Post yfw you see a guy using his ThinkPad in public

Post yfw you see a guy using his ThinkPad in public.

Is that a sexy lip bite or a "what the fuck is this autist doing" lip bite?

>autisticallty rush into Starbucks to use the restroom
>after relieving myself walk out and see it in the corner of the room
>causal chad on his thinkpad
> o fug based chad
>walk out while making awkward eye contact while saying nice laptop

Nice job bro

there aren't any women here. we scare them off


At my uni, thinkpad users make up probably 15% of people in the CS program. It's not uncommon at all.

"Is that a Brave sticker?"


To look well while using a thinkpad, you must pretty much be an "Agent Smith".

I see you're browsing Sup Forums.
I'm also a shitposter myself.
>implying old habits die hard :^)

le memetrap

>look at his screen
>sees he's running GNOME

>using the smiley with a carat nose


áž´>Who are you quoting? :^)

Bitch, I've seen a roastie studying on a ThinkPad. With stickers slapped on it, no less. They might not have been autist stickers, but still.


Never seen one, actually. I'm a femanon, btw :3

Biggest Chad in my school uses a Thinkpad, not kidding.

Neither do I, wtf. Are we autists?


We all know chads are macfags.

Who let a nigger into the party?

I make the same face but I'm a guy.

The former.

No, you're thinking of Lance, Chad's gay brother. Chad doesn't use a laptop, he uses a phone and sometimes a tablet.

>No, you're thinking of Lance, Chad's gay brother. Chad doesn't use a laptop, he uses a phone and sometimes a tablet.

This, although Chad used to have a Windows PC, but about when he turned 15 he stopped using it less and less, until he never did anymore.

got a bunch of FLOSS stickers on my main thinkpad, no one really bugs me though.
but if i see one in the wild, i take notice and then carry on. did lend the charger to some dude who forgot his, so that was cool.

I forgot the video, someone linked it but these girls look way hotter in this screenshot compared to when they're fucking. Take my word for it, don't meet your heroes.


I have yet to see someone with a Lenovo Thinkpad in public who wasn't an Acne ridden incel.

Imagine those lips wrapped around your cock.

What is it about thinkpads that make people want to talk to you when you use them? Someone started a conversation with me the other day about my old as shit thinkpad that I only use to write text files.

Nothing. It's actually my big black cock. Stole some cracker nerds thinkpad.

so you want to suck a guy's dick when you see him using a thinkpad? cus that's a dick sucking face

why do normalfags hate Sup Forums so much?

Why do normalfags hate the internet and shit it up with their social media garbage while willingly handing over complete control n data to large corps? N SHIEEEETT /rant


it's fine, he identifies as wymin


Sorry maam, but i need something that is reliable and actually work with my gear.





An user running loonix?

>using the smiley with the arch nose


>that pic
honestly that's more attention than I've ever been given by a group of people my age, especially including females, I wouldn't even be mad





>tfw no lamb sauce


this desu

girl be thinkin bout my t430 with a 1080 ips hooked up with a chink converter

Can you give links to that converter and screen panel?

Who's the dude with the long hair?

>I thought I was going to cum my pants
>It turns out to be an x230

That's Jesus Christ

>I take my X201i to the university everyday
>I convinced some normies that it's a fucking good laptop, totally worth it
>they can't believe how much faster it is than the new dell's around (just because I put an SSD on it)
>some of them wants to buy one too
>mfw in time they may fall for the meme

Rick Galvston

Never seen one. Probably much because I don't go outside almost ever. If they were cute I would perform oral on the spot though

>girlfriend sees your computer
>"why does your windows look like that"

what do

Call her a faggot
Realize there's no one there
Seek medical attention because you're having hallucinations



>Rick Galvston
whosthis guy???

Ay yo! Hol up man! What backpack is he wearing dawg?