Your alien overlords take pity on you and deliver you a CPU...

Your alien overlords take pity on you and deliver you a CPU, GPU and RAM that can run at over 99999999999999999999999999999 Terahertz and 9999999999999999999 Terabytes capacity.
It costs 10$ each.
What do you use it for?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shitposting on a Himalayan orangutan hunting forum.

running how many 4chin tabs at once?

One + visual studio

i fuckin hope it can run Crysis

We can't even make plugs that are compatible across countries, what makes you think alien technology will fit?

Bruteforce the wikileaks insurance files and release everything.

it doesn't need a power plug, it gets it's power wirelessly from the ambient ether air.

I buy a bunch and mine bitcoins,crack All known encryption, find a fuckton of prime numbers,play dwarf fortress AND Crysis,brute force router passwords, make a farm of them and sell time slots for them, and solve P=NP.

Do I have a compiler which can target its architecture or do I have to figure that alien shit myself?

Time to install Gentoo.

Brute force the Collatz Conjecture

>solve P=NP
Divide both sides by P

I would probably spend the next 15 years reading and watching tutorials on pcb etching, learning how to write a custom rom, firmware and drivers... maybe try my with a new OS or try to make it all work on linux or windows since the fuckers didn't give me a fucking motherboard.

>10^228 bytes of RAM
>universe has between 10^78 and 10^82 atoms

Forgot P != 0

every thread on every board at the same time

Jokes on you, it has a 9 gorillion stage pipeline, no l2 or l3 cache, and the memory takes a few billion cycles to access too.

You should sell yours you can pay someone to explain to you that clockspeed is shite metric.

mine them meme coins

Play GTA 4 at 80fps.

Reverse engineer it and run DOOM on it. Literally nothing else, I doubt their architecture would be one of ours so developing to it would be a waste of time. When I'm bored of it I could sell it to the gubermint anyway.

Mine bitcoin for a year and make a bunch of cash. Live a lifestyle of travel, mountaineering, and photography with all the gearfag garbage that I pretend I'm morally above.


Meme learning

>Mine billions of shitcoins in mere seconds
>Brute Force my way into private bank accounts
>Dump everything
>Crash every market known to man
>Free the world from the Jewish control and live in decadence

Run PlebControl - a social predictive AI capable of steering the masses with the release of the right memetic images. Also some weather control, stock control and other stuff that can be predicted and butterfly effected.

Definitely going to oversexualize the world until it gets boring. Also going to get the usual altruistic stuff done - solving world hunger, tap into all efficient renewable resources, exosuits for the elderly.

And I guess we'll do some non-rocket spacelaunch too. Mainly so I can actually start the Culture ( ) as a fan project of sorts.

sell it to nsa for $1000000000000, get suicided instead

>Getting killed by the elderly for attempting to end world hunger
>Trying to give those that want you dead exosuits
>Not mining coins
Are you fucking retarded?

Write an interpreter for x86, enjoy gaymes at 1000000fps and go blind.

store animu and music, also porn

play PUBG at 80FPS 1080p ultra

Mitm and collect account data on a massive scale. Also buy bitcoins.

Tell it to keep calculating pi until it either finds an end, or finds a repeating pattern, just to piss off mathfags. Also use it to brute force passwords instantly.

Mod skyrim, watch high def movies and post benchmarks

run Folding@Home and cure cancer

launch space engineers only to realize it still won't run properly

Finally I would be able to run Windows 7 with all the advanced graphics settings on, like shadowed text and stuff

Sell it and buy something cost efficient while i pay a high end prostitute to be my gf.

Mine basically every cryptocurrency (but limit hash rate to avoid panic), buy African country (ban blacks of course), form millitary, kill the jewish overlords, and make a state-funded lsd lab.

There's a very good reason for that idiot. Did you skip class when basic voltage and electrical distribution was taught in early highschool?

I virtually don't want anyone dead.

>Not mining coins
What do I need coins for? I got the willing participation of the world (don't worry, you'll be informed of what's going on with meme images) by strength of convincing ideas each exceeding the strength of every political campaign in the world combined.
[Many magnitudes more power in every image than what buys control over the US currency with congress and president both - and last time I checked, the USA was still worth more than all buttcoins in existence]

And we'll also have Culture ships in space. They'll take over better than I can, anyhow.

> Are you fucking retarded?
Dunno. We'd find out, but ultimately I think I described a lot more power than buttcoins.

[Even the weather - have you ever contemplated how easy it'd be to get to space if the weather served as engine? Every boring regional storm has like ~100kT energy...]


>tfw no ayy lmao wife

This guy here is interesting.

Being able to predict and then use the weather is nearly unlimited power.

I would bruteforce accounts and fuck the whole Forbes 500 list. All of it. They would be instapoor.

Quantum molecular dynamics simulations that take into account nuclear motion at the years timescale.

Searching chemical space for new drugs, materials, and whatever else we can simulate with current MD codes on steroids.

We could probably find out if room temperature superconductors are possible, invent any material you can write an objective function for in an instant, find all cannabinoid analogs in a blink of an eye. Not to mention fold all the proteins, make a human biomodel, and cure most diseases we understand and some we don't.

I also invent the most toxic poison for our alien ever, poison the alien, then one second later invent the antidote and cure said alien as a joke.

But man o man, do I want to use this thing to investigate chemical reactions at incredibly long time scales. Why? So we can figure out what other planets look like without visiting them. Doing shit like figuring out venus' or some hypothetical planet's atmospheric chemistry and geologic processes. Really fucking weird shit can happen giving large enough volumes and timescales. The only way we can study this now is by actually visiting places. If we had this we wouldn't need to.

At clock speeds like that you could easily get RF frequencies in the gamma range. It's so fast it could kill you.

Machine learning

Bitcoin mining. Become 99% of the network block power. Give myself all the bitcoin.

And then sell the machine to microsoft or some shit for cash.

Bruteforce the accounts of some terrible people (dictators and terrorists etc) to get all their dosh. Invest said dosh into worthwile things for the public and having plenty left over to give myself Fuck You Money through investing.

Sign myself up for distributed computing and help every single project. Fold all the protiens and simulate all the things everywhere. Smarter people than me can design their wildest experiments and simulations before giving them to me to process in an instant.

Use my investment and terrorist money to give some grants to scientists that want to design an experiment for the machine to process, but dont have the funding to put it together.

Mine memecoins for shits and giggles.

I'd end by putting the machine into ownership of a highly secure private company that handles its operation so im no longer personally involved. It becomes another source of income as people buy processing time (or more likely, instant solutions) for their computing problems, until in a few generations when humans can build it themselves thanks to the technological leapfrog it gives us.

drawing furry porn


Downloading Pokemon vore porn 24 hours a day

Mine bitcoin, crack hashes, break all encryption and take over the world.

Playing video games and mining Bitcoin.

Compile Libre Office in 10 minutes.

I use it to flood the entire internet with AYY LMAO

The same things i use it for now, playing old games on a old operating system

Play counterstrike at 20,000 frames per second on low settings at 720p like most intelfags

It has a pocket universe inside of it.

Install Gentoo
