What the fuck with all these youtube """content""" """""creators""""" and complaining about not getting their precious...

What the fuck with all these youtube """content""" """""creators""""" and complaining about not getting their precious ad revenue? Complaining that their livelihood is being destroyed? Why don't they fucking get real jobs like normal people?

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't read stickers in a video for a living and get ad revenues directly from the companies

Shooting ,doing research, editing takes time.
Unless you are a streamer who just makes a living streaming games.
Maybe you should have chosen a better job instead of complaining user.

Dont FUCKING defend these greedy jew cunts you fucking faggots. Everyone used to just post videos for fun, now they will literally refuse if they don't get ad revenue. Fuck all of them.

They're all like
>Those greedy companies take our money away from our controversial videos
>Back in the day we all did videos just for fun!
>What the fuck YouTube?! Where's my advertising money? I won't do jack shit without money!

>Da joos


Hang yourself

It's almost as if you need money to live and can't make content endlessly without it.

Can anyone explain this weird obsession on Sup Forums with having a "real job?" Since when is entertainment and media not a job?

>Yes Goyim, work a 9 to 5 job in the factory like everyone else! Oh wait, America has no industry lol.

>Be boss
>Stops paying employees
>Wonder why they're upset and want to quit

OP didn't say anything about the Jews though

Yeah that's a great analogy except for the fact that they aren't fucking employed by youtube and youtube literally has no legal obligation to pay them at all. You fucking idiot.

Sup Forums is retarded children spewing shit they heard a troll say as if it were true.

>ad revenue
They should just do infomericals like that shill Linus does. He doesn't care about ad revenue because he gets paid directly by the companies who want him to promote their shit.
He's the Billy Mays of nerdy techie kids.

>buttmad sjw piece of shit got triggered
dear special snowflake, go back to sucking BBCs.

Damn that's a lot of fupa.

I'm all in for people who manage to make a business out of what they love to do, but most of them act like we owe them something for providing their free content which 99.9% wouldn't watch if it wasn't free. We didn't sign a contract and the contract they signed with YouTube pretty much states they can monetize or demonetize videos whenever the fuck they want based on whichever reason they want.

>Neet neckbeards in parents' basement not understanding basics of society.
Drinking and masturbating at some point gets old, and you seek other forms of entertainment. Some of them require other people's services and that how entertainment become a job.

Linus transformed their venture from a label reader to a B-level niche television channel with own formats.
I'm not sure how his financials stand (he says they're good but how can I trust him?), but the opportunities look good.

h3h3 literally makes a living bitching

This. He doesn't even like doing videos where he's out in public anymore because "it's too hard". He's a lazy fucking kike.

i love how H3H3 just Dolchstoß'es everybody at every possible opportunity, but i didn't believe that he would have the balls to backstab his friends at youtube

>hey guys today im gonna sit in front of my computer and talk and maybe watch a video BUT NOT LIKE THOSE SHITTY REACTION CHANNELS


>fuck YOU

>let's turn into cable TV

I remember when youtube was decent and the people who posted stuff did it for the lols, not to make a quick buck. Now these nobodies are trying to push it for more and more money from their precious ad revenue like everybody doesn't just hit skip or block ads anyways. Let it die, it deserves to die at this point. Google didn't ruin youtube, youtubers ruined youtube.

I can see where these youtubers are coming from. They bring viewers to the site for a share of the ad money, and then they create more content to continue the cycle. Though they are so obnoxious about "their job" when they also get donations and patreon money. Not to mention the various sponsorships the bigger channels get.

>real job

greed ruined youtube, all those children/teens with their shitty clickbait thought they could exploit an endless supply of money, but in reality they just drained it empty

I remember when youtube wasn't complete trash

pic related

We are telling you this because this isn't in anyway related to fucking technology. Why do you faggots feel the need to shit up every board with this bullshit? Stay on your containment board.


>do very little actual work
>edit videos and just scrape together content on the internet(very hard work btw)
>suddenly fall into tons of Internet bucks
>immedatly start to live outside your bondaries, not realizing with Youtube bucks it's as easy to fall in as it is to fall out
>something happens to their money 4 nothing, suddenly can't sustain their lifestyle anymore

Fuck this channel was awesome

I like how real creators worth their own shit used the term "Content Creator" as an ironic term for someone who does not make content themselves. And now these people use the term unironically. This is too ironic.

"All your eggs in one basket" is the American Way™

don't take shitposting too seriously, no one here has a real job either. if you do then ur a cuck as they say and no one wants to be that

i respect pewdiepie for not being on of these faggots

Mah man.


RedLetterMedia is literally the only decent channel on youtube and they didn't even start out on the site. They posted their videos on their own site for years before deciding to make a channel on youtube.
So for me, if youtube was removed from the internet, nothing of value would be lost.

Sup Forums is all about shitting on other people to make them mad, whether you actually agree with them or not. So if someone says they do/enjoy/believe X, you're supposed to say that X is for losers and Y is the way.

i dont care
i just find it amusing when they antagonize youtube/google

You can find really good posts every once in a while you shitstain.

then where would we look up diy videos

I don't give a shit about youtubers losing their money.

I do give a shit about losing videos that I want to watch. If Youtube stops paying them, they will stop making videos. And that hurts me. So fuck youtube for doing that.



>only decent channel
1791L, 3Blue1Brown, Ahoy, C0nc0rdance, CaptainDisillusion, carykh, CGP Grey, Comfy, Computerphile, engineerguy, Errant Signal, Escapist, Internet Historian, jacksfilms, kaptainkristian, Kruggsmash, Kurzgesagt, Lindybeige, Numberphile, Primitive Technology, sentdex, singingbanana, standupmaths, suckerpinch, the 8-bit guy, the onion, thunderf00t, tom scott, vihart, videogamedunkey, wendover productions, you suck at cooking...

And those are just the better ones I've picked from my subscription list. If you can't find good shit on youtube you aren't looking very hard. Yes 99% of youtubers are shit, but 99% of everything is shit.

true, the old days people made content for fun and not as a job, now every video is filled with adds that you cant even block because they are embedded directly into the video.

Most of that isn't Sup Forums.


Modern Vintage Gamer



Comfy Reviews




Nostalgia Nerd








Luke Smith


Cube Computer Channel

Sup Forums is the most normie hobbyist board. No other board would put up with threads about getting a degree in whatever field or god forbid certifications like Sup Forums does with CS and engineering. Maybe Sup Forums with their game designer threads but those are almost entirely derision, unlike Sup Forums.

Druaga is awful, I'll never understand why he's shilled so hard here.

>the Sup Forumsirgin Sup Forums, the chad Sup Forums
Because we just so happen to have an interest/hobby that is actually highly in demand. You can actually get a job programming. Good luck getting a job vidyaing.

>get real jobs
Sounding real communist there. If they figured out a way to make legal income directly for themselves, then more power to them. Welcome to capitalism. Why should they have to go work for someone else just because your feelings tell you their jobs are not "real"? Whatever that is supposed to mean.

They should go back to work because they did a shit job at managing their creations and finding a way to make money off them. Host your own videos and decide how to monetize. Use YouTube for promotion purposes only but your fans should be the ones cutting up your clips and putting them on YouTube in the first place.

>Needing approvals from others to enjoy content.
Dickriders like you need to go back.

>Thinks you'll be able to gain an audience in the first place without YouTube.
I can't wait for you to show me one anecdotal example of this working.

I'm talking about throwing a recent video up on YouTube just to have a presence there to direct people to your website. It's not about 'building an audience' or whatever faggy SV term is in vogue today. Just having a presence on a popular tube site to direct more traffic. YT should have always been used for promotional purposes, trying to make a living shooting vlogs was retarded to begin with.

The people who like this garbage literally ONLY like it because they were told to
It's factual that what they do invalid as work and entertainment
They're professional existors

Look at any podcaster, musician, comedian. People with an actual skill set built for entertainment. YouTube stars should've leveraged popularity into live appearances, merch and other avenues for money. If they did, they're fine, the guys who dependent on ad revenue they didn't manage where retarded in the first place.

It's almost like a platform that has no standards for quality and allows as much as possible to be uploaded endlessly is not only useless but unstable

>Good luck getting a job vidyaing
Well, I'm pretty sure PewDiePie makes more money in a month than what you'll ever do.

All of these "content creators" have outed themselves as paid shills.

Linus isn't even a real channel, the channel itself is a glorified advertisement. There's no reason to run ads on top of an advertisement.

Why the FCC hasn't gotten more strict about this shit is beyond me. Remember a few years ago when MS basically bought all the advertising space and all those nigger ecelebs were all playing ninja turtles on the xbox, but they totes weren't all being paid for it senpai

youtube is cancer, no one deserves a fucking dime for making videos, either do it as a hobby for free or get a real job, same with whine ass bloggers mad at ad blockers, having a website about recipes is not a fucking job you stupid whore

I like them, i also like seeing them get fucked by youtube and cry about it. It's all around a good time. I also keep adblock on while watchig