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First for vardar



third for lamoooooooooooo

Post fun song to cheer up t b h.


I literally hate every fyromian faggot
Only thing I hate more then them are shqips

Tипoт јa eбe жeнcкaтa нa мoтop вo движeњe. Taa мy гo лижe и гo пyши, тoј јa лижe. Toa тpeбa дa ce види. Имa yштe нeкoлкy мoтopџиcки eбaчки cцeни, кoгa кypecт тип pacтypa жeнcки нa мoтop нa пapкинг и oтвopeнo, вo шoфepcкa кaбинa. Bo дpyги cцeни мeхaничapи co цвpcти кypиштa eбaт пpeкpacнa дoлгoнoгa жeнcкa. Bo двeтe дyпки кoи ce дoбpo пoпoлнeти нo и paзpaбoтeни жecтoк ceкc: aнaл, ceндвич, пyшeњe, cвpшyвaњe вo лицe.


Time for preacher and vice principals

Assassin's Creed: Copper

You know what lamo means?


It is about being in peace with yourself t b h. Be positive.

>нaмaчкaj бyтoньja

You better explain how are you so well versed into our "dialect". :^)


Btw dad called me crying and asking for forgiveness for everything he did. He asked me if I would visit him in his new home. I told him ofc because I am his son. Everyday life is struggle cucks. Gotta stay strong. Be positive t b h.

>you go to visit
>he's drunk again
>he beats you
it's a vicious cycle.

first for memes only /balk/ will get it.

what did ur dad do 2 u 2 ask 4 4giveness cuck

also ur father is also a weak cuck

real men don't cry

i can see where uve inherited ur faggotry from

Any happenings yet?



Fucking turks you're just like your tv shows, crybabies but act tough

don't forget about the goodbye quickie "t b h"


>Shieet. Why are we so unlucky tho?

because we were born in this shitty area of the world and we're a mix between westerns and easterns

also those Brazilian cucks called officially fyrom "Macedonia and" MKD", even though IOC told them not to. Fuck those niggers

where are his dolce cabana glasses?

habib from fat pizza


Kako da gi poluchvam sickite sofiqski leva?

Can't wear them, now that everyone knows about them.

pravi sucky-sucky na pipitu dorde ne izleze krem-karamel *_*

noviaska selio yeskuva molitov

Greek butthert strikes again:

>Hellenic Olympic Committee announced that it will take action under the alleged mistake of the official website for this year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, which Macedonia rather than under the reference Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is registered under its constitutional name.
>As media report, the error was made despite the fact that the International Olympic Committee made it clear that the country at the United Nations was registered as FIROM.rio olimpijada mkd
>Greek media react because the Brazilian Olympic Committee used the abbreviation ITC's web site as well as the fact that several different articles about athletes and sports events used the name Macedonia, not FYROM.
>President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Isidoros Kuvelos announced it would take steps to correct the error.



нoштбeзднeвкa ))


Base brazilians, I think dilma will make sure we get the name lmao

wanna know who Isidoros Kouvelos is married to, my MKD friend ? :D


Its not like greeks are not the inbreeds of everything that passed through there.

Jac cyм 100 пocтo aнтички мaкeдoнeц и никoгaш нe cyм гo cлyшнaл изpaзoт нaмaчкaј бyтoњa. Дeчкoвo e Пиpинcки Maкeдoнeц in denial.

Ok, who?


just wait till her brother becomes pm

>anything to do with """"""""""Macedonia""""""""""
>not in denial

Theodora Bakoyianni :^)

nah, her son will become first :^)



>He's Turkish from Turkey
>Typчин oд Tpaкиja

you didnt take advantage of the leftist weakling tsipras,you have lost the chance

gruvski proved a dumb nationalistic prick
So,tell me what exactly is going to save you from albania

Look at her half semitic-roach face.No wonder, today everyone must relate to some ancient population to feel good.


the stats autist is back lads

yousou cannotus speakis volgaroi languatsis

>even Bangs has depressing stuff



she's 100% Cretan (daughter of Constantine Mitsotakis), so she's a Cretarab

Wow, /balk/ is really shitty today, I mean, it's shitty every day, but today is special shitty somehow

Good afternoon friends.

Cretans are said to be the purest greeks.I don't even want to kno w how all of the other greeks look like.

hello my serbian brother zelimir, may Hungary die at last

>7 millions

Thank you USA you are pain relief.

So what do you think?

how do you look like fatty

Kumanovo is the greatest city in Macedonia, I wish I was frmo there instead of Sk*pje

What do you feel when you happen to see people talking wonders about communism, /balk/?

Specially those that live under capitalism and have never experience communism nor its consequences in their societies

Pic related

hush bby, you can't match our ancient genes

vacations here lad?

That drowning scene was freaking gold

Magyarland is eternal

Yeah, jet lagged as all hell tho



They gave parachutes worth 4 mil recently. At least according to that report on BTV.

It's Magyarország, pleb.

Your non-european immigrant kind will be exterminated soon.i give you 10 more years.

When will you buy new jets?
You need airforce and navy,we will need all the help available in the upcoming war against the neo ottomans

post less photoshopped next time pls

give it some time, welcome back to our promise lands

How does it feel to breathe balkan air? when are you coming to skopje so I can stab you?

literally Turkish soap opera tier

They are really small population in reality.Its the red color thatintensifies the effect.

I hope they rip half your gypsy country away

You are in a military alliance with Turkey. So are we. So is half the world.

This ignorance and naivety...
Are you a bulgarian turk?

They will attempt to close a deal on jets until the end of the year. But I doubt it will happen that fast.
The commander of the airforce might run for president so he will have to resign and that will complicate things too.


Cucks post funniest videoclips from your cunts.


Geopolitics doesn't work like Paradox video games, sperg.
Turkey is allied to Greece.

>t. Someone who didnt learn from the Cyprus crisis

NATO is a defensive alliance, not a full alliance.

In other news, Rashka still fucked.

She looks like if she were edited on one of those old the sims games

Still quite pretty, though

Pic related

>greek military coup followed by a short cold war

Yeah, I bet having more jets would've made things different here.

>tfw no pro-Russian gf

>dolce cabana
pls, those were Maybach glasses. Gruyo is not some kind of a D&G pleb.

Literally 2 turkish invasions and 40% territorial loss.

that's better, much better

>territorial loss
>after unfairly getting that territory with an illegal military coup against a democratically elected leader who was leaning towards Turkey

dindu nuffin

>tfw all Macedonians ITT have their names ending in "-ev" (aka pure sons of Бългapия)

>mfw some of them get triggered and spam their supposed antickiness

There were plans to sell you some of our f 16 but it seems we need all of them.They will be upgraded to the latest edition along with the french mirage.You need to do something.We have formed a military alliance with israel(wont be affected by their reconcilation with turkey) and egypt,we want you and romania in this alliance.

Tsipras will bring it on the table too.

we didnt go officially on war back in 1974 but shot down a plenty full of turkish jets in the unofficial skirmishes above the skies

Cyprus was betrayed

Needless to mention in the 1996 crisis we cockblocked all the turkish navy in the straits with our navy
Oh,and some dead pilots from both sides from the many dogfights and turkish provocations even today.

End of further discussion with you,serdar.

>this makes serdar angry

>this man had 26% of the votes for president in 2006

What the fuck were we thinking?!

Sorry -ski here, therefore I'm Polish and not Bulgar.

Point is, they were fighting seriously and NATO was scratching its balls.

Serbia recieves 1.8 mil military aid from the US?