/oc/ - Occitanoromanic

-Edició experimental-

Possiblement estic sol (o gairebé). Però igualment obro el fil, per veure quants parlants d'aquestes llengües som a Sup Forums, i per a informar a qualsevol curiós.

Convidats: Catalans/Valencians/Balears, Occitans, Gent amable.

No convidats: Blavencians, Anticatalans, Antioccitans, Caps de cony en general.


-Experimental edition-

I'm possibly alone (or almost). But I'm opening this thread anyway, to see how many speakers of these languages are there in Sup Forums, and to inform anyone curious.

Invited: Catalan speakers, Occitan speakers, Friendly people.

Not invited: Blavencians, Anticatalans, Antioccitans, Twatheads in general.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you understand this video ?

>Qu'es aquo
>mfw i just learned were the french slang "kézako" comes from

Soyez propre, parlez Français :^)

Sigues net, parla Català.

Yes. There are some parts where she talks very fast and it gets slightly difficult to follow, but overall I understood everything pretty well.

how is provençal related to occitan/catalan ?

It's one of the Occitan dialects.
It's all a dialectal continuum, with the similarity usually corresponding to distance.

how about this one ?


and this one

Quite hard, to be honest.
Easy. It sounds similar to Old Catalan. (And it should)

youtube.com/watch?v=TNEVQaF6VDQ (forgive their slight accent, they are Czech, but I like their version)

You are always welcome:

Ets un puto fagg de merda


Perque ets un fagg tractant de fer un thread occita a Sup Forums lmao quin pringat


Que tens 15 anys? No seràs pas d'algun dels pobles de merda del voltant de Barcelona, oi?
Tens tota la pinta de ser el típic tòtil de gorreta i skate.

Qualifiques als altres de "pringats", però diguem doncs, oh gran Comte de Gamarusia, que hi fots a Sup Forums?

Riure de tu

>Riure de tu


Ets tot un chungo, tractant d.insultarme amb tot el que tens no m.afectara. Prova amb occita igual funciona millor

Good thread, fuck France

Però si has estat tu el que ha vingut insultant.

Increïble, quin trol més imbecil...

1. valencian
2. i understand 95% of it

having french subtitles instead of occitan ones made it more difficult



Btw, in written Occitan, the classical norm tends to be easier to read for a Catalan than the Mistralian norm.