks like Grimes

She looks like an unbearable cunt even at an age when she is supposed to be hot.

I'll support Shillary just because my boy good Billy is doing it too.

>we almost got a Clinton vs Bush but Orange-Glo(R) literally bullied the best candidate out

Why is life so cruel?

my primary issue is foreign non-interventionism, so I will be voting against clinton. it's unclear how much trump is actually an isolationist so I'm legitimately considering voting for jill stein

I think I'll have to see what the prospective polls look like

>implying it's not a big staged show
>implying anything will change after hillary/trump is elected
>implying all the same jew overlords will not stay in real power


As someone said, 22nd Amendment. Also, it's kind of an American tradition that presidents only serve two terms at most. George Washington served two and then stepped down, which means we kinda expect it now.

Republicans were bitter about Franklin Roosevelt winning the presidency 4 times, so they passed the 22nd amendment.

It's unfortunate too. If Eisenhower was allowed more than two terms we could've avoided the disastrous Kennedy presidency. Also Nixon would've never led the republicans nationally, never sabotaged the '68 Paris peace talks allowing him to steal the presidency, and then drag Vietnam on for another 5 unnecessary years.

>Ike warned the world about the military-industrial complex

why didn't anyone listen

Yeah was reading about washington, he pretty much set the standard for fucking everything.

Obama has done nothing but cause harm to American society, and a Hillary presidency will essentially be a continuation of Obama, except this bitch intends to really provoke Russia.

>United Kingdom of America

Who's gonna be the first king?

>globalism is bad
>he said on the international webboard

Democrats were too busy lying that Eisenhower allowed the US to fall behind the USSR in nuclear missile production. When Kennedy was sworn in the American public were itching for fresh fights in Cuba, Latin America, and Vietnam.

>Obama made my family addicted to drugs
I don't like the guy but this is just fucking stupid

Okay so maybe I'm dumb but what's the point of stockpiling 40,000 nuclear warheads?

I don't think we'll run a literal fascist. But here'a how it will go:

>Trump gets BTFO in a few months

>Hillary governs like a shittier Obama, except she engages in more conflict to prove to the electorate that she's as tough as any man

>After 4 years of misery, she runs again.

>The republicans run some milquetoast asian dude. All the while the media will crow and crow about how the GOP is back from the precepice. "ZOMG IT'S NOT TRUMP, SEE, REPUBLICANS AREN'T FLEECING THEIR VOTERS THAT WAS A ONE OFF!!!11!!ONE!"

>rinse and repeat

Google Gary Johnson

The debates are going to be incredibly entertaining. Say what you want about Trump but he is not afraid to go for a low blow.

>I think Bush got too much shit desu.
He seems like a genuinely nice guy, but he was completely dominated by his nutjob cabinet and ended making some horrific mistakes we're still recovering from. Trump would probably end up in a similar position IMO

There's a lot, A LOT of money and power concentrated in those two parties. They aren't interested in sharing. We really are a superpower and they like holding the reins.

If we had third parties running we might raise taxes on the wealthy, nationalize healthcare, or adopt a flat tax. They don't want any of that.

Ever wonder why we're always starting wars but there hasn't been a military draft in 5 decades?

At the start of the atomic age, not even the experts knew much about the bomb. It was only when people realized that everyone already had enough nukes to wipe out all life on the planet 7x over, that the stockpiles started to decrease.

But US policy during most of the cold war was not to let the Soviets achieve a technological upper-hand, or any other major military advantage.

We don't have quite that many. Drop a naught or two. The point is those cost money to maintain and several states where they are housed don't want those military bases to close because they drive the local economy.

How'd we get that many in the first place? Well, we decided in the 40s that if we were going to die we'd take everyone with us.

>tfw we still might

>he thinks america has democracy

No he doesn't think that. He's just contemplating ending yours


Now we all know that is not true.

"America is fucked"

Yeah! indeed

Amendments can be repealed, but it takes 3/4 of our congress voting to do it.

For instance, we once completely banned alcohol just for shits and giggles. That one got repealed

Did anyone else find it funny when the DNC went full RAH RAH USA USA USA

>See Drumpf? Muslim-Americans can die in pointless Middle Eastern quagmires as well! RACISTS BTFO

I'd Rather fuck old hillary desu.

Donald will Make America Great Again.

Does Ireland have a guy like Washington?

Sometimes democrats get asspained when Sup Forumstards act like they have the monopoly on patriotism.

It leads to dumb shit like cheering that we can get even MORE of our own soldiers killed than they can.

>Oh Yeah? Now who's "cucked?" Checkmate conservatard.


I'm as liberal as they come but even I loved reading this guy's court opinions. He was wrong about almost everything, but the sonofabitch could ground his arguments in real facts.

Vintage scalia from the 80s and 90s is based

Nino also confirmed for reigning champ of supreme court bantz