
really makes you think edition

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2nd for Kraków was the capital of Great Moravia

3rd for Greater Moravia

Rename it Moravsko-Nitriansko and I will sign the fuck up

czesi i słowacy to przygłupie małpoludy bez cienia językowej wyobraźni i nie potrafią zrozumieć języka równie zbliżonego do ich własnych popierdywań co j. polski, szlachetna mowa Wendów i Sarmatów

bekam z takich "braci" już wolę bazowanego Madziara

the first pedofil v4 cancer in hours and the post quality is completely shit again. Very sad!

Shut the fuck up you daft retard.

to, czemu Piastowie nie polonizowali ich?

pewnie z litości

czeska świadomość narodowa i odrodzenie językowe to efekt ułożenia pierwszego słownika, którego autorem był Josef Jungmann (lmao czeskie imię nie ma co)

okazało się, że czeski jest tak ubogi, że musiał Jungmann brać w pizdu słów z rosyjskiego i z pogranicznych gwar czesko-polskich, inaczej by skończył na kilkudziesięciu stronach XD

found the faggots from /polska/

rate muh MS paint skillz

to na serio czy jakiś mem?

>no liżmy dupy tym małym landlocked kraikom które w zasadzie są Polakami in denial

w pełni na serio

czego się spodziewasz po języku powszechnie używanym wyłącznie na wsiach? litewski po okresie Rzeczypospolitej był równie ubogi

This qualifies as an invasion but you were never loyal to nato so good luck you squirrelfuckers

rude t.b.h

fuck off

ehhh kurwa szkoda że Polacy jakoś nigdy nie prowadzili imperialnej polityki

skoro już przyjęliśmy ten katolicyzm to trzeba było zagarniać katolickich Słowian

no a co jest niby powodem tego że czeski był taki ubogi bo nie rozumiem, nie mieli literatury?

>But normal margraviate can be owned by anybody in theory
Yep, but the point is, it has to be someone's vassal
>Yeah maybe in like fucking stone ages. get over your inferiority complex Moravák.
user, please, I'm south bohemian. Also I don't see anything anti-bohemian in that post

>all this Klingonese speak
It was going to be a shit thread anyway.

nie był powszechnie używany w kontekście oficjalnym, bo i po co? niemiecki był zawsze na podorędziu, a i nie trzeba było wymyślać nowych słów, bo już były na miejscu

lwią część słownictwa wysokiego języki typu polski czy angielski wzięły bezpośrednio z łaciny, w następnej fazie z francuskiego, bo to były ośrodki myśli, nauki i kultury - monastyczna kultura łacińska (nie czarujmy się, że Rzym) i późniejsza francuska

z czego się to brało? ano z tego, że polska szlachta to byli westaboo i niczym szczególnym było uczęszczać na zachodni uniwersytet, nawet Kopernik studiował przecież w Bolonii

Czesi warstwy szlacheckiej nie mieli od czasu bitwy pod Lipanami, więc nie miał kto napędzać rozwoju kultury - brało się gotową, niemiecką

>dat soundtrack

>he prides himself with others' achievements
>he refuses to take pride of the downsides of the same group he takes pride in
>he calls this not insecure

I need a new tv series to watch. Is Good Wife any good?

watch peep show

try star wars rebels

>make fucking Bohmen eternally butthurt
oh please, do

its just bulgarian choir remixed
ETERNAL SLAV wins again!

Seen it. Twice.
don't really like star wars Tbh

Is that shit still running? I used to watch it in like 2010, was pretty meh.

what is bazowanego and wole

fringe, danger 5, black books

bekać - to be amused, slang
bazowany - polonised "based"
woleć - to prefer

Shame. No idea if it's still running, just stumbled upon it and the premise seemed promising

My girlfriend keeps trying to make me watch black books, is it better than Father Ted though?

Depends. It's different.

I liked Stranger Things when it comes to more recent shows.

Seen black books, the other 2 seem pretty interesting, might check them out, thanks
I'd say so, it's really brilliant

its better

Yeah, seen that as well. Quite good.

Cheers, I'll watch some tonight then. Seeing as it's summer I guess I'll be be sticking around like last year

>watching series
ITT: kids with too much time on their hands

sitting comfy in the park тбх

I'd like to remind you you are shitposting on Sup Forums

bolan lads, does any of you know this band?
stumbled upon it randomly, it's breddy gut

but who isn't?

I'm just saying no one here is in any position to speak about having too much time on their hands


oh, that.. well, shitposting isn't that time-consuming, I mean, it would be, if I took every bait to come, but it's not like I have the energy to do anything else in the little free time I have after work

on the other hand, watching series would in no way fit into this time.

>too much time on their hands

That's not a bad thing.

Watching lets plays where some guys are just hanging out and having fun is so comfy. Do you know any?


never said it was
my brother watches something called hat films, or something similar, it's three lads basically talking shit while playing a game, the shit being absolutely unrelated to the game, usually

Stopping with weed is so shitty. Getting high in the evening and doing whatever was the highlight of my day. Now my highlight is gone and i feel like my life is empty.

start being creative

Magyar cigany

>high in the evening
>highlight of my day

you're still high senpai


I am creative as fuck. Right now i feel more like i need to be around people. But i know that if i would be around people, i would want to be alone. Nothing entertains me, nothing holds my attention. I keep wanting something but i don't know what. This sucks.

I don't get it

sports, maybe? Try long-distance running, or cycling

>Try long-distance running
This. So you can run away from your problems.


>hat films
it's cool, but they can get a bit shouty and intense sometimes
try sips

>try sips
isn't that one of the guys in hat films?
I know fuck all about it, I don't watch youboobers, or anything like that, just what I picked up from my brother's screen


Actually a good idea, but since i do manual labour for work, i guess i'll be too lazy to do it during week days.
There is really no helping this feeling, its just how weed abstinence feels. I just wanted to share how shitty i feel so i could stimulate the need for interpersonal communication.

is this what the english talk about in their clubs?

How does user see during the night?

With his highlight


>but since i do manual labour for work, i guess i'll be too lazy to do it during week days.
yeah, I can imagine.
>There is really no helping this feeling, its just how weed abstinence feels.
are you going to quit, or is it just a shortage, or something?

>i do manual labour for work
have you thought about applying for uni?

better than majka, gj huns

>18:01 is night.

succ muh dick bitchbois

make hungary hun again

nah, he just play with them often
he is the most laid back guy I've ever seen

>lwią część słownictwa wysokiego języki typu polski czy angielski wzięły bezpośrednio z łaciny
czytałem gdzieś jakiś artykuł że przyjęcie chrztu w obrządku zachodnim to właściwie samobójstwo rodzimej kultury i wstrzymanie rozwoju literatury, prawosławni Bułgarzy bardzo wcześnie mieli podobno wysoko rozwiniętą literaturę zarówno w głagolicy jak i cyrylicy

więc myślę że to się ma też do Czech, ich rodzima kultura i język w pewien sposób zostały wyparte do czasów nacjonalizmu

>z czego się to brało? ano z tego, że polska szlachta to byli westaboo
a nasza szlachta to nie była przypadkiem special snowflake? że zarówno wpływy zachodnie jak i wschodnie i w zasadzie ani to wschód ani zachód?

>not golden heritage
>no Bolek Polívka


Which one of you did this?
>„Do toho by to nikdo neřekl. Byl to absolutní samotář, nesmělý kluk, který když vyšel ven z baráku, narazil si čepici do čela a málem nepozdravil,“ vypráví zaraženě sousedka z
vedlejšího domu.
>Jan S. právě v domě trávil nejvíce času – u počítače a her.


source: I know him personally

Gonna quit. Weed is unironically making me incapable of communication and psyched out as fuck, and since i know few people who got into asylum thanks to it, i figured there will be time for me to stop too, so i don't end up like them. And at the end of the month i'm moving into a flat with a friends so i figured this is the best time.

I am at uni, just summer job lad.

must be my genes (or the shit they put into majka nowadays) but I like BOMBA AR more

perfect song for you lol

Get a better summer job where you are around people then

I guess the promise of sexslaves is working

>Ale ne, to asi ne. Na Honzovi bylo zřejmě přece jen něco zvláštního. Poznáte, co to bylo, i když to v článku nikde nepíšou?

now im curious



My job is comfy as fuck, and there are chill as fuck people. Its the free time that is shitty. I usually fill that up with vidya and tv shows, but that doesn't entertain me in the slightest without weed.

>wanting to be around people that much
what are you, some disgusting normie?


yes, you start paying your membership fees with your income tax from the age of 3 onwards

You want to be around people too, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here

user please, that doesn't count, you are not real people

That hurt my feelings t b h


You people are seriously the best friends i have

really makes you think

I have friends I see twice a year, so it's not sad


wew lad

>implying you have feelings
