Using Firecocks

>using Firecocks

Watch the Firecucks come into this thread to defend dropping support for pretty much every useful extension.

Kek, they can't.

ur a gay

is this gonna be another thread full of triggered right-cucks crying because mozilla is violating their online safe-space?

api needed fixing to make it non-shit, can't sandbox and multiprocess the old shit so yeah itll be a while before you can upgrade to a recent version.

are you the guy that came on jesus

Just made the switch to Pale Moon, screw firefox

isn't it by a furry or something?

There's new APIs coming out on top of web extensions dummy.

>posting fake news unironically

Pale meme blocks adnaseum so it's no longer Sup Forums approved.

>dropping support for pretty much every useful extension.
What do you mean?

yep, hes a blatant furfag with his own shitty art site and a deviantart. even if you ignored that, the shit he pulled with AdNauseum is reason enough to never consider it a serious browser fork.

Stop shilling that shitty ad blocker.

so waterfox or icecat?

Name a better alternative. Icecat and waterfox still count as versions of Firefox

Previous firecuck here. This was the last straw. Vivaldi is my new lord and savior

>Icecat and waterfox still count as versions of Firefox
>versions of Firefox

I've been using Brave and DuckDuckGo exclusively for a week now. I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. I feel ddg actually gives me better results than Google does.

Yeah, forks are different versions of something

Forks are forks. I would say things like ESR, Stable, Beta, Nightly, Dev Edition, Quantum, etc would be versions.

Yep! Brave and duckduckgo are pretty great. Just need Vimium and i'll be at 100% comfy

>Giving a shit what Sup Forums says

Just switch to Opera you faggots

>t. evil jew man