Why don't other countries besides India export programmers?

Why don't other countries besides India export programmers?

I'm sick of working with
pajeets. Even fucking Peruvians would be a major leap forward.

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India was a english colony, a lot of them know english and understand the west to some degree. They have a high population as wel, so there are a lot of them to choose from

What about Russian?

The Russian programmers are GOAT tier in my place of work

Hello sir how are you today?

Please kindly upload the log files and I will be with you

Thank you!

it is a matter of numbers. 1% of india would be 10 million people. there are only 65k h1b visas each year. if peruvians apply, their chances would be remote, considering that the entire visa system is a lottery.

They do. It's just that India has a population of 19 billion so guess who you see more of.

India has an enormous population. Other countries do export programmers, but those are a fraction of STEM degrees which are themselves a fraction of all degree holders which are in turn a fraction of the total population.

Latin America is way more westernized than India though. I understand there's more Indians, but I mean I've seen like 1 latino programmer in my entire life. There should be more diversity shouldn't there be?

Also I've only seen 1 Russian programmer and she was actually one of the best programmers I've known.

> have russian colleague
> does all his works in Stallman mode emacs
> golum posture
> is on a corded telephone literally 50% of the day speaking russian to who the fuck knows who
> only thing on his desk besides the keyboard is that fucking telephone
> only ever leaves his desk for mugs of unusual smelling tea
> if he speaks to you it's either to tell you you're doing something wrong or he has a solution to an issue you raised
> god tier programmer

'"know" is an overstatement. I know tons of fresh off the boat hispanics that can write way better English than any pajeet

Kindly do the needful, sir.

South americans have low iq with low deviation. Indians have low iq as well but with high deviation.

You work in the white house?

>russian coworker
>former soviet captain
>mechanical engineer by education
>worked on reverse engineering western technology for the soviets
>always told me stories about his time in the army during down time
>goat programmer

got some data to back up that assertion boyo?

sample enough times from the same distribution and you will get outliers.

No i dont have iq data compiled and ready to present for you, jose

hello pajeet,

show bobe and vagen

You racist fuck

>There should be more diversity shouldn't there be?

Just because?

Sorry, but any position of payment or responsibility is better held by someone who has the merit to be there, not the fucked up culture or skin color that you see least on your walk from the water cooler to the bathroom.

>Even fucking Peruvians would be a major leap forward.
Be glad you fucking trash.

how about a source then, Donald? Or is your assertion completely ideological

i can work for you. i have no proper education. college dropout. i just want to move from my home.

Google it yourself i am at work.

Can you write an easily customizable multi-lingual CMS with a reactive front end in the language of my choosing in under 6 months?

Oh fuck off Sup Forums snowflake, read the damn post.
I wasnt advocating hiring unqualified people, I meant the proportion is fucked.
Pajeets are in no way exceptional programmers, yet they represent an extremely disproportionate sample of programmers.

>fapping is a job

>russian coworker
>programming on an old soviet era computer
>uses a keyboard that looks like a fucking typewriter
>addresses everyone comrade
>one eye on the screen, the other one the DEFCON level
>keeps an ak-47 next to his desk
>only uses free software instead of communist shit proprietary software
>code compiles flawlessly even though he uses a prototype c compiler
>best programmer I ever met

Sorry i upset you jose

>free software instead of communist shit proprietary software
God you're fucking retarded

kek, did a mexican fuck your wife or something?

I don't know McCartney, why don't they?

> russian coworker
> has stacks of old and smelly soviet newspapers in his office
> always talking very loudly in Russian on an ancient Nokia brick phone
> no one in the entire office can understand anything he says
> drives a maniac, almost killed our CEO in the parking garage
> frequently takes naps and snores very loudly
> without a doubt the best programmer ive ever known in my life

No, but they are ruining my country.

I'm coming

t. Finland frend

I mean I program, and I'm Canadian, but I will probably just work in Canada, maybe the states if the offer is good.

Does that even count as exporting programmers?

Go back to Europe, you were never welcomed in the first place.

Fuck yourself jose.

It's not that other countries don't export them, it's that the SJW tech industry only imports them from shithole countries

I'm not sure your understand how subhuman peruvians are. They are worse than niggers by far.

I'm Black and I work for Russians. Really nice and hard working people. They believed me, even with lack of professional credentials. Regular bonuses with great pay.

I wish the cold warm sparked some war that left the United States in utter ruins under Soviet control.

Why can't Eva Green keep her clothes on?


I'm Canadian and every one of my shitskin classmates got a job in Silicon Valley, all the white people are having trouble finding work.

We don't even need a fucking visa to work in the states, and they would STILL rather spend 30k more to hire a poo so it looks good on their diversity statement.

Our countries are falling apart.

farmers hire mexicans because mexicans are willing to work cheaply. Same logic applies to ALL industries.

>inb4 mu software quality
FUCK the consumer you are not the real consumer, the real consumer is the stockholders they are the ones that matter, and if a company can be run with less money, then it's stock goes up pleasing the stockholders in the process.

>so it looks good on their diversity statement
SJWs basically flout the anti discrimination laws by hiring likeminded people who only look different in a skin deep way. Racially speaking SJW types have historically interbred with basically everyone, thus this is trivial for them. When it comes to SJW diversity politics, not only are the truly disadvantaged who happen to be minorities going to suffer even more, but you might just see some one who is an actual nigger make it to the top, Obama for example

Try some Ukrainians, they are dirt cheap now. At least here (in Russia) you can hire them for half of the usual price.

Why should she?

>french woman
>keeping clothes on

It's not about prostitution or drugs.

Only Indians and trashy mezicans are dumb enough to go to America?

Obama was a half-white mulatto. America has never had a black president.

>>french woman
>Eva Green
Oy vey

>Really nice and hard working people
Those are the Finns. Russians are one of the most laziest bastards on the planet.

No homo.

The same goes to the weapons and programmers. There are still some decent tech universities there.

I'm an awesome coder but USA doesn't want me because I don't vote Democrat.

That is why they were first in space.

It's called brain drain
India is such a shithole that any Indian with talent or money gets out of there ASAP

>political party loyalty
You're part of the problem

>not alturas de machu pichu
I know that's chilean, but its an awesome album.

>I wish the cold warm sparked some war...
>I wish the cold warm
>cold warm
pick one user

>russian coworker
>uses an iphone
>best damn programmer I ever saw

Or maybe pajeets are just better than you? The key to understand India is realizing how incredibly unequal it is. Yes it is a shitty country with DESIGNATED etc etc but their elite education institutions produce one Nobel prize almost every year. Basically you have the equivalent of Ivy League alumni happy to compete for the same wages as you, what do you think is going to happen

Rather, it's just that it's more cost-effective for your average tax-evading multi-billionaire to import and train these monkeys from scratch and then pay them 20 cents an hour on the promise that they might get to stay, than paying even US-tier salaries to human beings.

It's a mix of the two. Last year one out every two startups was spearheaded by an Indian. Basically they graduate and move out because they have nothing to do in their own country.

If they were "ivy league" at least they should be able to get rid of that fucking annoying accent.

That's like asking the japanese to be able to discern between L and R phonemes. Our speech is molded by the culture that surrounds us.

Better, morally? In a because you say so kind of way? You really think you are god, don't you?
What you said doesn't line up with the reality I've seen from pajeets in the wild

No, better as in at least as skilled as you but cheaper.

This is a lie. Even if they were "at least as skilled" that doesn't mean they are WILLING to produce top quality work. Do you think creating some monolithic brainwashing machine in an attempt to overthrow the government is a good use of these "skills"?

E-Even brazilians? I'm from the south, and look slav-ish. And I don't ask to show vegan and bob

Feel free to believe that Indians are over represented in Silicon Valley because every single one of them is a diversity hire. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

They are the OPPOSITE of diversity hires, they share familial connections to SJWs in the west. They are as shit as their skin is shit colored in reality and are only hired due to nepotism. No, this does not make me "sleep well" at night because this is a serious problem in the world.

Oh I should add they don't hire Asian SJW types because being in the same room as them betrays a sense of familiarity. Cough cough

Man, check Belarus programmes, some of you mistake our countries and programmers but that's ok.
Nowadays programmer in my country get more than anyone...
So much that even USA or Europe can't get them because they get enough here

What the fuck are you on about? This is some Alex Jones level shit.

I asked a Mexican why Mexicans dont work in Silicon Valley, he told me that Intel opened up an office in Mexico and the engineers who worked their simply refused to work for less money than the engineers in the states so they shut it down

There is a designated thread for shitposts like this.

SJWs like to play identity politics so it is appropriate that I call them out on their racial identity as well

It's cool desu.

Or you can apply Occam's Razor and accept that pajeets are hired because they are cheap compared to what they offer instead of coming up with these crazy conspiracies. SJWs only wish they had the power the alt right subscribes to them.

I am applying Occam's Razor. Niggers will always be niggers no matter who they interbreed with.

Apply it to your own neck so you stop blaming others for your lack of achievements in life.

>cheap compared to what they offer
I used to work for an Indian run startup in SV, despite being able to do things literally 10x faster than other people I only found myself making 110k, which I'm sure is less than what the others made.
For a machine learning role, they chose a less qualified Indian candidate over a Stanford postdoc who was Asian.
Later I found out they imported a H1B from India for an iOS developer role at the salary of 130k. Go figure

But, as states I'm just blaming others for my lack of achievement in life. That must mean the Indian dude they hired is like 1000x better right?

Russians are great programmers!
In reverse engineering and vx they are awesome!

29A was mostly russian and they created awesome polymorph and metamorph (mistfall) code.

I think what he's really saying is that your
"lack of achievement" is based on your unwillingness to take bullshit from others, so you are of no use to them and therefore not worthy to live.

Indians are the only people who value computer science as a collective.

>despite being able to do things literally 10x faster than other people I only found myself making 110k, which I'm sure is less than what the others made

Why didn't you ask for more then? What are you, a fucking girl?

Massive population.
Willing to work for dirt cheap.
Are capable of providing a decent quality of work, especially considering the wages.
Somewhat established themselves in computer science before some of the other countries got around to it.

I did, they refused

I take it you left the company right at that moment then? Are you earning more now at least?

>russian coworker
>actually from bulgaria
>is 33
>hairline like a 75 year old man
>glasses straight out of tinker tailor soldier spy
>thinks all HLLs are hard to read
>only writes x86 assembly
>wanted to setup a community for his lineage server emulator
>writes the entire forum and websocket chat room in x86 assembly

I second this good sir. There is a certain pajeet dialect that grates on my nerves. I am sick of working with them and trying to communicate with them.

true, there are 2 belarus programmers in my company and they are pretty good and nice to work with

No, I thought that I could find a better job, but like minded companies in the area basically could tell what the story was and gave me the cold shoulder. I ended up homeless, niggers on the street stole all my possessions and I moved back in with my family. Currently Unemployed for 2 years and counting, some companies I applied to in the east coast noticed the employment gap and refused to interview me.
Yeap, I guess this serves me right. What else was I expecting to happen?

Ah, this is my life.

I was serious. If you think you aren't getting paid what you think you deserve, you get up and leave, you rugged individualist you. Let pajeet have your job, that'll teach those companies.

Worked for a startup, left under similar conditions, 2 years now and I can't find work, have a big gap, I'm terrified.

Serbia exports programmers.
Although that number is quite low when compared to pajeet nation.