Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it

Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it.

I already have a desk, though.

how many times have you posted this thread already?

serious talk though.. no i dont want one

I want to buy hands.

I admit, I am poor
I wish I was able to afford superior Apple products

No, I don't want to buy a beach. Also why did you write 10:35 on that photo, it wasn't shit.

judging by your hand shape it looks like to me you live off of mcdonalds when you spend all your money on toys.

>cannot download a fucking torrent
>cannot download a fucking audio or video file
>cannot support the most audio and video open codecs
>cannot transfer a fucking file without a third party software
>cannot customize
>cannot put a fucking numeric line on keyboard front

iOS are a fucking piece of shit in most things. The only reason to get a iPad is if you are a musician.

That's the only reason I bought an iPad.

Stop forcing this meme you numale retard

>bought an ipad for music
God damn Joao you're a fucking retard

Sai daqui, Betinho.

For what? To fuck around in Garageband?

Could afford it.
Needed something that could actually do work though. Not a superior fap machine.
Sage appelel shill faggotry

not interested in tablets

I can and I wont.
Much rather a microsoft surface

hail to the yuh

>no webm
no I wouldn't, what else is this good for besides shitposting on Sup Forums? and how would I do that without webms?

I’m literally using mine rn to type this. (Yes I have an iShit device, I just use it for web browsing and video editing)

Yeah I fucking hate that

>being a brainlet


iMac + iPad = perfect combination.

came here to post this

Has 12" tablet that dwarfs it in every way...op


Looks like the one where the MC fucks his cousin

mahouka koukou no rettousei