

Can someone please explain to me how this shit works??? I recently started using my gf's phone number (my contract expired). My own iPhone is signed onto my own Apple ID BUT IT's her old number, could she still see the text messages I send and receive?? The number was linked to her iPad until she gave it to me.


Give it back Jamal

I don't know what you're asking. By, "my own iPhone is signed onto my own Apple ID," do you mean your gf's phone?

>my gf


It's completely unclear who's phone is signed on as who. Word your question better, fa.m

I put her old sim card into my own phone

Still not enough info. Is it the same phone number? Are you signed into iCloud? If so, who's iCloud are you signed into?

Also, why would you do that, instead of getting your own sim? Also, why do you care if she sees your iMessage?

If you want tech support at least be fucking clear with your question.

As I understand your question,

Your iPhone is using Your mApple ID
and a SIM card which previously sat in some iPad belonging to your (imaginary?) GF / hugging pillow.

The SMS/text messages would go from the carrier to the SIM card to your phones memory. I do not believe your phone will forward it to Apples servers and over to her Apple ID when the phone receiving the SMS messages is using your Apple ID.

>why do you care
He's cheating on his imaginary gf with a hugging pillow.

You're an idiot. She can probably see everything. That is the point of iMessage, you only need to be signed in with the email. That's why you can pick up any iMessage conversation from your phone, on your Mac right where you left off, because it syncs up the entire conversation and all the picture messages and everything.
Hope you're not a cheating faggot.

The phone doesn't receive SMS when you're using iMessage. It attempts to send via iMessage exclusively first, and only sends via SMS if iMessage failed to send/receive.

You can turn that off.

I bet you $50 user didn't turn it off since he barely understands iMessage service

The SIM card was in her iPhone, she had it linked to her iPad (she has the same Apple ID on both).

Then she gave me her SIM card from her phone, I put it into my own iPhone which has my own Apple ID and isn't linked to her shit.

I am wondering if just by using the SIM card from her phone in my own phone will she receive messages to her iPhone/iPad??

It's not the question that was asked, regardless. OP is being very sparse with info, to which all anyone can answer, based on the information, is "Maybe."

I mean will she be able to see messages I receive using her old SIM card in my own phone. Fuck this apple shit.

How does it even link together?? Both phones have different Apple ids and emails... I am just using her old phone number/SIM card in my own phone.

SIM is for SMS.
iMessage goes over data network, and is not tied to your SIM. Yes, user, she can send and receive iMessages as you, unless she has removed your iMessage profile (she doesn't have to remove it in order to add her own).

It depends, and has very little to do with the info you've given us. If I had to guess, based on the information you've given us, I would say, "No." Presuming your iCloud and Apple Account aren't hers, she shouldn't see it.

user, the Apple ID is tied to your device, not to your SIM card. It's not hard. Does she have your phone? Did you leave your Apple ID signed in when you gave it to her? If yes, and yes, she can see your iMessage.

Jesus I must be autistic or something.

I took HER SIM card and put it into MY phone.

Our emails are different, our Apple IDs are different and I'm assuming since we both never use iCloud they are also different.

All I know is when she had the SIM card in her phone she could see messages on her iPad, I'm wondering if since taking out the SIM card and putting it into my own phone will the messages still show up on her iPad?


Now, why do you give a shit?

I work in construction and my colleagues/buddies like to send texts that I'd prefer my gf not see??

If Jimbo wants to send a pic of the beach ball he just fucked while completely cooked to the gang, I'll have a look and reply.. Doesn't mean I'm cheating.

>Sending and receiving texts that you would rather nobody else see
>Not using something more secure, such as Wire, Signal, or WhatsApp.
It's like you want to get caught.

No they won't. She won't see your messages unless she has your phone, still signed into your account, AND you have her phone, and have signed into your account on it as well and are using it there.

Her iPad and iPhone are connected to *her* Apple ID. The Apple ID is like any other messaging service.

If the only thing you two traded was SIM cards and you both still have your own respective devices, there will be no iMessage tomfoolery

How are any of those more secure than iMessage?

Cheers m8

E2E encrypted. Can see which devices are signed into your account and deactivate devices you don't want signed in. Fingerprint verification, to make sure that the devices you are sending shit to are the devices you WANT to send shit to. Hell, Wire doesn't even require a phone number, giving you even more plausible deniability.

thats a question im pondering, now im curious why dont you just go and get a new sim card and new line op.

iMessage has E2E encryption
Apple ID has account management services
Apple devices themselves have fingerprint verification.
I don't need a phone number to use iMessage from an iPod touch, iPad, or Mac.
You could make an AppleID with fraudulent personal information if desired, Apple doesn't check unless you try to make credit card purchases linked to that ID.
If you don't trust Apple though, then sure, Signal would technically be considered more secure.

Mostly because Signal would be a container for the data you're communicating, that isn't linked to your device, which is more easily linked to you as a person.

>iMessage has E2E encryption
Apple holds the keys. It's also closed-sourced, meaning that it's to be treated as insecure by default.

>Apple ID has account management services
Indeed, but they don't make it simple and easy to manage (thus OP's question).

>Apple devices themselves have fingerprint verification.
Oh? So when you are sending a message to your friend, you can check all the devices that will receive the message? Consider me intrigued. Please show me something official that supports this.

>I don't need a phone number to use iMessage from an iPod touch, iPad, or Mac.
Yes, but they are tied to something that isn't anonymous (your account).

> Oh? So when you are sending a message to your friend, you can check all the devices that will receive the message?
"Which devices are receiving" I interpreted as which devices you receive messages from, not which devices receive the messages you send. You didn't make that clear at all.
>they are tied to something that isn't anonymous (your account)
You can have multiple AppleID's on a device, and Apple doesn't verify the details of an AppleID until that ID is used to make credit card purchases.

> I interpreted as which devices you receive messages from, not which devices receive the messages you send. You didn't make that clear at all.
You can do both with Wire.


> It's also closed-sourced, meaning that it's to be treated as insecure by default.
Normies don't give a fuck about this, you should know that.

That has nothing to do with what I argued. If you aren't using Wire, or a program like it, you're asking to get caught.