Start reading SICP

>start reading SICP
>it uses lisp
what the fuck Sup Forums

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I'd like to interject for a moment.
What you're referring to as Lisp is actually Scheme/Lisp, or as I like to call it, Scheme+Lisp

It's the implemention of the ideas behind it rather than the language, I think
t. someone who hasn't read it yet


All of these comfy classics made me wish I did some formal CS in undergrad. It's like the small yellow Spinger texts for pure math or 1st edition Dungeons & Dragons from with topless women.

there's also a python version

Where can I find this?

implement it JavaScript if you want it's a lisp in C clothing

Just power through. The fact it's in Scheme does not mean it's inapplicable to other languages. It's pretty and fun.
I applied knowledge from it in python and tcl, just go with it user, it's going to be okay

Go back to reading design patterns pajeet. This book is for grownups

> Use a language with a very simple and powerful syntax so you can get to the interesting concepts faster.
Gee, I wonder why.

I think he might mean . My introductory CS professor did it. Pretty good. Prefer the scheme myself tbqh though.

>he fell for the meme


what you essentially learn is meta-linguistic abstraction, which means abstracting shit within the language itself and all the knowledge you gain from doing it in scheme directly translates to other languages, like abstracting types upon types in a strongly typed functional language like ML/OCaml.

There's also modern lectures for it if you search jewtube, though the Sussman/Abelson lectures are still the best. Another thing SICP does is fill in all the gaps that a self-taught programmer has from not doing a proper CS 101 class.

this is also not an intro book, you get the most out of it when you've already been programming for a while and then you'll start to get ideas on how to abstract away in C, Ruby, Rust or w/e the fuck you usually write programs in.

There is SICP Distilled which uses Clojour.


I think we all know why

what if i'm a college student whos taken a variety of programming classes but im still fucking shit and also want to learn scheme

so is this or op actually worth reading?

Go ahead... It's been used as an intro book in MIT for half a century
Grab tissues before you click the link.

you are so fucking retarded if you think it's simple
(+ (* 3 3) 10) = 19

literally why?
why not just (3*3) + 10?

why the arbitrary positions?

"+" and " * " are actually functions. When you have (+ 1 2 3) , you can think about it like having a black box in which you put these numbers and somehow your black box computes the result.It's not your business how the result is computed, unless you program in asm., the important thing is that you get the correct result.Now, (+ (* 3 3) 10) is (add (multiply 3 3) 10).

What's wrong with lisp?

he fell for the hacker news memes

Reverse polish notation is cool

You mean Forth -like?

gay and retarded hipster shit

>arbitrary positions
It's polish notation.

refer to

>Reverse polish notation is cool
Yes, but it's like the reverse of what lisps do.

do you even eval and apply?

The book is just common sense shit that anybody who programs already knows. It doesn't offer anything to make you better. It's just basic theory

Exactly this. Its a total waste of time if youve spent more than a month or two programming before.

(+ (* 3 3) 10) is like sum(mult(3, 3), 10)
It's like calling functions in any other language.


it's clearly an intro book. what point is there to read it when you already have been programming for years?

Python version should be called "How you don't need to know about the structure and interpretation of computer programs because we've already solved how to compute"


am polish.
never used this kind of notation.

Its not that poles use it, its that a pole made it and it was adopted for computing

Thanks for the tissue recommendation. Without it I would have had cum all over.

ok i have to ask : is CS an abbreviation for Computer studies or what
i'm sorry but i'm new to Sup Forums

computer science

abbreviation for cock service

why? will I start crying?