So since all the software keyboards are botnets, what are good alternatives in 2017?

So since all the software keyboards are botnets, what are good alternatives in 2017?
Swype is great, but the datamining is insane and I'm sure it's getting deprecated.

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They're all botnets, google knows how much you love lolicon, OP.


Isn't that Google's keyboard?

>software keyboards
What about hardware keyboards?

I'm considering it, but I don't need a phone at the moment.
I'm going to the store right now and can't find a single good keyboard that doesn't try to profit off you

Being abandoned no luck running it sometimes is gone itself when typing, go with anysoft keyboard so much better and lightweight

I swear Swype has gotten worse over the years, I don't know what they are up to. I just got a xiaomi phone a couple weeks ago and whatever one they use works great.
Hmmm, night be aosp actually

Hacker's Keyboard

Just use your fav keyboard and block all its connection with a firewall????

Swiftkey with Internet access disabled with AFWall+.

Blackberry Keyboard (app)

My only problem with swype is that sometimes the word guessing is 100% absolutely completely pants on head retarded on really simple words. The one that gets me the most is "people", but swype is like prior? purple? poodle? puddle? prime? purple? And by the time I finally get "people" I'm actually screaming at my phone.

swiftkey with iphone black skin

Featurewise, Google keyboard is the best one.

Samsung keyboard for KitKat is groovy. Has swiping but it works better than swype I think.

Works really well on my shitty $70 Alcatel, unlike swift or swype.
Why must Google make so good applications?

simple keyboard

I'm generally satisfied with SwiftKey, but it seems to have lost the option to display #$&_@()=':/%* characters on the letter keys. Am I just not finding a setting?

This, if your phone's rooted you have control of network requests. It's the same way I have no ads on virtually anything; I just redirect those requests to localhost.

Why are you not using Anysoft keyboard? Do you need an emoji bar?

just tried this, holy shit
5/5 stuff


nice that you can set a notification to bring it up any time. Unfortunate that pgup and pgdn do nothing in android, but the arrow keys are cool in some apps.

On some phones, hardware will still fuck around with your requests.

The only real answer. Then again it's
so you're gonna get botnet no matter what.

>tfw there will be no equivalent of pic related in android

I might be remembering wrong but someone mentioned a keyboard which makes frequently used letters larger
does anyone know which one it was?

I use stock gboard.

is there any hard evidence it's sending any data to any servers? source?
or is it all just FUD?

I wish there was a faster way to type a comma from the portrait perspective, but with the dictionaries it's a solid choice.

gboard is a google service

gboard, because google already gets your personal data anyway
minimize the risk

> that spacebar

I use Swype and block it with Afwall.

There's a ton of them user, all of them are shit just like the one in your picture

>implying that Android phones have never had slide-out QWERTY keyboards

>minimize the risk
Of what?
Them not getting your data super easily?

i use fleksy because it lets you hide the prediction bar. I don't use prediction shit and swiftkey(the default one that comes with my phone) doesn't have an option to hide it. Gboard also doesn't have hide top bar option, at least it didn't when i used Gboard. would be nice if user could tell if gboard has that option now.

why does it have apple connector?

are you baiting or some shit? cause i have a (You) coming your way nigga

I've tried everything but I always go back to Touchpal

Probably your theme, a lot of them don't show symbols.

samsung is k too at least its not google

Is there a decent keyboard that can conveniently switch between English and Japanese? Finding one is suffering

I like SwiftKey's features, speed & customizability too much to care about le botnet meme. Pretty sure you can just use it without logging in also.

Anysoft keyboard

Literally any keyboard you want and then block it from using data. Fucks sake.

Swype has been shit for a while now. It was literally the fucking best keyboard ever in winmo6.1+ but once it moved to Android it became total garbage.

DNS66 even if you're not rooted.

>Why must the developers that make the OS make the best software for it?

I use swift key when I am typing in Chinese & English and just swiping between pinyin and English is quite easy, I would assume romanji would be the same

Literally the first Android phone

non-rooted solution- look for netguard

TouchPal was the shit, once... now it's an adfest that you can't stand.

The only one I found to be fast, accurate and has symbols easily accessible with a swipe. Has a bit of a learning curve though. Qwerty feels like shit on a touchscreen now.

is OpenSores

More like spacekey

Sadly doesn't have muh special slav characters. I might make my own language addon for it but not sure how difficult it is

My Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 global uses default Google KB.

Oh I tried this one but I got discouraged from learning it once I had to add some characters and couldn't figure out what position it would be best to put them at. Sometimes I really don't like having options

>Welcome to 2009

Friendly reminder that Swiftkey is owned by a subsidiary of Microsoft.

I imagine there's a lot of data collection going on and if you're even implicated in a crime there's a good chance a 3 letter agency can pull up your entire typing history with the click of a button...

>Sometimes I really don't like having options

Keyboard 69

I use the Xperia keyboard, but if I have dual language activated it turns into a clusterfuck, any better suggestions?

Swiftkey lags like ass for no reason. Meanwhile fucking every other keyboard just works lag free.

That's because your internet connection is slow. Once the text buffer fills up it has to upload everything before it can take more input.


AnySoftKeyboard, Hacker's Keyboard.

All non-meme keyboards have Slav chars. You have to enable your language and layout in keyboard settings.

If you're going to use a botnet then at least stick to Google and not Microsoft.


W-what? Damn Botnet.

Pretty sure there is an English mode on all Google input keyboards, also you can just use two different keyboards and hold down the space bar to change between them.

neat. is there a way to include swipe movements in it like the standard keyboards? none of the options look like they manage that

swype is proprietary

those bastards

get this disgusting tumblr shit out of my screen

I was just thinking about this...
So what makes them any worse than something like a Blackberry?

Of someone else stealing your data, building a keylogger in or something similarly malicious.

Just use the default one in the OS like a normie

I think you can turn it off, it had some other feature I wanted no part in built-in and always on, though.

Pretty sure someone hooked us up with a manifest of the data collection that particular keyboard does and very unfortunately it's quite a bit.

Just do as
and it should be fine, I guess

By the way if you know about some light-weight yet functional keyboard please do tell

>I imagine there's a lot of data collection going on
Yeah, Swiftkey is transferring data all the time, you can see it in the stats.
I disabled that shit (can't uninstall it completely because Sony) and replaced it with ASK.

It is but, as long as you use the one that comes from your rom its open source and not botnet
Android is litterally the only thing that makes me not completely despise google, only cause it's open source
But they said they will drop Android developement in favor of making their own google closed source os, so that will be the end of the good mobile age

Android is open source, just dont flash google

ah you're right, sadly it doesn't seem 'ile I can change it to qwertz

I use nextapp because it's the ONLY ONE that let me seamlessly switch between english and portuguese dvorak layouts while providing suggestions. Tried basically all software listed on this thread. Nextapp is proprietary botnet tho. Not as insane as swift key, but still botnet.

alright fixed this by installing the german pack, it has a layout without the umlauts

is there a free alternative?

it's only an input method after all, how can you copyright ideas?

>how can you copyright ideas?
they're called patents

Is there a T9 keyboard that is free as in freedom or do I have to make my own?

>keyboard is 6mb large
>wants permissions to record audio
>wants permissions to read SD card

Is there a way to make AnySoftKeyboard less garbage, like changing the position of certain keys or giving swipe capability?

I've been using Fleksy for years now without giving it any thought, but a couple of hours ago I discovered that you can really customize it and now I'm having a blast.

Couldn't agree more, but I'm too used to it to change it now

Anysoft would be alright if the spacebar would expand further to the right. Some of the bottom row shit is useless. Does anyone unironically use the text to speech shit?

wew laddy. This is pretty good. Hacker keyboard ftw

Can't swift...

Disgusting portrait keyboard...I taste vomit now thx.