What are some essential Chrome/chromium extensions?
What are some essential Chrome/chromium extensions?
>using chrome
It's fast as fuck
you have to go back to /r/linux losers
Freedom over inconvenience, sheep.
bump, I'll just leave you with
What runs this. I like it a lot, makes you realize how much you take for granted, by that I mean, it seems so simple but it takes so much fucking work, makes me feel important. :)
Found the loser using firefox
Not compared with FF57. Also wake the fuck up and stop being part of the chrome/chromium botnet
>shills closed-source garbage on fucking Sup Forums of all places
>tells people that don't like it to go ""back"" to reddit
You are the cancer killing Sup Forums.
How 'bout you be the one to fuck off back to plebbit?
I use Read in Bed to read in bed sometimes.
Sup Forums isn't some ideological nightmare known as Sup Forums
Sup Forums is about technology, using what's best
and chrome is what's best right now
so FUCK OFF back to /r/linux and /r/firefox you fucking CUNT
your sensitive feelings fit right in with them
>ask a question is shilling now
The state of Sup Forums
>being this angry over a mongolian basket weaving forum yet calling someone else sensitive.
Sup Forums is a board for discussing GOOD technology and debating about technology. It's not about "it just werks". If you want just-werk quality, then go to
>Telling people to go back to plebbit because they disagree with you.
THAT, that right there, is the state of Sup Forums.
>Telling people to go back to plebbit
It wasn't me.
Then why'd you reply to a post criticizing someone that's shitposting "back 2 plebbit" without providing any valid arguments if you think a lack of good arguments is what's killing Sup Forums?
Shouldn't you be replying to the other faggot with that statement?
>tfw only 1 person posted extension he uses
Because of the "shills closed-source garbage" comment. I just made a fucking question
I use webtimer, google dictionary, google calender, being able to double-click for definitions/translations has been extremely useful, never going back
Sup Forums was always a board of mixed opinion.
In my opinion closed-source = garbage.
Yours might be different.
And we're free to debate that from our own points.
Which is what makes Sup Forums great.
BUT, when someone begins evading or avoiding points by telling them to "go back to plebbit", is the point where it becomes unacceptable.
This, but unironically
>uBlock Origin
>HTTPS Everywhere
Is there a tree style tabs extension?
>people unironically supporting the botnet browser
neo Sup Forums
AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin, and TamperMonkey.
>adblock plus
Disgusting. How do you sleep at night?
Unironically this
I hate chrome now
>using a botnet
>Humble New Tab Page
Piktab and the pinterest pin botton
Eric Andre extension
>additional layers of security are bad
Die, CIA nigger. Chrome is not the best. Even EDGE outperforms it. You would glow in the dark if you left your vampire cave CIA nigger.