Just got my usb necklace, what should I put on it if i'm a web dev?

just got my usb necklace, what should I put on it if i'm a web dev?
>master RSA key
>vpn for master whitelist ip
>standalone VM ubuntu or bootable ubuntu?

programs for other winblows faggots
>adobe cs6
>office 2k13

If you had a usb necklace what would you put on there?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fill it with trap porn

put a shirt on you fat hairy troll

i already have a shirt on i pulled it up so you guys can see my usb necklace. pls no bully.

I wouldn't wear something like that because I'm not a pedo

I keep alot of personal cli tools written in python on a USB key using virtualenvs in zip files.

You can package python projects using __main__.py as the entry point and then stuffing it in a zip file. Look here: blogs.gnome.org/jamesh/2012/05/21/python-zip-files/

Depending on what I need done, I have archival tools using selenium. I have some forensic tools and file recovery tools. Network Monitoring tools for calibrating wifi stuff for homes. Paramiko for automating my servers. IPFS on it for message passing and other little archival stuff.

Btsync tools, aria2c, and other dht tools. openssl encryption stuff. What else. Hmmmmm... stuff like that.

I do alot of tech support free lance.

No need to be mad just cause you didn't grow any chest hair yet.

>encrypted container using 99% of the flash drive
>leave the remaining 1% for portable veracrypt and a "if found please return it to user McAnon.txt" file.

make a live gentoo usb

thank you for your reply

My dik pix.

You're welcome.


the loli folder

post more shirtless pics

Flash drives are for pedos
the more u kno

put your cock on it and jizz over it
oh wait the fact you made that post suggests you already wank over stuff like that
pro tip: grow up you fat fucking whale

I have just got this thing myself. Ideas are most excellent.

t. Thaddius McMichael

You're hot OP, post nudes


I second this.

Wrong. Faggots.

this, it's good to have backup relief

Fat fuck

this is cringe as fugg


You have a nice hairy chest. Can I rub your hairy tummy and call you daddy?

Sorry man I'm no pedophile.

Virtualenvs are great

What the fuck am I looking at
Why is everyone attracted to this

Send more pics link us somewhere for the love of god daddy

The Mad That stated this was a "Joke"

>standalone VM ubuntu or bootable ubuntu?

Is this the new bear thread?

>a bootable Arch installation with all useful utilities installed
>SSH keys
>password database
>fill the remaining space with bear porn (properly encoded for a maximum number of high quality movies and pictures)

Bears are hot, back hair is not.

>tfw no bear bf

>ywn wake up next to a cute bear
why even live

Old men are gross.

did you just insult RMS?

>tfw thinkpad owning, linux using, emacs 6'1 220lbs bear
>no qt that wears programming socks to cuddle with
What's the best distro to fix this lads?


Tor websites stuff?

bears: yes
back hair: na

>Really just a VPN for school

Right in the feels.

>back hair: na

bears who shave their back hair have 100% more aesthetics, and thus have sexier bods. I need a bear to bounce on my dick while I program

I'd bounce on your dick user, provided you're hairy enough too.

Quite hairy. T-thanks user.

bears are for shit-tier faggots. I am pretty popular in /hm/ despite having zero icky hair.

Holy fuck user, I'd love to see you in programming socks and gym shorts. If you grew some hair, you'd have a top tier bear daddy programming body

Why do so many bears have high tier tech jobs? Is being manly some kind of common factor here?

manly = attractiveness + confidence = social skills = jobs

Yeah, I'm usually into twinks, not bears, but this is hot

>google search
>0 results
hnnnnghhh fuck me OP

thats how my chest looks too. i dont have a usb neclace however

do you have nude pics

>master RSA key
Absolute state of compromise

Please give us some pics. Cmon, be a real Sup Forumsood bro.

The fuck is this thread??! Why did have OP have to make everyone gay? What has Sup Forums come to?

>come to

>your point

> What has Sup Forums come to?
Two words nigger. Programming. Socks. Shit was gay long before you arrived.