
Thank you Russia for all the past sacrifices you've done for us on the Balkans edition.

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ce general de imbecili lol


Russia is love

Russia is life


good edition


Russian gave Makedonia back to the Turks to rape and plunder for 30 more years.

Russia only wanted to colonize and rape you more dear "Macedonians"

>/balk/ will now once again descend in a West-Russia civil war

Why did Russia "sacrifice" if not to expand to Constantinople and colonize the balkans the way they did Asian subhumans (tatars, mongols, uzbeks)?

Pls respond

to defend orthodoxy
do i have to remind you of the wests dealings with the turks?

Still better than having turk apologists posting here.


because they hoped they will have friends in the newly created countries

how little did they know of our subhuman ungrateful jealous nature

>to defend orthodoxy
They defended the shit out of us and georgians.
100% defended.

But user China is the future, not the West.

>do i have to remind you of the wests dealings with the turks?
Not to me.Russia fucked us over during peaceful times with gommunism and the west fucked us over in every war by supporting Dukey and keeping it alive.

Because Bismarck funded the pan-slavic movement in Russia to have a hot rod up the emperor's ass every time he tries to rebuilt and modernize the country.
Russia was kept backwards by german funded rioters constantly demanding that Russia defends the slavs on the Balkans, and Russia was thus forced into three wars with Turkey, two of which they lost since western Europe always supported the turks.
The only reason they won the last war was because of the Batak Massacre, which was popular in western newspapers, and thus the politicians were forced to withdraw support and leave the Ottomans alone.

China is far away, Rashka is practically next door. We should be more concerned about Mama Bear.

yes it was so good of the tsar to liberate us out of pure friendship

wasn't so great of him to tell us to fuck off after we wanted our clay though

>to defend orthodoxy
MUH RELIGION (that by the was was banned during soviet times and reintroduced as the biggest russian value through the ages after the fall of the USSR so it can be used on retarded plebs from Vardarska)

we are more fucked up in the current peaceful times than during communism

by every measure - demographics, HDI, GDP, it has been an unprecedented collapse

are you atheist or turk?

China quite literally can't provide water to all its people.
Not joking, look it up. Many people have no access to any water, and half the people drink polluted water.
There is negotiation about a deal to have Russia export water to China.

>the future
>can't provide fucking water

no, i just use my head.

the plebs from Vardarska are more Bulgarian than you are, even if they don't identify that way

sup serdar

People are living better now than during gommunism. The gommies built some infrastructure, but when it came to industry and international relationship, they fucked us truly and deeply.

Is the German Bulgarian on?

Demographics yes,everything else no.

oh and btw the bolshevik jews that controlled USSR hated Russians more than they did Bulgarians

its what you get when your economy forcefully rely on the soviet market only.

We don't even have a border with Russia, how is it next door?

turk obviously

will anyone see the suicide squad movie?

That is true, the Russian position on religion is immensely hypocritical.


How is this related to 19th century nationalism pol brain?

just what we need - more retarded russophiles...

Don't let my dad hear you, because there were HUUUUUGE factories, and they were forcefully made to go bankrupt by american spies, I tells you!
Huge factories, HUUUUUGE, like cities big, and they produced the finest goods in the world, straight for the Moscow aristocracy, HUGE factories.
And of course next comes the meme about americans stealing out gold.

Greeks are Turks who think they're Italians

>300km Varna-Sevastopol

you mean turning us into commie shitholes?

Nice meme, user, but it doesn't disprove my post.
China can't assure its population has water to drink.
Even Macedonia can provide water and air, and China has no water, and shit air.

Won't. I have the same at home, but thankfully i'm redpilling him from time to time.

This desu

T*rkdogs need not apply.

I used to try this, but then he would bring the counter argument that I am young, thus wrong, and he is old, thus correct.

The east is shit

because they mentioned communist rejection of religion as something the average russian wanted

>And of course next comes the meme about americans stealing out gold.

It's actually Canadians, not that it matters to you.

He is right. Young people are retarded. Hopefully you will come to appreciate him with time once you wise up.

Support DC lads

why are you replying to me then

100% Bulgarian here

iktf, but here's the catch: my grandma told him i'm 100% correct, so he can't counterargument that with "u 2 yng piece of shit, u kno nuffin" anymore

I'm likely older than you though. 27 next month.
Yes, 27 is "too young to be right", even when I bring facts and citations.

if the movie is good i'll go and see it

Economically, yes, for now.
West is economically superior (at the present time) but on a slow but steady decline in all other spheres of life.

>russia liberated this region, we'd still be turks if not for them..
Do you think we have a homeland? God forbid! As for me I do not know very well who we are. Turks are we? Are we Russians? We are told that we are vassals of Turkey and Russia's proteges. What it means to be muntean or Moldovan? Here are more than a hundred years of trying to get rid of the Turks and for this we turned to the Russians. That hope meant patriotism. Today we have recovered from this illusion, we do not love the Russians, and the day they will become our masters they will become worse than Turks. We await something else...
conversation with an old boyar
M. Saint-Marc Girardin, Souvenirs de voyages et d’études, Paris, 1852-1853.

I watched it from Zamunda, it was absolute shit. I like the one with x-men mutants better.

>what is tibet
source of all the great rivers in asia

The Himalayas are getting less and less rainfall and snowfall each year. Things are not rosy in Asia.

>something the average russian wanted
that's the point - the average russian might want whatever, but they will get what the government say they will get. And you adore these retarded sheeps, that willingly gave up everything (including their lives) for the few patricians ruling them.

>what is drilling thousands of kilometers of canals through the largest mountain cluster on the planet

The north, near Russia, is dying of thirst.
As I said, look it up. Don't just post out of your ass.

>demographics, HDI, GDP, it has been an unprecedented collapse

statistics please?

They should start working on lowering their population numbers. But their rich will not let that pass since they will have to downsize their business.


În adevăr numai sârbii să tacă cu asemenea mustrări și înfruntări scoase asupra românilor, ei numai să tacă și grecii, atât pentru că oricare din acești trei s-ar mustra de orbie, ar vorbi orbul cătră orb, și oricare s-ar mustra de fapte rele, ar fi mustrarea tâlharilor pironiți pe cruci, cu acea osebire numai, că românii de una mie ani încoace avură pe greci de dascali, iar de vreo 400 și anume în Bănat de vreo 140 ani și pe sârbi tot de dascăli; apoi Dv. știți, ori ați putea ști prea bine, că nimini nu pătrunde așa ager păcatele și nebuniile dascalilor ca tocma învățăceii lor, mai curând ori mai târziu, nu mult ne pasă astădată. E vorbă de bețiile românilor? Toți călătorii observară, că mulțime de oameni bețivi nu se află în toată Europa pre câți se află la popoarele slavone. Cine brea vinarsul cu oala, dacă nu sârbul și rușneacul? Cine bea rumul și spirtul cel mai tare ca și cum ar bea lapte? Slavo-muscalul. Cine se bate cu băltage și cu topoară pe supt Carpați, după ce îi supune beția? Slavonii. Cine-și vinde holda nesecerată la evrei pe vinars? Slavo-polonii. Carii zac morți de beți supt corturi pe țermii Dunării (1830-35)? Fruntașii serbiani. Din contră toți călătorii neinteresați mărturisesc într-un glas, că la românii Țărei Românești, neamestecați cu alte popoară, neamăgiți până acum de eftinătatea vinarsului care încă nu se ferbe tocma în măsură așa fioroasă ca pe airea, bețiile sânt cel puțin înzecit mai rare decât pe airea. //


>export water

China did that, they had a one-child policy for 40 years, only recently relaxed. India keeps growing.

They should bring those policies back.

>It's actually Canadians, not that it matters to you.
reading Volen's pamphlets i see?

>be canadian gold digging company
>come to bulgaria to dig gold
>bring tech we would never have
>pay the taxes to the country
>get employees from the poorest region of the country and give them work
>start making money
fucking retard i really wish some day you get extinct

>le shitposting gypsy post
We have treaties with Greece concerning the minimum amount of water they must receive by way of the two big rivers that flow from here to there.

Yes, if the deal goes through Russia will be paid billions to build a canal from its Asian lakes to North China. For water.

he's underage from burgas calling everyone Serdar, my flagfag friend
don't try to argue with the kids in here.

I am still waiting for Volen to start developing the gold mines and make minimal pension 1000 leva.

I always thought Serdar the cringy redditor kid was from Silistra...

Don't let the myths get to you nigga, the west has never been in better shape and the rest of the world is at it's mercy. The east is a fucking perma shithole. NO you don't want to live in China. Even when they get their shit together (Korea, Japan) they're still not human.

>not waiting for the same + free tablet for every children from Barekov
you are not even reading the political programs, right :^)

He uses "we" and often calls me Serdar, even when 2 post before that i pointed out i'm the well known oldfag of /balk/.
I cringe every time he does that. Feels like i'm on a BSP counter-protest for whatever.

What are some sites/books on our history(all of it)that goes deeper and are not biased.Would be even better if they have multiple theories on historical facts etc.





DESTROYED THE √√√ s*viets √√√

REMOVED THE √√√ n*zis √√√

FUCKED UP THE √√√ imp*rial j*pan √√√





THE √√√ UNITED √√√ STATES √√√ OF √√√√√√√√√ AMERICA √√√√√√√√√

t. Serdar the pee in pants subhuman

just watch history.bg on BNT each monday night, nigger

what are u talking about, muslims rape german women in organized gangs and germans take it like cucks, west is done

Implying that's not true retard. If americans didn't work cia around the clock to get you on the good side your north would've been Yugoslav and the south Soviet. Your whole country would've been commie block ridden with zero tourism bucks, subsidies and business.

>the west has never been in better shape and the rest of the world is at it's mercy
The user you replied to but I'll wait what's the response to as an assessment of your perception of reality.

Yes, gold has never been mined in Bulgaria before Dundy came.

And they give some bread to the peasants who mine the gold and give it to them, I guess that changes everything

This country is done for.


√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ FUCK SOVIETS
√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ONLY AMERICA AAAAAAAAAAAA √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√

Russians. R8 my speaking. I literally began learning 5 days ago:

>not biased
>just watch this watered down biased version
really makes you think...

wrong thread

Yeah the US sells them water also

What's the bias there, friendo? They invite different people to discuss a topic. Sometimes those people disagree.


>tfw a confused amerilard wonders in your thread
Are you lost son?

R8 my accent Boris:

This is because they're marxist cucks of course (they do have minor violent resistance dont doubt that), but Germany as a state has literally capped economic potential, like it's so successful it couldn't be more successful. Americans and Australians still hold strong despite demographic shifts, not all western cunts are the same.

it's not har'sho, it's harasho

Because they are more likely biased in some way or another why would they get a tv spot otherwise and1 hour is pretty much nothing.