RIP coffeefags, there's only so much milk you can have before it gets weak af

RIP coffeefags, there's only so much milk you can have before it gets weak af

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Fuck Off.

What the fuck is wrong with you autistic niggers? Who the fuck cares if your stupid game runes at 206 FPS or 203 FPS. Get a life idiots.


Just that a cpu at half the price runs the same or better, even on intelraider

>being a teafags

>better at 4K for half the price lmfao intel you've done it again

a few fps difference in a rigged benchmark? Who cares, get a life and go back to


>testing cpus on ultra settings

I don't know I don't see a difference in those dumb benchmarks. It's literally 2-4 frames per second in a dumb game with a retarded resolution. If you care about this kind of shit you should really contemplate your life choices.

lmao at the fake news faggots



Also the fact that a more demanding res in terms of AA and AF performs worse on a CPU, that's indicative of it's power
Also a lot of people are starting to game on 3440x1440 and 4K so 4K benches are becoming more relevant for how displaying how much throttlecores choke on AMD dick

God you're such a waste of oxygen

keep those ad hominems up and RIP, good luck trying to argue

You still didn't respond to the fact that one of these 'identical' CPUs cost twice the price of the other
gj proving his point cuck


>epic settings
Except nobody plays overwatch at that setting, maybe low-bronze shitters who play this game to force their ebin pharah-mercy shipping
All the streamers, pros, "esports" players play at low/medium. All those who play at a level where they don't want to get distracted by.... oh look shiny, play at low and medium.

I was not arguing for the CPU. I was just telling you guys that caring this much for a dumb PC part you use to play video games (when you wouldn't notice a difference without a benchmark) is beyond pathetic. Just buy a damn cpu every five to eighr years and get on with your lives, if you have one.

Are they as autistic as CS streamers with sub-native resolutions though?

how the fuck is one six core cpu running worse than another six core processor with a lower frequency

I drink mine straight black, but it seems this thread isn't actually about coffee.

Problem with this logic is that, every distraction is prebaked into the levels, real reason why "pros" don't play on high settings is micro stutter when streaming kicks in

and you think this is the good stuff?
wait for the low tier chipset from intel that wont have MCE enabled at all and then check how 8400 is going to tank

pfft my 4790k does that

MCE doesn't even work on the 8400. It only boosts to 3.8GHz when all cores are loaded whether MCE is on or off, rather than the full 4GHz. It's not going to change in performance at all, because it's not gaining anything to begin with. This is probably due to Intel mandating that it's not allowed to work on locked chips and give people free performance, even though it did in previous generations.

They usually want the best reaction. Playing on low is still retarded, especially if you also turn your resolution to 1024 x 768.

I could understand that if it really helped you and you earn money by it but otherwise I just want to enjoy my games.
Whats the point in this, the 8700K is shitty and overpriced, but all tested CPUs handle capped 144 Hz nicely?

anyone re tested it cause till now i havent seen anyone actually putting this to test

Please cancel, but tell me where first.

I've put it to the test myself. It sticks rigidly to 3.8GHz when all cores are loaded. During gaming with less all-core load it bounces between 3.8-4GHz depending on what's going on. Behaviour doesn't change whether MCE is on or off (using an Asus Strix Z370-F). PC Gamer also mentioned in their review that they couldn't get it to stick to a 4GHz turbo no matter what on a Gigabyte board.

>Benchmarking CPUs at 4k
Special kind of stupid.

Lisa Su just dumped her stock after the Coffee Lake release. She knows 6 Intel cores are equal to 8 AMD cores, and ryzen is now dead in the water. RIP AMD


new platform, optimization soon™

(You) on the right.

Show me an encoding test, or ffmpeg coffee lake vs ryzen. 6 Intel cores = 8 AMD cores. SJWatch is not a benchmark

>t. pic related

>multi core enhancement default on
>all core max turbo
>1000w (one thousand) watts power consumption

>0.3 fps
Lack of caffeine makes you a dumfuck you know that.

I have an AMD. There's nothing more pathetic than being a fanboy of a CPU manufacturer. Holy fuck.

>i have an amd
and i have 3 intels, so, by (you)r logic, that makes me more right than (you), intel cuck
have fun watching the stock go down :^)

What the shit are you talking about? Holy fuck you CPU retards are even dumber than I though.

>i was merely pretending to be retarded
>you CPU retards are even dumber than I though
what did the angry intel® corporation cuck™ mean by this?


Why did Lisa dump her stock?


>a grown man who plays vidya games

Wait, but you amd shills were saying just now how differences like these are irrelevant and how it doesn't make a difference because most people are playing at 1080p and don't have access to high end GPUs.

Has things changed?


How do you sink so low you form a bond with your CPU manufacturer and become a fanboy? Seriously. What the fuck. How can anyone be a "fan" or a "shill" of a damn CPU manufacturer. I don't understand these threads.

>what's it like to buying a yacht?
intel cucks will never know

umm no sweaty, only fags play that homo game.

Pump and dump. 3rd quarter results are coming up

I'm a fan of AMD because they saved us from netburst and itanium. AMD64 was such a massive improvement over that intel disaster that I will be forever grateful to them and always favour their products

I see that... then I think well its over 144 frames on the lows so none of that matters.

I see this then think. Wow theyre all 60fps+ 4k with my gpu and nowhere near 90fps even. Might as well buy a 1700 and OC for multitasking. I own a 2500k and 6850k system. If I was starting from scratch id probably do a 1700@4.

I can confirm that you are full of shit. I too have a 4790k and it most definitely does not do that.

Yeah thank God for the FX series

why is Sup Forums the only place i hear this?
amd stock didnt even take a DIP when cofefe launched

do you even know what netburst and itanium is? both are WELL before FX
i consider myself an AMD fan , and i owned FX , it was shit and i got sandy bridge not too long after it , now im on Ryzen and its superb

>anything beyond 1440p, at max settings, and more than 144hz
Who exactly are you trying to impress

>FX series
As in Athlong 64 FX?
Yeah my FX-53 thanked them dearly.


It's public knowledge
I was there when AMD was copying Intel's designs

Man a 9590 under serious multi core stress could beat my [email protected]. 1700s now are prime AF. These 8700k OCd are insane though I bet. I dont think anything could hold a candle to a top 10% lottery 8700k to the max.

>I was there when AMD was copying Intel's designs
wich one?
you mean 286~486? they had a contract for that
after that w/ K6 it was there own stuff

Not long before AMD dropped Ryzen and threadraper, Intel were seriously pursuing feature DLC and integated RFID.

>intelposts a 1fps difference from ayymd
>good shit
>amdposts with 1fps difference from (((intel)))
>omg antisemite

okay as a FX6100 owner (ocd to 4600mhz @1.4625v) i can tell you that you dont concider a 5ghz "8" core chip beating a 4core a victory ,
especially not when it takes 3~4 times the power
not to mention that the sandy i went for was a non K 2600 , it was 65w , never ran hot and was like 50% faster
it was a serious eyeopener



AMD has been consistently shit save for 2-3 chips in their entire existence. Its like playing against the house in Vegas, you're just going to loose in the long run.

I dont really care about power. I ran two 290X OCd balls to the wall before my 1080ti. If it beats it it beats it. I dont really take into account perceived performance. Just like a Turbo I4 in the 80s tuned was capable of putting out equivalent or more than a legal V8.

>being this defensive
>the minor difference only matters when it's Intel
Unironically being this cucked

8700k is better at encoding than even an 1800x. 6>8

As AMDTV commands, the AMDfag does.

That Intel salt

Why do all of you assume I'm some kind of intel faggot? I hate you both, Intel and AMD fans, equally. Circlejerking over game performance is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Especially when it's about a few frames per second in dumb games with retarded settings. Get a life.

Besides, I prefer AMD. I hate Intel with passion, but the reason for my hatred sure as fuck is not TWO FRICKIN' FPS ON OVERWATCH. I'd buy AMD for double the price even if it was the one that had the lower FPS.

Honestly I rarely used an 8350 at like 4. something on someone else rig I was OCing them for them. But still I don't care much about what stats are on the box. Its about how it actually performs.

So you're a fanboy basically.


>Intel faster than AMD by 3 frames
>AMD faster than Intel by 10 frames

Basically. I don't usually post about it and I don't bother fighting with the Intel fans because their CPUs have lower FPS though. I just buy AMD because of IME. AMD probably has similar backdoors but it strikes me as a less evil company than Intel.

Yes yes, I get it. I'm an intel shill.

I'm not the one posting that shit. I'm claiming the people posting about the fps difference when Intel is leading are equally retarded as you guys.

Your fault for posting here then
Hide or ignore user.

>amdrones not smart enough to think in relative terms
going from 200 fps to 210 fps is a 5% increase
going from 30 fps to 33 fps is a 10% increase

the thing is , the 2600 i got was way faster and felt that way
day for day performance was way better
and temps/wattage matters for me , as i tempt to have smaller cases and dont want my pc going air raid siren on me
its not about cost of running it either , its peanuts in the end
i currently run an R9 Fury (watercooled) and a R5 1600 and its fantastic , i could not say the same about my FX6100 , as much as i liked it, it was a sidegrade from my Phenom II 940 BE whilst the i7 and the R5 actually where upgrades in the end

in the end i went from 4 cores to 6 cores to 8 threads to finally 6 cores and 12 threads
i dont know whats next , or what brand it will be
but one thing is safe to say : it has to be faster and i have to need it

Who gives a fuck about CPU in vidya anyway? There is a reason why they don't include older CPUs in these benchmarks. You get much more than a ~10% increase by switching to a new GPU instead.

CPU encoding is superior to GPU encoding, which is better on Intel.

>Posting GPU bound benchmarks
>All within margin of error

Consider suicide poo eater

Great, so I'll get Intel for my Chinese cartoons.

>Who gives a fuck about CPU in vidya anyway?
People with expensive GPU's and people that want to upgrade GPU while keeping CPU for years.

My [email protected] 1600 with 11-11-11 2t was barely beating out my [email protected] 1333 7-7-7 1t. Was 58 tflops to 53 tflops no AVX. Pretty sure if I tuned that 8350k to my standards and not a generic setting for my friend I could beat out either of those. My [email protected] with faster RAM now has kept me happy at 1440p144hz for the most part. The [email protected] 3470mhz 15s is creaming anything I can throw at it.

What is the Y axis? Number of Jew cocks sucked per consumer?
That said it's interesting that Ryzen doesn't give a fuck about it at all. I guess it is "futureproof" after all.

You've been granted the gift of Superior Technology. Please take your Ryzen 5 or 7, low latency RAM, and OC your Superior Technology at the nearest AM4 approved motherboard


It only matters when Intel is ahead amirite?

either futureproof or latency issues

throttle core back at it making preorder cucks irate
this vid made my day

>low latency ram perfectly places OCed 1700 in line with OCed 7700K in ROTR

get back into your man caves, shilltel

this graph is pointless without another resolution over 4k

for reference

over 4k?
at 4k and beyond the bottleneck is on the GPU , you can play 4k on an i3 w/ the same framerate as an i7 of the same generation

Why are AMDrones' english so fucking bad?

Are they actually paid pajeets? It's hard to believe