Fairly new to Arch, and my inner autist hates having a dozen dotfiles in my home directory. That's MY HOME...

Fairly new to Arch, and my inner autist hates having a dozen dotfiles in my home directory. That's MY HOME, not your configuration dumping grounds.
As much as people rag on XDG, I like the idea of keeping them all in a version controlled ~/.config. Of course lots of programs hardcode the path, or require a dotfile in home to specify another search path.

Is anyone else this anal? How does Sup Forums manage dotfiles?

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They are literally hidden. Unless you always type ls -a like a fucking autist you shouldn't even be noticing them.

...god, fucking archbabbys.

eat my entire ass

this isnt arch-specific. ALL user specific config files should be somewhere in the users directory, sometimes in a dot-directory (like .mozilla/firefox/asdlfkjlakq3f23f-default) or if it's just a simple config a toplevel dotfile (.bashrc)

literally what are you talking about

>eat my entire ass
nice argument skiddie

quit using loonix and go back to windows you fucking babby

i bet you just finished watching the season one of mr normie

Laughed. Thx m8

>How does Sup Forums manage dotfiles?
>How does one manage their system32 directory?
this is one of the stupidest questions ive seen in some time.

I know what you mean.

I too hate all these dotfiles in my home. I just left them there because I don't know how to move them all to .config ... if that's even possible

Why not just put your personal files somewhere else?

They should be organized. Put them in a special configuration or user data folder. Not just scattered about randomly with no organization. Sometimes they aren't even hidden.

Ultra kek

>view JUST dot{dirs,files}
alias l.='ls -d .*'

>the virgin .config directory
>the chad dotfile dump

if this really bothers you, why not just move all your files out of your home directory or if it's that important, create a new "home" folder somewhere else and symlink all your folders.

>he wants a centralized authority to dictate what all programs should do
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I sometimes chroot into /tmp/`date +%s` because the voices cant follow me there

i agree with you user, fucking hate how these retarded apps clutter up my shit.
Only thing i can think of is to have a dummy home dir which points to same path as XDG_CONFIG_HOME then keep your real home nicely tucked away, but thats gonna create a crapton more problems than it solves.
Another method im considering is having a dummy home dir/partition that very small (1gb) then partition the rest of the space into a "media" partition to store my own files

try this
oh wait
its empty
because you didnt set it
you fucking nigger
try setting it in $HOME/.profile

Definitely pissed me the fuck off, I saw some propositions for a definitive path for all configs but of course freetard cuck devs didn't want to adapt to it

XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config/, though, right? So anything respecting that shouldn't be putting anything in OP's home directory

the specification says it should be set

also take a look at
