Show nearby access points thread


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NSA/Google pls,

We're aware that the Google street cars were grabbing SSIDs when they were driving past. So no, I won't be relieving my street.

That's a relief


Trying to triangulate me, OP?

tfw livin in flyover

Ethernet Master Race

there's always money in the banana stand


Is that people using their phones as access point?


Id be careful. Unique SSIDs can be used to geolocate you.


Let's see what we got here

Not actual access point names but each carries the original concept of each name. Basically we got an ATT subscriber, a couple of self-absorbed women that name their AP after themselves, a printer that has had name left at default, and someone banging on a keyboard for a pseudo random AP name.

Yeah and default SSIDs make it easier to decrypt your WPA/2.

No. It's a bunch of digital TV subscribers whose television is reliant on an internet connection. It's basically the same as U-verse for ATT which their receivers need an internet connection from the ISP provided router+modem+ap combo unit.

not gonna shot but here are the highlights:
ActivePharma-2.4G (probably the drug-deals down the block)
Gryffindor's Common Room
Ravenclaw's Common Room
Hidden Network (Hello NSA)
Hidden Network (again, hello NSA)

If anyone here knows useful CMD prompt server commands so i can see location/IP of each of these servers, and perhaps also gain access to them, dont hesitate to tell me. check this

Who are your neighbors user?
This shit is gold.

Not much going on here

its clearly shopped, check the font difference between the network names and "Turn Wi-Fi Off" or "Join Other Network"


>surveillance van2
where is 1

What is this scan software?

I feel like a jackass...

The Fon hotspot is right outside. It's faster than my home or mobile connection, and cheaper too.


why would anyone leave their network without a password in a fucking apartment building