Why are there so many misconceptions about Poland?

Why are there so many misconceptions about Poland?

For example during the Youth Days with the Pope, the pilgrims were suprised that Poland is a non-poor country and free country.

The pilgrims expected poverty, ugliness, dictatorship and brutality from the local authorities. Which was of course all bullshit.

Do we have bad PR due to all of the jokes and so-so immiration or is it rooted deeper?

How is Poland viewed in your country?

Is it not true?
If so why didn't beat up that pianist

didn't = did you*

more like poorland LOL

To all new - this is daily polish attention whoring thread.

Poland? Pilgrims?

The patron saint of shitholes and clerofascism has his shrine in Poland.


>Poland is a non-poor country

No disrespect to anyone but isn't it a bit weird looking

It's a escape pod for priests. they go in and the tower flies off like a rocket.

It's made so that the priests can survive anything.

I mean the riht side is a small nuclear reactor.

looks like alien mosque

Does it? Would be funny if it does since some part of the Polish Church is nearly as crazy as muslims.

i guess tower could be confused for minaret; just get rid of the cross and install yelling_goatfucker.exe on top

lack of skyscrapes makes Pooland ugly

Is this some obscure marketing strategy for tourism, insecurity or why do we have this thread daily?

We have a ban for buidlings taller than 60m in my city because they ruin the views.

>another thread started by poland with this pic

Is memory still expensive?
Do you have bad internet?
You're like the am/wf spammer.

Toilets don't clean themselves

I made 4 threads in the last 30-35 days with the same pic. All of the treads had different subjects.

I doubt one thread a week is spam.

so better get back to work ROMAnia

why do you keep posting that marina ffs

Because I like to spend time there.

I don't post it that often though, I had like a month break not so long ago.